Directory GDE/SUPPORT/

Directory Created:
2000-11-23 11:41
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

GDE/SUPPORT/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 59 (100.0%) 6119 (100.0%) 103.7
oldcode 11 (18.6%) 4900 (80.1%) 445.4
westram 44 (74.6%) 1063 (17.4%) 24.1
yadhu 1 (1.7%) 77 (1.3%) 77.0
meierh 1 (1.7%) 77 (1.3%) 77.0
boehnel 2 (3.4%) 2 (0.0%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

westram 2023-08-11 13:40 Rev.: 19480

* reintegrates 'gde' into 'trunk'
* adds: log:branches/gde@19460:19479

117 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Flatio.c (+15 -44), Restriction.c (+9 -22), Zuk_to_gen.c (+7 -8), count.c (+18 -21), findall.c (+14 -14), lsadt.c (+45 -78), sho_helix.c (+4 -5), varpos.c (+5 -5)
westram 2023-08-05 14:34 Rev.: 19456

* fix builds of AxML, FASTDNAML + SUPPORT
- mostly fixed by add missing includes.
- had to change code order to avoid otherwise required definition of protytypes in SUPPORT.

444 lines of code changed in 7 files:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Flatio.c (+3), Restriction.c (+109 -109), Zuk_to_gen.c (+39 -36), count.c (+200 -197), findall.c (+25 -25), lsadt.c (+35 -30), sho_helix.c (+33 -33)
westram 2023-08-05 13:40 Rev.: 19446

* introduce {{{onlyC_flags}}}
- flags used for C compilation only.
- similar to {{{cxxflags}}} (references added).
- set flags to {{{-Werror-implicit-function-declaration}}}
* error is only effective in a small part of these modules.
* TODO: need to activate warnings -> will activate the error as well.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+1 -1)
westram 2023-08-05 13:27 Rev.: 19443

* fix use of {{{gets()}}} (globally):
- provide a drop-in replacement for {{{gets()}}}
* only requires to specify buffersize.
- use {{{gets_noOverflow()}}} in READSEQ, SUPPORT, CLUSTAL + CLUSTALW.
* adapt {{{getstr()}}}

7 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+2), Zuk_to_gen.c (+5 -3)
westram 2015-05-30 14:37 Rev.: 13845

- remove executable flag

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Zuk_to_gen.c (-1)
westram 2015-04-30 14:47 Rev.: 13791

* remove CAP2
- antique
- broken since [11839] (at least)
- nobody complained

1 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: CAP2.c (del), Makefile (+1 -1)
westram 2014-03-18 21:45 Rev.: 11815

* reintegrates 'deb' into 'trunk'
- fixes #215
- performs #489
* adds:
- log:branches/deb@11801:11814

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: varpos.c (+1)
westram 2013-10-30 16:58 Rev.: 10974

* renamed include variables

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+1 -1)
westram 2013-10-29 13:23 Rev.: 10955

- renamed
* ACC -> A_CC
* CPP -> A_CXX (misleading atm, since it contains c++flags)

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+1 -1)
westram 2013-02-13 13:24 Rev.: 9575

- effect of [9574] (comments only)

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+1 -1)
westram 2011-07-26 10:46 Rev.: 7759

- merge from stable_5.0 [7758]

13 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Flatio.c (+2 -2), Zuk_to_gen.c (+1 -1), count.c (+4 -4), lsadt.c (+6 -6)
westram 2009-08-14 16:29 Rev.: 6141

* spellchecked all (phew)

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: CAP2.c (+1 -1)
westram 2009-04-29 13:20 Rev.: 5872

* Changed variable transfer to sub-makefiles
- most variables are now exported via environment (using SOURCE_TOOLS/export2sub or AISC/export2sub)
- only variables that contain different values for different sub-makefile-calls are passed by cl (e.g. cflags, MAIN)
- changed flavour of exported variables (recursively expanded -> simply expanded variables). Please use VAR := VALUE in Makefiles (not VAR = VALUE). See for details
* removed/fixed all undefined variables in Makefiles (using 'make --warn-undefined-variables')
* changed names of compile-logs generated in GDE subdir
* added target 'xmlin' (broken, print warning)

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+1 -1)
westram 2009-04-01 17:58 Rev.: 5782

* fixed spelling of 'occurrence'

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: CAP2.c (+1 -1)
boehnel 2008-03-01 23:12 Rev.: 5172

removing some format warnings

2 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Restriction.c (+1 -1), findall.c (+1 -1)
westram 2007-05-30 15:39 Rev.: 4635

- added 'clean'

6 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+6 -2)
westram 2004-01-23 19:38 Rev.: 2347

- fixed ErrorOut calls

16 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Flatio.c (+16 -15)
westram 2004-01-23 19:08 Rev.: 2338

fixed and reformatted dependencies (using

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+4 -1)
westram 2004-01-15 18:52 Rev.: 2316

renamed error function

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Flatio.c (+1 -1)
westram 2003-08-09 14:00 Rev.: 1617

- updated dependencies for all Makefiles
- rewrote dependency generation code. Only real changes
propagate into Makefiles - so it does no longer hurt to
call 'make depends' in ARB directory!

20 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+20 -80)
westram 2002-07-15 15:08 Rev.: 747

made depends

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (-5)
westram 2002-06-20 16:08 Rev.: 655

Mac OSX patches from Ben Hines

235 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Flatio.c (+1 -1), lsadt.c (+234 -226)
westram 2002-05-29 17:46 Rev.: 597

*** empty log message ***

82 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+82 -77)
yadhu 2002-05-29 11:53 Rev.: 593

makefile dependency generation fixed for GDE

77 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+77 -82)
westram 2002-05-23 09:29 Rev.: 566

Most changes are made due to activating more warnings for the c++ compiler (linux)

33 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+33 -3)
westram 2001-01-11 16:58 Rev.: 83

*** empty log message ***

52 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+52 -77)
meierh 2001-01-11 16:24 Rev.: 80

haralds checkin

77 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+77 -52)
westram 2001-01-04 16:36 Rev.: 68

Updated dependencies

24 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: Makefile (+24 -17)
oldcode 2000-11-23 11:41 Rev.: 2

Initial revision

4900 lines of code changed in 11 files:

  • GDE/SUPPORT: CAP2.c (new 2304), Flatio.c (new 168), Makefile (new 61), PrintContig.c (new 70), Restriction.c (new 130), Zuk_to_gen.c (new 105), count.c (new 417), findall.c (new 126), lsadt.c (new 1347), sho_helix.c (new 87), varpos.c (new 85)
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