2000-11-30 17:09
Rev.: 26
74 lines of code changed in 3 files:
Makefile (+1)
Makefile (new 27),
genomdat.cxx (+46 -41)
2000-11-30 14:22
Rev.: 25
96 lines of code changed in 1 file:
genomdat.cxx (new 96)
2000-11-30 14:17
Rev.: 24
6 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2000-11-24 19:31
Rev.: 23
40 lines of code changed in 1 file:
mp_results.fig (+40 -31)
2000-11-24 19:23
Rev.: 22
6 lines of code changed in 1 file:
AW_xfig.cxx (+6 -3)
2000-11-24 19:23
Rev.: 21
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
generate_all_links (+1)
2000-11-24 19:23
Rev.: 20
6 lines of code changed in 1 file:
probe_design.cxx (+6)
2000-11-24 19:06
Rev.: 19
5 lines of code changed in 2 files:
Makefile (+4),
nt_date.h (+1 -1)
2000-11-24 19:03
Rev.: 18
259 lines of code changed in 4 files:
MP_Window.cxx (+4),
MP_externs.hxx (+1),
MP_noclass.cxx (+253 -241),
MP_sonde.cxx (+1 -1)
2000-11-24 19:01
Rev.: 17
15 lines of code changed in 2 files:
AWT_tree_cb.cxx (+2 -4),
awt_tree_cb.hxx (+13 -4)
2000-11-24 19:01
Rev.: 16
83 lines of code changed in 1 file:
mkptypes.c (+83 -11)
2000-11-24 19:00
Rev.: 15
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2000-11-24 16:25
Rev.: 14
0 lines of code changed in 2 files:
arb_ntree.errs (del),
awt_tree_cb.hxx (del)
2000-11-24 14:15
Rev.: 13
2 lines of code changed in 2 files:
Makefile (+1 -1)
Makefile (+1 -1)
2000-11-23 18:32
Rev.: 12
6 lines of code changed in 1 file:
2000-11-23 18:26
Rev.: 11
0 lines of code changed in 1 file:
generate_all_links (-1)
2000-11-23 18:12
Rev.: 10
4 lines of code changed in 4 files:
Makefile (+1 -1)
nt_date.h (+1 -1)
Makefile (+1 -1)
Makefile (+1 -1)
2000-11-23 18:06
Rev.: 9
205 lines of code changed in 2 files:
generate_all_links (del)
generate_all_links (new 205)
2000-11-23 17:06
Rev.: 8
62 lines of code changed in 1 file:
generate_all_links (+62 -2)
2000-11-23 13:07
Rev.: 7
177 lines of code changed in 1 file:
generate_all_links (+177 -1)
2000-11-23 12:41
Rev.: 6
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
generate_all_links (new 1)
2000-11-23 11:41
Rev.: 2
407452 lines of code changed in 1506 files:
Makefile (new 705),
README (new 49),
arb_ntree.errs (new),
awt_tree_cb.hxx (new),
config.makefile (new 6),
load (new),
log (new),
timestamp (new),
zcat (new)
Makefile (new 60),
aisc.c (new 551),
aisc.h (new 123),
aisc_commands.c (new 981),
aisc_mix.c (new 345),
aisc_proto.h (new 85),
aisc_var_ref.c (new 243)
Makefile (new 32),
keys.README (new 74),
pb_com.aisc (new 151)
Makefile (new 92),
aisc.pa (new 168),
aisc_com.pa (new 240),
aisc_debug_globals.pa (new 104),
aisc_global.pa (new 285),
aisc_server.pa (new 987),
keys.README (new 77)
ad_varargs.h (new 1),
aisc_extern.c (new 58),
aisc_extern_privat.h (new 28),
aisc_func_types.h (new 24),
aisc_server.h (new 30),
client.c (new 968),
client.h (new 43),
client_privat.h (new 46),
debug.c (new 123),
server.c (new 1371),
server.h (new 59),
struct_man.c (new 407),
struct_man.h (new 39)
Makefile (new 25),
mkptypes.c (new 1019),
mkptypes.h (new),
patchlev.h (new 16)
Makefile (new 22),
careful.c (new 40),
careful.h (new 1),
embl-tabl.c (new 380),
fasta-tabl.c (new 320),
gb-tabl.c (new 227),
gdbmgenes.h (new 27),
getopt.c (new 402),
getopt.h (new 73),
getopt1.c (new 180),
hash.c (new 71),
hash.h (new 2),
io_arbdb.c (new 221),
lenstring.c (new 220),
lenstring.h (new 65),
ring.h (new 18),
tabl-embl.c (new 139),
tabl-fasta.c (new 185),
tabl-gb.c (new 359),
xmalloc.c (new 44),
xmalloc.h (new 13)
BI_helix.cxx (new 327),
BI_helix.hxx (new 52),
Makefile (new 89),
a3.cxx (new 162),
a3_ali.cxx (new 102),
a3_ali.hxx (new 70),
a3_arbdb.cxx (new 127),
a3_arbdb.hxx (new 53),
a3_basen.c (new 100),
a3_basen.h (new 44),
a3_bihelix.cxx (new 254),
a3_bihelix.hxx (new 54),
a3_darray.cxx (new 274),
a3_darray.hxx (new 83),
a3_helix.cxx (new 329),
a3_helix.hxx (new 86),
a3_matrix.cxx (new 150),
a3_matrix.hxx (new 55),
a3_ptree.hxx (new 128),
a3_ptree1.cxx (new 465),
a3_ptree2.cxx (new 603),
a3_seq.cxx (new 321),
a3_seq.hxx (new 66),
a3_test_ptree.cxx (new 144),
a3_types.h (new 20),
ali_arbdb.cxx (new 63),
ali_arbdb.hxx (new 15),
postree.cxx (new 772)
AD_MOBJECTS.h (new 9),
Makefile (new 323),
Synchronized_Alignments.txt (new 54),
adReference.c (new 81),
adTest.c (new 247),
ad_core.c (new 873),
ad_load.c (new 1290),
ad_lpro.h (new 314),
ad_prot.h (new 330),
ad_save_load.c (new 1347),
ad_t_lpro.h (new 42),
ad_t_prot.h (new 134),
adcomm.c (new 2025),
adcompr.c (new 843),
adhash.c (new 694),
adindex.c (new 725),
adlang1.c (new 1077),
