/trunk Developers: jobb

Login name:
Total Commits:
311 (0.6%)
Lines of Code:
133,248 (5.3%)
Most Recent Commit:
2002-04-30 12:29
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Activity by Clock Time

Activity by Hour of Day for jobb

Activity by Day of Week for jobb

Activity in Directories

Directory Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 311 (100.0%) 133248 (100.0%) 428.4
GDE/PHYLIP/ 137 (44.1%) 81215 (61.0%) 592.8
GDE/CLUSTALW/ 64 (20.6%) 20814 (15.6%) 325.2
GDE/TREEPUZZLE/src/ 24 (7.7%) 17676 (13.3%) 736.5
PERL2ARB/ 2 (0.6%) 8005 (6.0%) 4002.5
ISLAND_HOPPING/ 11 (3.5%) 1829 (1.4%) 166.2
GDE/TREEPUZZLE/doc/ 6 (1.9%) 1653 (1.2%) 275.5
GDE/TREEPUZZLE/ 19 (6.1%) 923 (0.7%) 48.5
TOOLS/ 3 (1.0%) 397 (0.3%) 132.3
GDEHELP/ 7 (2.3%) 314 (0.2%) 44.8
AWTC/ 3 (1.0%) 154 (0.1%) 51.3
GDEHELP/MENUS/ 12 (3.9%) 125 (0.1%) 10.4
lib/pictures/awtc/ 1 (0.3%) 51 (0.0%) 51.0
EDIT4/ 3 (1.0%) 49 (0.0%) 16.3
GDE/FASTDNAML/ 8 (2.6%) 22 (0.0%) 2.7
CONVERTALN/ 1 (0.3%) 7 (0.0%) 7.0
ARBDB/ 2 (0.6%) 5 (0.0%) 2.5
GDE/ 1 (0.3%) 4 (0.0%) 4.0
/ 1 (0.3%) 4 (0.0%) 4.0
SOURCE_TOOLS/ 1 (0.3%) 1 (0.0%) 1.0
GDE/TREEPUZZLE/data/ 5 (1.6%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Activity of jobb

Most Recent Commits

jobb 2002-04-30 12:29 Rev.: 535

changes for Gangolfs aligner

9133 lines of code changed in 21 files:

  • Makefile (+4 -2)
  • AWTC: AWTC_fast_aligner.cxx (+135 -56), Makefile (+1 -1), awtc_fast_aligner.hxx (+18 -14)
  • EDIT4: ED4_edit_string.cxx (+3 -1), ED4_root.cxx (+44 -8), ed4_class.hxx (+2)
  • ISLAND_HOPPING: Makefile (new 29), align.c (new 878), defs.h (new 44), i-hopper.c (new 102), i-hopper.h (new 25), island_hopping.cpp (new 79), island_hopping.h (new 104), memory.c (new 116), memory.h (new 30), trnsprob.c (new 400), trnsprob.h (new 22)
  • PERL2ARB: ARB.c (new 7045)
  • SOURCE_TOOLS: generate_all_links.sh (+1)
  • lib/pictures/awtc: faligner.fig (+51 -42)
jobb 2002-01-22 14:29 Rev.: 491

protpars eingebaut

989 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • GDEHELP/MENUS: dna_rna.menu (+1 -1), phylip_pars.menu (+27), protein.menu (+1 -1)
  • PERL2ARB: Makefile (new 960)
jobb 2001-06-21 16:21 Rev.: 213

*** empty log message ***

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • ARBDB: arbdbt.h (+2)
jobb 2001-06-21 16:02 Rev.: 212

Profile alignment (clustalw)

35 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • CONVERTALN: phylip.c (+7 -7)
  • GDEHELP/MENUS: align.menu (+24 -36), puzzle.menu (+4 -4)
jobb 2001-05-07 14:55 Rev.: 196

dnapars & tree-puzzle added

279 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • GDEHELP: ARB_GDEmenus.source (+2 -1), dnapars.help (new 254)
  • GDEHELP/MENUS: fastdnaml.menu (+1 -1), import.menu (-8), phylip_pars.menu (+7 -20), puzzle.menu (new 15)
jobb 2001-05-07 14:54 Rev.: 195

generated file

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDEHELP: ARB_GDEmenus (del)
jobb 2001-05-07 14:52 Rev.: 194

removed arb_jim

396 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • TOOLS: Makefile (+396 -395), arb_jim.cxx (del)
jobb 2001-05-07 14:33 Rev.: 192