adlink.c (new 2),
adlmacros.h (new 584),
adlocal.h (new 537),
adlundo.h (new 52),
admalloc.c (new 197),
admap.c (new 154),
admap.h (new 21),
admath.c (new 32),
adoptimize.c (new 2496),
adperl.c (new 64),
adquery.c (new 816),
adregexp.h (new 548),
adseqcompr.c (new 648),
adseqcompr.h (new 1),
adsocket.c (new 868),
adsort.c (new 87),
adstring.c (new 2129),
adsystem.c (new 193),
adtables.c (new 225),
adtools.c (new 2687),
adtune.c (new 15),
adtune.h (new 23),
arbdb.c (new 652),
arbdb.h (new 342),
arbdb.icon (new),
arbdbpp.cxx (new 19),
arbdbt.h (new 80)
Makefile (new 2),
all_spec_names.c (new 24),
read_all_sequences.c (new 28),
rnanames.c (new 4),
write_all_species.c (new 9)
Makefile (new 289)
Makefile (new 101),
adali.cxx (new 183),
adextended.cxx (new 153),
admain.cxx (new 387),
adseq.cxx (new 1062),
adspecies.cxx (new 311),
adt_edit.cxx (new 1020),
adtali.cxx (new 163),
adtools.hxx (new 334),
adtsequence.cxx (new 123),
arbdb++.hxx (new 456),
liste.cxx (new 80)
Makefile (new 293)
AC_main.cxx (new 103),
AC_sequence.cxx (new 152),
AC_toys_n_tools.cxx (new 206),
AC_tree.cxx (new 786),
DEBUG_tools.cxx (new 62),
Makefile (new 75),
ac.hxx (new 230)
GDE.cxx (new 481),
GDE_FileIO.cxx (new 1099),
GDE_Genbank.cxx (new 477),
GDE_HGLfile.cxx (new 849),
GDE_ParseMenu.cxx (new 572),
GDE_arbdb_io.cxx (new 553),
GDE_def.h (new 244),
GDE_event.cxx (new 638),
GDE_extglob.h (new 144),
GDE_global.h (new 184),
GDE_menu.h (new 91),
Makefile (new 129),
gde.hxx (new 19)
Makefile (new 22),
demo.cxx (new 95),
demo.hxx (new 24)
AWT_asciiprint.cxx (new 429),
AWT_automata.cxx (new 40),
AWT_canio.cxx (new 470),
AWT_canvas.cxx (new 774),
AWT_codon_table.cxx (new 563),
AWT_csp.cxx (new 309),
AWT_dtree.cxx (new 1779),
AWT_file_selection.cxx (new 336),
AWT_filter.cxx (new 400),
AWT_imp_exp.cxx (new 89),
AWT_irstree.cxx (new 297),
AWT_iupac.cxx (new 234),
AWT_map_key.cxx (new 90),
AWT_nds.cxx (new 541),
AWT_nei.cxx (new 270),
AWT_pro_a_nucs.cxx (new 522),
AWT_query_and_functions.cxx (new 1019),
AWT_sel_boxes.cxx (new 691),
AWT_seq_colors.cxx (new 204),
AWT_seq_dna.cxx (new 196),
AWT_seq_protein.cxx (new 159),
AWT_seq_simple_pro.cxx (new 85),
AWT_species_sel_box.cxx (new 258),
AWT_tables.cxx (new 603),
AWT_tree.cxx (new 1663),
AWT_tree_cb.cxx (new 457),
AWT_tree_cmp.cxx (new 348),
AWT_www.cxx (new 168),
BI_helix.cxx (new 18),
BI_helix.hxx (new 77),
Makefile (new 402),
awt.hxx (new 269),
awt_asciiprint.hxx (new 41),
awt_assert.hxx (new 10),
awt_automata.hxx (new 31),
awt_canvas.hxx (new 177),
awt_codon_table.hxx (new 69),
awt_csp.hxx (new 66),
awt_dtree.hxx (new 121),
awt_imp_exp.hxx (new 7),
awt_irstree.hxx (new),
awt_iupac.hxx (new 24),
awt_map_key.hxx (new 18),
awt_nds.hxx (new 17),
awt_nei.hxx (new 53),
awt_preset.hxx (new 7),
awt_pro_a_nucs.hxx (new 68),
awt_seq_colors.hxx (new 50),
awt_seq_dna.hxx (new 22),
awt_seq_protein.hxx (new 20),
awt_seq_simple_pro.hxx (new 25),
awt_tree.hxx (new 380),
awt_tree_cb.hxx (new 32),
awt_tree_cmp.hxx (new 50),
awt_www.hxx (new 10),
awtfilter.hxx (new 28),
awtlocal.hxx (new 114)
AWTC_ClustalV.cxx (new 1228),
AWTC_constructSequence.cxx (new 691),
AWTC_export.cxx (new 241),
AWTC_fast_aligner.cxx (new 2496),
AWTC_import.cxx (new 752),
AWTC_names_admin.cxx (new 41),
AWTC_next_neighbours.cxx (new 170),
AWTC_rename.cxx (new 5),
AWTC_seq_search.cxx (new 299),
AWTC_submission.cxx (new 305),
Makefile (new 166),
awtc_ClustalV.hxx (new 8),
awtc_assert.hxx (new 10),
awtc_constructSequence.hxx (new 12),
awtc_exp_local.hxx (new 15),
awtc_export.hxx (new 19),
awtc_fast_aligner.hxx (new 43),
awtc_imp_local.hxx (new 58),
awtc_import.hxx (new 8),
awtc_names_client.hxx (new 1),
awtc_next_neighbours.hxx (new 37),
awtc_rename.hxx (new 4),
awtc_seq_search.hxx (new 557),
awtc_submission.hxx (new 7)
rdp_boot.header (new)
CAT_tree.cxx (new 275),
Makefile (new 27),
cat_tree.hxx (new 87)
CT_ctree.cxx (new 82),
CT_ctree.hxx (new 11),
CT_dtree.cxx (new 63),
CT_dtree.hxx (new 2),
CT_hash.cxx (new 220),
CT_hash.hxx (new 18),
CT_mem.cxx (new 21),
CT_mem.hxx (new 2),
CT_ntree.cxx (new 237),
CT_ntree.hxx (new 24),
CT_part.cxx (new 287),
CT_part.hxx (new 25),
CT_rbtree.cxx (new 119),
CT_rbtree.hxx (new 14),
Makefile (new 61),
help.cxx (new 8)
Makefile (new 80),
alma.c (new 659),
convert.h (new 157),
date.c (new 278),
embl.c (new 1391),
fconv.c (new 237),
gcg.c (new 227),
genbank.c (new 1190),
global.h (new 15),
macke.c (new 757),
main.c (new 304),
mg.c (new 1143),
paup.c (new 291),
phylip.c (new 254),
printable.c (new 263),
prototypes.h (new 220),
routines.c (new 55),
swissprot.c (new 821),
truncate.c (new 25),
util.c (new 474),
vaxdate.c (new 299)
Makefile (new 21),
db_server.cxx (new 76)
Makefile (new 180),
PH_compress_matrix.cxx (new 151),
PH_dna_shamos.cxx (new 22),
PH_main.cxx (new 74),
PH_matr.cxx (new 72),
PH_mldist.cxx (new 329),
PH_protdist.cxx (new 801),
PH_save_matr.cxx (new 111),
PH_seq_pars.cxx (new 168),
PH_view_matrix.cxx (new 457),
dist.hxx (new 34),
distanalyse.cxx (new 107),
ph_matr.hxx (new 106),
ph_mldist.hxx (new),
ph_protdist.hxx (new 83),
ph_view_matrix.hxx (new 53)
dummy.h (new)
Makefile (new 69),
ed_conf.cxx (new 613),
ed_conf.hxx (new 10),
edit.cxx (new 2386),
edit.hxx (new 272),
edit_naligner.cxx (new 52),
edit_naligner.hxx (new),
edit_tools.cxx (new 814)
ED4_base.cxx (new 1610),
ED4_block.cxx (new 897),
ED4_cursor.cxx (new 1587),
ED4_edit_string.cxx (new 1191),
ED4_list.cxx (new 128),
ED4_main.cxx (new 579),
ED4_manager.cxx (new 2291),
ED4_members.cxx (new 408),
ED4_mini_classes.cxx (new 1142),
ED4_nds.cxx (new 263),
ED4_no_class.cxx (new 2299),
ED4_root.cxx (new 1812),
ED4_search.cxx (new 1691),
ED4_secedit.cxx (new 27),
ED4_terminal.cxx (new 1584),
ED4_text_terminals.cxx (new 428),
ED4_tools.cxx (new 52),
ED4_window.cxx (new 732),
EDB_root_bact.cxx (new 587),
Makefile (new 340),
config_beschr.txt (new 43),
ed4_awars.hxx (new 210),
ed4_block.hxx (new 35),
ed4_class.hxx (new 1771),
ed4_defs.hxx (new 414),
ed4_edit_string.hxx (new 63),
ed4_nds.hxx (new 6),
ed4_objects.hxx (new 42),
ed4_search.hxx (new 155),
ed4_secedit.hxx (new 2),
ed4_tools.hxx (new 17)
Makefile (new 21),
d_sign.cxx (new 9),
eispack.cxx (new 17704),
eispack.f (new 11444),
f2c.h (new 215),
rg.html (new 68)
Makefile (new 49)
Makefile (new 50),
amenu.c (new 2054),
clustalv.c (new 160),
clustalv.h (new 40),
gcgcheck.c (new 17),
general.h (new 43),
matrices.h (new 68),
myers.c (new 539),
sequence.c (new 336),
showpair.c (new 476),
trees.c (new 679),
upgma.c (new 241),
util.c (new 257)
Makefile (new 91),
alnscore.c (new 114),
amenu.c (new 1296),
calcgapcoeff.c (new 497),
calcprf1.c (new 99),
calcprf2.c (new 73),
calctree.c (new 988),
clustalw.c (new 119),
clustalw.h (new 246),
clustalw_help.h (new),
dayhoff.h (new 45),
gcgcheck.c (new 15),
general.h (new 50),
interface.c (new 3823),
malign.c (new 654),
matrices.h (new 854),
pairalign.c (new 615),
param.h (new 362),
prfalign.c (new 1131),
random.c (new 81),
readmat.c (new 477),
sequence.c (new 1373),
showpair.c (new 486),
trees.c (new 1514),
util.c (new 405)
BasicDisplay.c (new 60),
BuiltIn.c (new 23),
ChooseFile.c (new 15),
CutCopyPaste.c (new 22),
DrawNA.c (new 2),
Edit.c (new 8),
EventHandler.c (new 11),
FileIO.c (new 39),
Free.c (new 5),
Genbank.c (new 10),
HGLfile.c (new 9),
Makefile (new 174),
ParseMenu.c (new 482),
Scroll.c (new 5),
arbdb_io.c (new 17),
defines.h (new 3),
functions.h (new 25),
globals.h (new 4),
icon_gde.bitmap (new),
main.c (new 6),
menudefs.h (new 11)
Makefile (new 14),
fastDNAml_1_0.h (new),
fastDNAml_1_0_4.c (new),
fastdnaml.c (new)
Alloc.c (new 10),
Consto01mask.c (new),
DotPlotTool.c (new 90),
HGLfuncs.c (new),
MAP_ChooseFile.c (new 17),
MakeCons.c (new 8),
Makefile (new 109),
PrintStrat.c (new),
Translate.c (new 4),
global_defs.h (new 3),
heapsortHGL.c (new),
mapview.c (new 100),
plot.icon (new)
Draw.c (new 16),
Makefile (new 53),
ReadData.c (new 2),
Window.c (new 25),
WriteData.c (new 2),
globals.h (new),
loop.h (new),
main.c (new 4),
menu.c (new 6)
Dpstree.c (new),
Makefile (new 495),
Ndistan.c (new),
Njdist.c (new),
Nmlklhd.c (new),
Nseqstat.c (new),
Ntranprb.c (new),
Nucml.c (new 2),
Nucst.c (new 1),
Nuctpm.c (new 2),
Prottpm.c (new 2),
abratio.c (new),
altree.c (new 845),
distan.c (new 1183),
distproc.c (new),
dyhfjtt.c (new 174),
getseq.c (new 453),
matrixut.c (new 357),
matrixut.h (new 77),
mlklhd.c (new 2178),
mltree.c (new 1731),
molphy.h (new 31),
mtrev22.c (new),
mtrev24.c (new 135),
mygetopt.c (new 65),
njmtree.c (new 360),
njproc.c (new),
njtree.c (new 487),
nucproc.c (new),
optimtpm.c (new),
prot_tml.h (new 1),
protml.c (new 1283),
protml.h (new 355),
protproc.c (new 160),
protst.c (new 1),
protst.h (new),
prtree.c (new 283),
pstree.c (new 345),
qltree.c (new 370),
seqproc.c (new 263),
seqstat.c (new),
sltree.c (new 1027),
totalml.c (new),
totalml.h (new),
tranprb.c (new 1433),
tridist.c (new),
tridist.h (new),
triproc.c (new)
ali2mol.pl (new 80),
clus2mol.pl (new 64),
degene4.pl (new 120),
degene4l.pl (new 120),
disjoint.pl (new 60),
dna2ami.pl (new 125),
eali2mol.pl (new 98),
egetcds.pl (new 69),