*** empty log message ***

126 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/TREEPUZZLE: Makefile (+126 -1)
jobb 2001-05-07 14:30 Rev.: 191


20126 lines of code changed in 53 files:

  • GDE/TREEPUZZLE: AUTHORS (new 45), COPYING (new 340), ChangeLog (new 347), INSTALL (new), Makefile (new 32), Makefile.am (new), Makefile.in (new), Makefile.org (new), NEWS (new), README (new 33), aclocal.m4 (new), config.log (new), config.status (new), configure (new), configure.in (new), install-sh (new), missing (new), mkinstalldirs (new)
  • GDE/TREEPUZZLE/data: Makefile (new), Makefile.am (new), Makefile.in (new), marswolf.n (new), primates.b (new)
  • GDE/TREEPUZZLE/doc: Makefile (new), Makefile.am (new), Makefile.in (new), manual.html (new 1653), ppuzzle.gif (new), puzzle.gif (new)
  • GDE/TREEPUZZLE/src: Makefile (new), Makefile.am (new), Makefile.in (new), README (new 1), gamma.c (new 346), gamma.h (new 30), ml.h (new 279), ml1.c (new 1734), ml2.c (new 1848), ml3.c (new 350), model1.c (new 326), model2.c (new 1125), ppuzzle.c (new 2418), ppuzzle.h (new 274), puzzle (new), puzzle.h (new 493), puzzle1.c (new 4481), puzzle2.c (new 2651), sched.c (new 423), sched.h (new 53), test (new), test.in (new), util.c (new 748), util.h (new 96)
jobb 2001-05-07 14:28 Rev.: 190

modified for treepuzzle

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE: Makefile (+4 -1)
jobb 2001-05-04 15:35 Rev.: 186

bugfix default edge lengths GBT_load_tree

4 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • ARBDB: adtools.c (+3 -2)
  • TOOLS: arb_read_tree.cxx (+1 -1)
jobb 2001-05-04 13:57 Rev.: 183

*** empty log message ***

22 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • GDE/FASTDNAML: Makefile (new 22), fastDNAml_1_0.h (new), fastDNAml_1_0_6.c (new), fastDNAml_doc.txt (new)
  • GDEHELP: fastdnaml.help (new)
jobb 2001-05-04 13:54 Rev.: 182

fastdnaml fix

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • GDEHELP: ARB_GDEmenus (+1 -1)
  • GDEHELP/MENUS: fastdnaml.menu (+1 -1)
jobb 2001-05-04 13:52 Rev.: 181

added new phylip version

81215 lines of code changed in 91 files:

  • GDE/PHYLIP: Makefile (new 415), Makefile.qc (new 101), Makefile.tc (new 114), README (new 192), clique.c (new 1719), clique.doc (new 252), compile.com (new 100), consense.c (new 1399), consense.doc (new 252), contchar.doc (new 126), contml.c (new 1902), contml.doc (new 315), contrast.c (new 779), contrast.doc (new 189), discrete.doc (new 378), distance.doc (new 315), dnacomp.c (new 2299), dnacomp.doc (new 252), dnadist.c (new 1346), dnadist.doc (new 441), dnainvar.c (new 1127), dnainvar.doc (new 441), dnaml.c (new 1286), dnaml.doc (new 567), dnaml2.c (new 1435), dnamlk.c (new 1318), dnamlk.doc (new 567), dnamlk2.c (new 1569), dnamove.c (new 2277), dnamove.doc (new 315), dnapars.c (new 2230), dnapars.doc (new 252), dnapenny.c (new 1913), dnapenny.doc (new 819), dollop.c (new 2052), dollop.doc (new 315), dolmove.c (new 2342), dolmove.doc (new 378), dolpenny.c (new 1677), dolpenny.doc (new 567), draw.doc (new 693), drawgram.c (new 1003), drawgram.doc (new 252), drawgraphics.c (new 2205), drawgraphics.h (new 59), drawtree.c (new 1189), drawtree.doc (new 189), factor.c (new 646), factor.doc (new 315), fitch.c (new 1892), fitch.doc (new 189), font1 (new 193), font2 (new 301), font3 (new 396), font4 (new 293), font5 (new 399), font6 (new 370), gendist.c (new 462), gendist.doc (new 252), interface.c (new 538), interface.h (new 42), kitsch.c (new 1559), kitsch.doc (new 252), main.doc (new 4288), makeinf.c (new 682), makeinf.doc (new 355), mix.c (new 1046), mix.doc (new 378), mix2.c (new 1322), move.c (new 2483), move.doc (new 378), neighbor.c (new 1080), neighbor.doc (new 189), penny.c (new 1922), penny.doc (new 567), phylip.h (new 180), protdist.c (new 1608), protdist.doc (new 315), protml.doc (new 728), protml.pas (new 3509), protpars.c (new 2361), protpars.doc (new 378), restml.c (new 1060), restml.doc (new 441), restml2.c (new 1528), retree.c (new 2381), retree.doc (new 315), seqboot.c (new 956), seqboot.doc (new 315), sequence.doc (new 378), vaxfix.c (new 50)
jobb 2001-05-04 13:19 Rev.: 180