getcds.pl (new 72),
ggetcds.pl (new 74),
inf2mol.pl (new 92),
infocode.pl (new 206),
infocode2.pl (new 182),
int2mol.pl (new 72),
mc2mol.pl (new 70),
mega2mol.pl (new 65),
mol2inf.pl (new 72),
mol2int.pl (new 60),
mol2mol.pl (new 59),
mol2phy.pl (new 61),
mol2seq.pl (new 83),
molcat.pl (new 81),
molcodon.pl (new 98),
molcons.pl (new 79),
molcut.pl (new 77),
molinfo.pl (new 106),
mollist.pl (new 57),
molmerge.pl (new 90),
molrev.pl (new 60),
molsplit.pl (new 55),
must2mol.pl (new 63),
njt2tpl.pl (new 9),
nuc2NUC.pl (new 62),
nuc2code.pl (new 65),
nuc2ptn.pl (new 154),
phy2mol.pl (new 60),
rmid3.pl (new 98),
rminsdel.pl (new 144),
rmleu.pl (new 120),
rmsyno.pl (new 137),
seq2mol.pl (new 75),
seqwrap.pl (new 15)
Makefile (new 188),
clique.c (new 1719),
coallike.c (new),
consense.c (new 1399),
contml.c (new 1902),
contrast.c (new 779),
dnacomp.c (new 2299),
dnadist.c (new 1346),
dnainvar.c (new 1127),
dnaml.c (new 1286),
dnaml2.c (new 1435),
dnamlk.c (new 1318),
dnamlk2.c (new 1569),
dnamove.c (new 2277),
dnapars.c (new 2230),
dnapenny.c (new 1913),
dollop.c (new 2052),
dolmove.c (new 2342),
dolpenny.c (new 1677),
drawgram.c (new 1003),
drawgraphics.c (new 2205),
drawgraphics.h (new 59),
drawtree.c (new 1189),
factor.c (new 646),
fitch.c (new 1892),
gendist.c (new 462),
interface.c (new 538),
interface.h (new 42),
kitsch.c (new 1559),
makeinf.c (new 682),
mix.c (new 1046),
mix2.c (new 1322),
move.c (new 2483),
neighbor.c (new 1080),
p2c.h (new),
p2clib.c (new),
penny.c (new 1922),
phylip.h (new 180),
protdist.c (new 1608),
protml.c (new),
protpars.c (new 2361),
restml.c (new 1060),
restml2.c (new 1528),
retree.c (new 2381),
seqboot.c (new 956),
vaxfix.c (new 50)
CAP2.c (new 2304),
Flatio.c (new 168),
Makefile (new 61),
PrintContig.c (new 70),
Restriction.c (new 130),
Zuk_to_gen.c (new 105),
count.c (new 417),
findall.c (new 126),
lsadt.c (new 1347),
sho_helix.c (new 87),
varpos.c (new 85)
ARB_GDEmenus (new 28),
ARB_GDEmenus.i (new),
ARB_GDEmenus.source (new 47),
CAP2.help (new),
DotPlotTool.help (new),
FASTA.help (new),
GDE2.2_manual_postscript (new 6324),
GDE2.2_manual_text (new 1813),
GDEmenus (new 19),
LoopTool.help (new),
MFOLD.help (new),
MakeCons.help (new),
PrintStrat.help (new),
Restriction.help (new),
arbgdemnus_13_01_97.tar.gz (new),
blast.help (new),
blast3.help (new),
clustal_help (new),
clustalw.help (new),
findall.help (new),
heapsortHGL.help (new),
lsadt.help (new),
new_sequence.help (new),
phylip.help (new),
print_alignment.help (new),
readseq.help (new),
save_selection.help (new),
sho_helix.help (new)
enzymes (new 9)
gbrna.seq (new 1500)
altdiag.mat (new 30),
altprot.mat (new 30),
codaa.mat (new 30),
dna.mat (new 22),
idnaa.mat (new 30),
idpaa.mat (new 27),
pam120.mat (new 29),
pam250.mat (new 29),
prot.mat (new 31)
ARB_GDEmenus (new 20),
align.menu (new 172),
blast.menu (new),
blastp.menu (new),
desoete.menu (new 36),
dna_rna.menu (new 4),
dnamlrates.menu (new 13),
export.menu (new 30),
fastdnaml.menu (new 20),
import.menu (new 27),
inc_fastdnaml.menu (new 25),
molphy.menu (new 42),
phylip_dist.menu (new 66),
phylip_dist_org.menu (new 31),
phylip_help.menu (new 47),
phylip_pars.menu (new 39),
pretty_print.menu (new 79),
protein.menu (new 2),
seq_management.menu (new 1),
start_arb.menu (new 10),
warning.menu (new 10)
boot.doc (new),
clique.doc (new),
coallike.doc (new),
consense.doc (new),
contchar.doc (new),
contml.doc (new),
contrast.doc (new),
discrete.doc (new),
distance.doc (new),
dnaboot.doc (new),
dnacomp.doc (new),
dnadist.doc (new),
dnainvar.doc (new),
dnaml.doc (new),
dnamlk.doc (new),
dnamove.doc (new),
dnapars.doc (new),
dnapenny.doc (new),
dollop.doc (new),
dolmove.doc (new),
dolpenny.doc (new),
draw.doc (new),
drawgram.doc (new),
drawtree.doc (new),
factor.doc (new),
fastdnaml.doc (new),
fitch.doc (new),
gendist.doc (new),
kitsch.doc (new),
main.doc (new),
makeinf.doc (new),
mix.doc (new),
move.doc (new),
neighbor.doc (new),
penny.doc (new),
protdist.doc (new),
protml.doc (new),
protpars.doc (new),
restml.doc (new),
retree.doc (new),
seqboot.doc (new),
sequence.doc (new)
Makefile (new)
MG_alignment.cxx (new 438),
MG_checkfield.cxx (new 347),
MG_extendeds.cxx (new 238),
MG_main.cxx (new 365),
MG_names.cxx (new 42),
MG_species.cxx (new 1204),
MG_trees.cxx (new 216),
Makefile (new 96),
merge.hxx (new 53),
mg_merge.hxx (new 17)
MP_Generation.cxx (new 381),
MP_GenerationDuplicates.cxx (new 53),
MP_Window.cxx (new 542),
MP_externs.hxx (new 37),
MP_list.cxx (new 145),
MP_main.cxx (new 128),
MP_mo_liste.cxx (new 219),
MP_noclass.cxx (new 985),
MP_permute.cxx (new 231),
MP_probe.cxx (new 327),
MP_probe.hxx (new 219),
MP_probe_combi_statistic.cxx (new 374),
MP_probe_tabs.cxx (new 70),
MP_sonde.cxx (new 410),
MP_sondentopf.cxx (new 424),
Makefile (new 200),
MultiProbe.hxx (new 395),
SoTl.hxx (new 1091),
mpdefs.h (new 91)
Makefile (new 205),
ali.hxx (new 14),
ali_aligner.cxx (new 1490),
ali_aligner.hxx (new 415),
ali_arbdb.cxx (new 205),
ali_arbdb.hxx (new 45),
ali_arbdb_client.hxx (new 19),
ali_genseq.hxx (new 53),
ali_global.cxx (new 396),
ali_global.hxx (new 42),
ali_main.cxx (new 389),
ali_misc.hxx (new 201),
ali_other_stuff.hxx (new 15),
ali_pathmap.cxx (new 336),
ali_pathmap.hxx (new 52),
ali_postree.cxx (new 537),
ali_postree.hxx (new 153),
ali_preali.hxx (new 49),
ali_prealigner.cxx (new 1461),
ali_prealigner.hxx (new 302),
ali_profile.cxx (new 771),
ali_profile.hxx (new 340),
ali_pt.cxx (new 402),
ali_pt.hxx (new 83),
ali_pt_client.hxx (new 19),
ali_sec_structure.hxx (new 35),
ali_sequence.cxx (new 154),
ali_sequence.hxx (new 92),
ali_solution.cxx (new 567),
ali_solution.hxx (new 191),
ali_tarray.hxx (new 69),
ali_tlist.cxx (new 221),
ali_tlist.hxx (new 406),
ali_tstack.hxx (new 63)
Makefile (new 29),
names.cxx (new 534),
names.h (new 15),
names_client.c (new 55),
names_debug.c (new),
nd.makefile (new)
Makefile (new 23),
aisc_include.header (new),
names.aisc (new 85),
names_extern.c (new 44)
Makefile (new),
nil_pal.f (new),
nil_simrank.f (new),
pal_cmdlin.inc (new),
pal_deflts.inc (new),
pal_params.inc (new),
pal_res_eqv.inc (new),
pal_settings.inc (new),
pal_stacks.inc (new),
sim_cmdlin.inc (new),
sim_deflts.inc (new),
sim_params.inc (new),
sim_res_eqv.inc (new)
AP_consensus.cxx (new 1039),
AP_cprofile.cxx (new 1797),
AP_csp_2_gnuplot.cxx (new 192),
AP_pos_var_pars.cxx (new 359),
ETC_check_gcg.cxx (new 248),
Makefile (new 320),
NT_cb.cxx (new 122),
NT_edconf.cxx (new 559),
NT_extern.cxx (new 1209),
NT_import.cxx (new 31),
NT_ins_col.cxx (new 99),
NT_join.cxx (new 164),
NT_main.cxx (new 318),
NT_sort.cxx (new 235),
ad_ali.cxx (new 319),
ad_ali.hxx (new),
ad_ext.cxx (new 266),
ad_ext.hxx (new),
ad_fields.cxx (new 150),
ad_spec.cxx (new 816),
ad_spec.hxx (new 16),
ad_transpro.cxx (new 751),
ad_trees.cxx (new 553),
ad_trees.hxx (new 3),
ap_consensus.hxx (new 4),
ap_csp_2_gnuplot.hxx (new 18),
ap_pos_var_pars.hxx (new 33),
etc_check_gcg.hxx (new 2),
nt_cb.hxx (new 36),
nt_date.h (new 1),
nt_edconf.hxx (new 6),
nt_import.hxx (new 2),
nt_join.hxx (new 1),
nt_sort.hxx (new 6),
ntree.hxx (new 37)
Makefile (new 171),
ORS_C_PT.cxx (new 10),
ORS_C_html.cxx (new 54),
ORS_C_java.cxx (new 542),
ORS_C_java_main.cxx (new 1),
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ORS_C_main.cxx (new 24),
ORS_C_probe.cxx (new 70),
ORS_C_rtok.cxx (new),
ORS_C_scripts.cxx (new 262),
ORS_C_user.cxx (new 66),
ORS_lib.cxx (new 24),
ors_c.hxx (new),
ors_c_common.hxx (new),
ors_c_java.hxx (new),
ors_c_proto.hxx (new 6),
ors_lib.h (new)
Makefile (new 5),
ORS_lib.cxx (new 23),
aisc_include.header (new),
ors.aisc (new),
ors_extern.c (new)
Makefile (new 86),
ORS_S_cf.cxx (new 1),
ORS_S_java_main.cxx (new),
ORS_S_lib.cxx (new),
ORS_S_main.cxx (new 163),
ORS_S_probedb.cxx (new 36),
ORS_S_userdb.cxx (new 31),
ORS_lib.cxx (new 23),
ors_debug.c (new),
ors_lib.h (new),
ors_s.h (new),
ors_s_common.hxx (new),
ors_s_proto.hxx (new 3)
AP_buffer.cxx (new 284),
AP_buffer.hxx (new 180),
AP_error.hxx (new 20),
AP_main.cxx (new 222),
AP_tree_edge.cxx (new 1016),
AP_tree_nlen.cxx (new 1557),
GA_genetic.cxx (new 1033),
GA_genetic.hxx (new 126),
GA_main.cxx (new 234),
GA_window.cxx (new 127),
Makefile (new 157),
PARS_debug.cxx (new 18),
PARS_dtree.cxx (new 464),
PARS_klprops.cxx (new 92),
PARS_main.cxx (new 1476),
ap_tree_nlen.hxx (new 253),
pars_debug.hxx (new 6),
pars_dtree.hxx (new 19),
pars_main.hxx (new 12),
parsimony.hxx (new 59),
ph_seq_pars.hxx (new 16)
ARB.c (new 89),
ARB.pm (new 53),
ARB.xs (new),
ARB.xs.h (new),
ARB_ext.c (new 70),
DOC.html (new 543),
Makefile (new 87),
Makefile.PL (new),
SUN5.PL (new 14),
perlmain_source.c (new 81),
proto.h (new 1),
test.pl (new 30),
typemap (new 3)
arb_ptest_calc_gc_content.pl (new),
arb_ptest_create_new_species.pl (new),
arb_ptest_read_info_of_selected.pl (new),
arb_ptest_read_sequence_of_marked.pl (new)
Makefile (new 153),
PH_data.cxx (new 275),
PH_display.cxx (new 529),
PH_display.hxx (new 78),
PH_filt.cxx (new 423),
PH_filter.hxx (new 16),
PH_main.cxx (new 521),
PH_matr.cxx (new 198),
PH_root.cxx (new 11),
include.hxx (new 8),