removed old phylip

0 lines of code changed in 46 files:

  • GDE/PHYLIP: Makefile (del), clique.c (del), coallike.c (del), consense.c (del), contml.c (del), contrast.c (del), dnacomp.c (del), dnadist.c (del), dnainvar.c (del), dnaml.c (del), dnaml2.c (del), dnamlk.c (del), dnamlk2.c (del), dnamove.c (del), dnapars.c (del), dnapenny.c (del), dollop.c (del), dolmove.c (del), dolpenny.c (del), drawgram.c (del), drawgraphics.c (del), drawgraphics.h (del), drawtree.c (del), factor.c (del), fitch.c (del), gendist.c (del), interface.c (del), interface.h (del), kitsch.c (del), makeinf.c (del), mix.c (del), mix2.c (del), move.c (del), neighbor.c (del), p2c.h (del), p2clib.c (del), penny.c (del), phylip.h (del), protdist.c (del), protml.c (del), protpars.c (del), restml.c (del), restml2.c (del), retree.c (del), seqboot.c (del), vaxfix.c (del)
jobb 2001-05-04 11:35 Rev.: 179

removed old version (1.0.4) of fastdnaml

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • GDE/FASTDNAML: Makefile (del), fastDNAml_1_0.h (del), fastDNAml_1_0_4.c (del), fastdnaml.c (del)
jobb 2001-05-04 10:51 Rev.: 176

*** empty log message ***

20148 lines of code changed in 37 files:

  • GDE/CLUSTALW: Makefile (new 217), README (new 261), alnscore.c (new 114), amenu.c (new 1296), calcgapcoeff.c (new 497), calcprf1.c (new 99), calcprf2.c (new 73), calctree.c (new 988), clustalv.doc (new 1978), clustalw.c (new 119), clustalw.doc (new 758), clustalw.h (new 246), clustalw.ms (new 795), clustalw_help (new 666), coldna.par (new), colprint.par (new), colprot.par (new), dayhoff.h (new 45), gcgcheck.c (new 15), general.h (new 50), globin.pep (new 87), gon90.bla (new 24), interface.c (new 3823), makefile.org (new 38), malign.c (new 654), matrices.h (new 854), matrixseries.gon (new 7), pairalign.c (new 615), param.h (new 362), phcolor.par (new), prfalign.c (new 1131), random.c (new 81), readmat.c (new 477), sequence.c (new 1373), showpair.c (new 486), trees.c (new 1514), util.c (new 405)
jobb 2001-05-04 10:47 Rev.: 175

old version of CLUSTALW removed

0 lines of code changed in 26 files:

  • GDE/CLUSTALW: Makefile (del), alnscore.c (del), amenu.c (del), calcgapcoeff.c (del), calcprf1.c (del), calcprf2.c (del), calctree.c (del), clustalw.c (del), clustalw.h (del), clustalw_help (del), clustalw_help.h (del), dayhoff.h (del), gcgcheck.c (del), general.h (del), interface.c (del), malign.c (del), matrices.h (del), pairalign.c (del), param.h (del), prfalign.c (del), random.c (del), readmat.c (del), sequence.c (del), showpair.c (del), trees.c (del), util.c (del)
jobb 2001-05-04 10:38 Rev.: 174

tree-routines fixed

101 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • GDEHELP: ARB_GDEmenus (+55 -29), ARB_GDEmenus.source (+2 -2)
  • GDEHELP/MENUS: align.menu (+43 -17), fastdnaml.menu (+1 -1)
jobb 2001-04-27 11:14 Rev.: 164

*** empty log message ***

666 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/CLUSTALW: clustalw_help (new 666)
Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0