ph_seq_pars.hxx (new 20),
phwin.hxx (new 14),
phylo.hxx (new 188)
Makefile (new 142),
PT_buildtree.cxx (new 388),
PT_etc.cxx (new 178),
PT_family.cxx (new 230),
PT_io.cxx (new 273),
PT_main.cxx (new 188),
PT_match.cxx (new 548),
PT_new_design.cxx (new 950),
PT_prefixtree.cxx (new 721),
PT_secundaer.cxx (new 8),
pd.makefile (new),
probe.h (new 173),
probe_debug.cxx (new 24),
probe_tree.hxx (new 431),
pt_prototypes.h (new 161)
Makefile (new 26),
PT.aisc (new 234),
PT_extern.c (new 49),
aisc_include.header (new),
keys.README (new 74)
Makefile (new 32),
probe_design.cxx (new 1604),
probe_design.hxx (new 28)
Makefile (new 23),
readseq.c (new 1150),
ureadasn.c (new 305),
ureadseq.c (new 1887),
ureadseq.h (new 165)
Makefile (new 97),
SEC_graphic.cxx (new 946),
SEC_io.cxx (new 445),
SEC_main.cxx (new 902),
SEC_paint.cxx (new 1317),
SEC_read.cxx (new 330),
SEC_split.cxx (new 683),
sec_graphic.hxx (new 164),
secedit.hxx (new 526)
Makefile (new 70),
SEER_arb.cxx (new 130),
SEER_connect.cxx (new 118),
SEER_debug.cxx (new),
SEER_interface.cxx (new 53),
SEER_main.cxx (new 157),
SEER_to_seer.cxx (new 276),
seer.hxx (new 32),
seer_interface.hxx (new 77)
Makefile (new 15),
servercntrl.c (new 188),
servercntrl.h (new 40)
arb (new 120),
arb_ale (new 18),
arb_clean (new 17),
arb_echo (new 12),
arb_fastdnaml (new 10),
arb_hindex (new 7),
arb_history (new 1),
arb_index (new 8),
arb_ludwig (new 18),
arb_oneach (new 6),
arb_panic (new 65),
arb_rwho (new 2),
arb_sleep (new 3),
arb_textedit (new 2),
arb_textprint (new 2),
arb_wait (new 3),
arb_who (new 7)
Makefile (new 64),
ST_ml.cxx (new 779),
ST_quality.cxx (new 237),
ST_window.cxx (new 193),
st_ml.hxx (new 160),
st_quality.hxx (new 27),
st_window.hxx (new 48)
D_awt_graphic_designer.cxx (new 67),
D_classes.cxx (new 61),
D_main.cxx (new 226),
Makefile (new 41),
d_awt_graphic_designer.hxx (new 18),
d_classes.hxx (new 40),
d_main.hxx (new 5),
test.cxx (new 70),
test.hxx (new 172),
test_pt_compress.cxx (new 974)
Makefile (new 3),
TB_extern.cxx (new 149),
TB_main.cxx (new 44),
tb_extern.hxx (new 6)
Makefile (new 1),
TB_extern.cxx (new 173),
TB_main.cxx (new 44),
tb_extern.hxx (new 10)
DNAml_rates_1_0.h (new 82),
DNAml_rates_doc.txt (new),
Makefile (new 225),
arb_2_ascii.cxx (new 36),
arb_2_bin.cxx (new 94),
arb_a2ps.c (new 1868),
arb_count_chars.cxx (new 113),
arb_dnarates.c (new 1993),
arb_export_rates.cxx (new 77),
arb_export_tree.cxx (new 39),
arb_jim.cxx (new 58),
arb_newick_2_otb.cxx (new 36),
arb_perf_test.cxx (new 71),
arb_primer.cxx (new 311),
arb_probe.cxx (new 378),
arb_proto_2_xsub.cxx (new 159),
arb_read_tree.cxx (new 83),
arb_replace.cxx (new 163),
arb_swap_rnastr.cxx (new 115),
arb_test.cxx (new 40)
Makefile (new 7),
base.c (new 52),
base.h (new 44),
defines.c (new 69),
defines.h (new 55),
frand.c (new 96),
frand.h (new 34),
readcfg.c (new 200),
readcfg.h (new 47),
rns.c (new 717),
rns.h (new 79),
sim.c (new 46),
simcfg.c (new 148),
simcfg.h (new 14),
spreadin.c (new 91),
spreadin.h (new 35)
Makefile (new 1),
TC_main.cxx (new 713),
tc.hxx (new 121)
Makefile (new 59),
tree_lib.cxx (new 1169),
tree_lib.hxx (new 22),
trs_hash.cxx (new 389),
trs_proto.h (new 42),
trs_server.cxx (new 224)
Makefile (new 27),
WETC_main.cxx (new 43)
AW_Xm.cxx (new 225),
AW_at.cxx (new 347),
AW_button.cxx (new 2427),
AW_click.cxx (new 243),
AW_device.cxx (new 772),
AW_nawar.cxx (new 570),
AW_preset.cxx (new 659),
AW_print.cxx (new 193),
AW_size.cxx (new 111),
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AW_window.cxx (new 2933),
AW_xfig.cxx (new 568),
AW_xfigfont.cxx (new 683),
AW_xfont.cxx (new 495),
AW_xkey.cxx (new 147),
Makefile (new 186),
aw_Xm.hxx (new 25),
aw_at.hxx (new 63),
aw_awar.hxx (new 92),
aw_awars.hxx (new 39),
aw_click.hxx (new 27),
aw_commn.hxx (new 57),
aw_device.hxx (new 324),
aw_keysym.hxx (new 50),
aw_nawar.hxx (new 29),
aw_preset.hxx (new 49),
aw_print.hxx (new 24),
aw_root.hxx (new 285),
aw_size.hxx (new 21),
aw_window.hxx (new 461),
aw_window_Xm.hxx (new 324),
aw_xfig.hxx (new 95),
aw_xfigfont.hxx (new 70),
aw_xfont.hxx (new 39),
aw_xkey.hxx (new 17)
Makefile (new 17)
a2ps.README (new 85)
admin (new),
arb_changes (new),
buglist (new),
dist_kurv.tct (new 5052),
extendeds (new 14),
files (new 33),
fopras (new),
help.comm (new 10),
history (new),
machine_compare (new),
old_2_new (new 93),
perftest (new),
pt_prof (new 173),
todo (new)
Imakefile (new),
Makefile (new 1),
alloc.h (new),
arrow.c (new),
bound.c (new),
drivers.h (new),
fig2dev.c (new),
fig2dev.h (new),
fig2ps2tex.script (new),
free.c (new),
getopt.c (new),
iso2tex.c (new),
latex_line.c (new),
object.h (new),
patchlevel.h (new),
pi.h (new),
pic2tpic.script (new),
psfonts.c (new),
read.c (new),
read1_3.c (new),
strstr.c (new)
Imakefile (new),
Makefile (new 1),
genbox.c (new),
genepic.c (new),
genibmgl.c (new),
genlatex.c (new),
genpic.c (new),
genpictex.c (new),
genps.c (new),
genpstex.c (new),
gentextyl.c (new),
gentpic.c (new),
picfonts.h (new),
picpsfonts.h (new),
psfonts.h (new),
setfigfont.c (new),
texfonts.c (new),
texfonts.h (new),
tpicfonts.h (new)
ARB.pm (new),
Makefile (new 30),
arb_tcp.dat (new 16),
arb_tcp_org.dat (new 53),
config.HP-UX (new),
config.IRIX (new),
config.Linux (new 8),
config.OSF1 (new),
config.SunOS (new 15),
macro.head (new 11)
gde_linux6.0.txt (new)
dist.arb (new 97),
edit.arb (new 392),
edit4.arb (new 526),
merge.arb (new 174),
ntree.arb (new 532),
pars.arb (new 92),
phyl.arb (new),
phylo.arb (new 305),
status.arb (new 6)
ae2.eft (new 3),
fasta.eft (new 4),
fastacompressed.eft (new),
gcg.eft (new 16),
genbank.eft (new 16),
genbank_list.eft (new 6),
paup.eft (new 3),
phylip.eft (new 3),
pir.eft (new 5)
ARB_NT.bitmap (new 27),
arb.bitmap (new 27)
ae2.ift (new 5),
dewachter.ift (new 77),
dnasis.ift (new 9),
ebi.ift (new),
ebi_multi.ift (new),
ebiwl.ift (new),
fasta.ift (new 19),
gcg_seq_only.ift (new 11),
gde.ift (new 19),
gde_flat.ift (new 19),
genbank.ift (new 52),
genbank_multi.ift (new 56),
genprot.ift (new 30),
licor_sequencer.ift (new 13),
licor_wl.ift (new 39),
licor_wl_new.ift (new 39),
nexus.ift (new 5),
nexus2.ift2 (new 19),
pir.ift (new 67),
rdp.ift (new 141),
universal_dna.ift (new 11),
universal_lower_case_dna.ift (new 11)
replamb.amc (new 2),
test.amc (new 10),
testwl.amc (new 2),
xopen.amc (new 15)
Makefile (new 4),
names.dat (new 46264)
ad_al_si.fig (new 10),
ad_align.fig (new 31),
ad_delof.fig (new 18),
ad_ext.fig (new 28),
ad_fcrea.fig (new 8),
ad_kreo.fig (new 13),
ad_mset.fig (new 23),
ad_query.fig (new 49),
ad_spec.fig (new 19),
ad_spec_nn.fig (new 22),
ad_spec_nnm.fig (new 18),
ad_table_admin.fig (new),
ad_table_fields.fig (new),
ad_tree.fig (new 47),
ad_tree_cmp.fig (new 32),
arb_intro.fig (new 38),
bug_report.fig (new 19),
calltexe.fig (new 15),
check_quality.fig (new 23),
di_cancel.fig (new 27),
di_ge_ma.fig (new 81),
duplicates.fig (new 191),
ed_al_ex.fig (new 22),
ed_al_sp.fig (new 81),
ed_align.fig (new 38),
ed_compl.fig (new 31),
ed_key.fig (new 14),
ed_repla.fig (new 37),
ed_searc.fig (new 33),
fontgfx.vfont (new 670),
fontgfx_request.fig (new 26),
gde2item.fig (new 40),
gde3item.fig (new 48),
gdeitem.fig (new 28),
help.fig (new 32),
inschar.fig (new 17),
join_species.fig (new 20),
load_box.fig (new 28),
logo.fig (new 18),
macro_message.fig (new 12),
macro_select.fig (new 23),
message.fig (new 10),
mp_results.fig (new 31),
multiprobe.fig (new 79),
nt_sort.fig (new 18),
optimize.fig (new 13),
pd_admin.fig (new 30),
pd_main.fig (new 46),
pd_match.fig (new 67),
pd_reslt.fig (new 12),
pd_spec.fig (new 42),
pg_select.fig (new 23),
ph_cancel.fig (new),
ph_ge_ma.fig (new 81),
s (new),
save_as.fig (new 47),
sec_imexport.fig (new 25),
sec_layout.fig (new 31),
sel_box.fig (new 47),
select_tree.fig (new),
sl_l_box.fig (new 17),
sl_s_box.fig (new 19),
stat_main.fig (new 10),
status.fig (new 17),
submiss.fig (new 23),
transdna.fig (new 20),
transpro.fig (new 25),
xfig.SAVE (new 22)
kernlin.fig (new 114)
align.fig (new 17),
ascii_print.fig (new 41),
col_statistic.fig (new 16),
export.fig (new 27),
export_db.fig (new 30),
filter.fig (new 40),
import_db.fig (new 24),
nds.fig (new 10),
nds_sel.fig (new 12),
parser.fig (new 42),
print.fig (new 42),
set_protection.fig (new 17),
srt_select.fig (new 16),
tree_settings.fig (new 12)
autoren.fig (new 15),
faligner.fig (new 52),
names_admin.fig (new 9)
calc.fig (new 31),
condense.fig (new 16),
csp_2_gnuplot.fig (new 28),
expert.fig (new 48),
main.fig (new 34),
parsimony.fig (new 22),
show.fig (new 12)
demo.fig (new 122),
demo1.fig (new 71),
demo2.fig (new 78),
demo3.fig (new 50),
demo_buttons_2.fig (new),
demo_buttons_3.fig (new 17),
demo_input.fig (new),
demo_input_2.fig (new),
demo_input_3.fig (new 29),
demo_label.fig (new),
demo_label_2.fig (new 30),
demo_label_3.fig (new 37),
demo_options.fig (new 45),
demo_options_2.fig (new 31),
demo_pictures.fig (new),
demo_pictures_2.fig (new 14),
demo_selections.fig (new),
demo_selections_2.fig (new),
demo_selections_3.fig (new 29),
demo_string.fig (new 22),
demo_string_2.fig (new),
demo_text.fig (new 41),
demo_text_2.fig (new),
demo_text_3.fig (new),
demo_toggles.fig (new),
demo_toggles_2.fig (new 31),
dm.fig (new 19)
choose_field.fig (new 14),
consensus.fig (new 337),
create_seq.fig (new 10),
create_seq_fc.fig (new 15),
editmenu.fig (new 130),
message.fig (new 12),
nds.fig (new 16),
options.fig (new 64),
replace.fig (new 16),
save_config.fig (new 16),
save_search.fig (new 25),
search.fig (new 72)
checkgcg.fig (new)
bc_bgprocess.fig (new 18),
bc_ccheck.fig (new 27),
bc_fa.fig (new 38),
bc_fat.fig (new),
bc_hydro.fig (new),
bc_noise.fig (new 25),
bc_overview.fig (new 16),
bc_ovrview.fig (new 23),
bc_plot.fig (new),
bc_rank.fig (new 22),
bc_rank66.fig (new 58),
bc_start.fig (new),
bc_surface.fig (new 13),
bc_verb.fig (new),
bc_verb2.fig (new 19),
bc_window.fig (new 99),
pca_comp.fig (new 11),
pca_text.fig (new),
sel_box.fig (new 21),
xfig.SAVE (new)
ad_align.fig (new 30),
alignment.fig (new 24),
extended.fig (new 40),
main.fig (new 29),
mg_mergetaggedfield.fig (new 20),
mg_movefield.fig (new 11),
mg_transfield.fig (new 13),
names.fig (new 17),
seqcheck.fig (new 31),
species.fig (new 90),
startup.fig (new 42),
trees.fig (new 26)
init.fig (new 24)
cancel.fig (new),
filter.fig (new 25),
matrix.fig (new),
save_markerline.fig (new 14),
select_ali.fig (new 8)
arb_intro.fig (new),
login.fig (new),
query_seer.fig (new),
select_attributes.fig (new),
upload.fig (new)
allright.bitmap (new 10),
arb_edit.bitmap (new),
beautifyb.bitmap (new 53),
beautifyc.bitmap (new 25),
beautifyt.bitmap (new 59),
compress.bitmap (new),
cppast.bitmap (new 9),
demo_p_1 (new),
edit.bitmap (new 6),
group.bitmap (new 9),
info.bitmap (new 9),
jm1.bitmap (new 8),
jm2.bitmap (new),
jm3.bitmap (new 8),
jm4.bitmap (new 8),
jm5.bitmap (new 8),
jm6.bitmap (new 8),
kernlin.bitmap (new 9),
leftright.bitmap (new 10),
length.bitmap (new 9),
line.bitmap (new 9),
list.bitmap (new 6),
ljump.bitmap (new 8),
logo.bitmap (new 170),
lzoom.bitmap (new 9),
mark.bitmap (new 9),
minus.bitmap (new 5),
modify.bitmap (new 9),
move.bitmap (new 9),
move2.bitmap (new 6),
ndstree.bitmap (new 6),
nearestn.bitmap (new 9),
no.bitmap (new 6),
optimize.bitmap (new 9),
pdown.bitmap (new 6),
pjump.bitmap (new 8),
plus.bitmap (new 5),
pup.bitmap (new),
pzoom.bitmap (new 9),
radial.bitmap (new 6),
redo.bitmap (new 6),
reset.bitmap (new 9),
rightleft.bitmap (new 10),
rot.bitmap (new 9),
sec_modify.bitmap (new 9),
sec_setcurs.bitmap (new 9),
setroot.bitmap (new 9),
spread.bitmap (new 9),
swap.bitmap (new 9),
tselect.bitmap (new 8),
undo.bitmap (new 6),
weighted1.bitmap (new 40),
weighted2.bitmap (new 40),
weighted3.bitmap (new 40),
www.bitmap (new 6),
www_mode.bitmap (new 9),
yes.bitmap (new 6),
zoom.bitmap (new 9)
align.bitmap (new),
all.bitmap (new),
arrow.bitmap (new 9),
clear.bitmap (new 6),
compress.bitmaps.tgz (new),
cons.bitmap (new 7),
detail.bitmap (new 6),
edit_sec.bitmap (new 10),
folded.bitmap (new),
folded.bitmap.big (new),
insert.bitmap (new 12),
keymap.bitmap (new 7),
kill.bitmap (new 9),
l2r.bitmap (new 10),
last.bitmap (new 7),
mark.bitmap (new 9),
next.bitmap (new 7),
noalign.bitmap (new),
nocons.bitmap (new 7),
nokeymap.bitmap (new 7),
norepeat.bitmap (new 7),
r2l.bitmap (new 10),
repeat.bitmap (new 7),
replace.bitmap (new 12),
unfolded.bitmap (new 6),
unfolded.bitmap.big (new),
zoom.bitmap (new 6)
ARB_EDIT.bitmap (new 35),
ARB_NT.bitmap (new),
ARB_PARSIMONY.bitmap (new 35),
NEIGHBOR_JOINING.bitmap (new 35),
SAVE_ARB_DB.bitmap (new),
SAVE_CHANGES_TO.bitmap (new),
default.bitmap (new 35),
message.bitmap (new 6)
icon.bitmap (new 53)
clipall.bitmap (new 25),
clipscreen.bitmap (new 25),
handles.bitmap (new 25),
landscape.bitmap (new 14),
nohandles.bitmap (new 25),
portrait.bitmap (new 25),
potrait.bitmap (new)
login.bitmap (new),
seer.bitmap (new),
seer.fig (new)
README (new 11),
mod_fields.sellst (new 9),
mod_fields_common.sellst (new 1),
mod_fields_gc.sellst (new 5),
srt_aci.sellst (new 15),
srt_aci_cosmetic.sellst (new 2),
srt_aci_gc.sellst (new 5)
submiss.embl (new 310),
submiss_notfree.embl (new 310)
README (new 14),
arb_compress (new 6),
arb_compress_emacs (new),
arb_emake (new 7),
arb_export (new 36),
arb_find_latest_updates (new 13),
arb_grep (new 4),
arb_hgrep (new 5),
arb_patch_export (new 2),
arb_save (new 32),
arb_save_depot (new 10),
arb_test_compresssion (new 54),
arb_update (new 15),
arb_update_copy (new 92),
arb_updateall (new 10),
config.HP-UX (new 28),
config.IRIX (new 28),
config.Linux (new 28),
config.OSF1 (new 28),
config.SunOS (new 28),
config.SunOS4 (new 28),
emails (new)