Author | Changes | Lines of Code | Lines per Change |
Totals | 180 (100.0%) | 3010 (100.0%) | 16.7 |
westram | 177 (98.3%) | 3004 (99.8%) | 16.9 |
epruesse | 3 (1.7%) | 6 (0.2%) | 2.0 |
* reintegrates 'refactor' into 'trunk'
- eliminates old interface of {{{GBS_strstruct}}}
- add a few new unittests (editor-config string + some PT-SERVER-functions)
* adds: log:branches/refactor@19300:19338
5 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'ali' into 'trunk'
* adds: log:branches/ali@19183:19205
10 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* fix use of empty labels:
- {{{AW_window::label}}} no longer
* accepts empty labels.
* allows to overwrite existing labels (assume this happens by mistake).
- {{{create_toggle_field}}}:
* assert label is used (in flavor with label-parameter)
* remove empty and NULp labels passed (from callers).
3 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* remove unused mnemonic parameter to 'create_toggle_field'
- makes no sense anyway: having mnemonic for each toggle is sufficient (hence not implemented).
3 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* use {{{AW_orientation}}} to specify orientation of radio button.
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* remove parameter {{{fallback2default}}} from
- {{{create_selection_list}}}
- {{{create_list}}}
- {{{awt_create_TREE_selection_list}}}
- {{{awt_create_CONFIG_selection_list}}}
- {{{awt_create_SAI_selection_list}}}
* remove some - now unused - locals.
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* eliminate unused parameter {{{fallback2default}}} from {{{create_option_menu}}}.
3 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'progress' into 'trunk'
- implements #789
* adds: log:branches/progress@18885:18958
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* fix unwanted export of overloaded functions to perl interface:
- GBT_log_to_tree_remark()
- GB_path_in_ARBLIB()
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* remove trailing whitespace from c source.
4 lines of code changed in 2 files:
* change many WARN_TODO triggered warnings into todo markers.
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* add toggle to 'MODIFY DATABASE FIELD of listed ...' permitting to change the 'name' field.
15 lines of code changed in 2 files:
* add new {{{QUERY_ITEM_TYPE}}} for organisms: {{{QUERY_ITEM_ORGANISM}}}
5 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* full update from child 'fix' into 'trunk'
- fix item name accessors ({{{GBT_get_name}}} + {{{GBT_get_name_or_description}}})
- add {{{null2empty}}}
* adds: log:branches/fix@18140:18158
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* annotate error message from "modify fields of queried" with itemname
- allows to track down reason of failure.
13 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* FIXES crash in RELEASE version (when invalid color group occurs in database).
* add assertions against
- invalid color_groups and
- invalid unshaded GCs.
* ARBDB color-group interface:
- define number of allowed color groups in ARBDB
- fix interface types (long->int)
- report error when color_group passed to {{{GBT_set_color_group}}} is out-of-range.
- {{{GBT_get_color_group}}} does range check. returns 0 if out-of-range.
3 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* partial merge from 'fts' into 'trunk'
- {{{ConfigMapping}}}:
* cleanup
* add missing tests
* fix config bug: trailing backslash at end of values did cause wrong read of data
* adds: log:branches/fts@17718:17723
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'fix' into 'trunk'
- elim dead code
- use const hash loop
* adds: log:branches/fix@17380,17388:17395
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'gcc' into 'trunk'
- complete arb port to gcc 8.1
- fixes NDEBUG-related issues (not handled by [16986])
* adds: log:branches/gcc@17164:17177
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'gcc' into 'trunk'
- ports arb to gcc 8.1 (fixing warnings)
* adds: log:branches/gcc@16965:16985
Update: continued by [17178]
2 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'cleanup' into 'trunk'
- performs #762 (shrink 3.7 k)
* adds: log:branches/cleanup@16924:16935
0 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'fix' into 'trunk'
- implements #773
- tested with asan + fixed harmless undefined behavior
* adds: log:branches/fix@16793:16798
77 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'gcc' into 'trunk'
- mostly cosmetics changes
* adds: log:branches/gcc@16655,16741:16743,16752:16765
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* partial merge from 'gcc' into 'trunk'
- use {{{nullptr}}} in Cxx11 (with backward compatibility)
* adds: log:branches/gcc@16683:16740,16744:16746,16751
64 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'aci' into 'trunk'
- extends ACI language (implementing #707)
* boolean operators: {{{And}}},{{{Or}}},{{{Not}}}
* numeric comparison: {{{isAbove}}},{{{isBelow}}},{{{isEqual}}}
* floating point arithmetic: {{{fplus}}},{{{fminus}}},{{{fmult}}},{{{fdiv}}}
* misc: {{{round}}},{{{inRange}}},{{{isEmpty}}}
- enforce parameter checks in ACI function code
- case of commands completely ignored
* adds: log:branches/aci@16385,16391:16424
0 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'aci' into 'trunk'
- refactored wide parts of ACI code (incl. SRT+REG)
* added more test
* ACI tracing
- more complete and readable
- automatically turned off when done with expression
* improved error messages (esp. diagnostics)
* documentation (updated, added missing)
* fixed a bunch of bugs (incl. SEGV and deadlock)
* ACI now runs inside execution environment
- ACI language may be extended with custom commands (implements #756)
* added ACI extension for group-batch-rename
* adds:
- log:branches/aci@16170:16373
- log:branches/addtest@16193:16316
19 lines of code changed in 2 files:
* add new sort-criteria to 'search&query' (sort numerically; fixes #203)
87 lines of code changed in 2 files:
* reintegrates 'group' into 'trunk'
- implements #652 (group search)
* adds: log:branches/group@15733:15740,15743:15748,15750:15752,15754,15756,15758:15777,15781:15793,15796,15798:15806,15808:15817,15819:15965
3 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'refactor' into 'trunk'
- separates query logic (as used in search&query) from actual data retrieval
* adds: log:branches/refactor@15820:15851
Note: introduces bug in merge-tool (fixed by [15996])
226 lines of code changed in 4 files:
* rename only
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'errhandle' into 'trunk'
* adds: log:branches/errhandle@15275:15278
4 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'fixres' into 'trunk'
- fixes #715
* adds: log:branches/fixres@15127:15175
4 lines of code changed in 2 files:
* use user-defined color-group-names in colorize-GUI
* re-activate warning about needed restart (only warn once)
4 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* reintegrates 'gde' into 'trunk'
- fixes #695
* adds: log:branches/gde@14670:14675,14682:14785
131 lines of code changed in 4 files:
* rename {{{GB_write_as_string}}} -> {{{GB_write_autoconv_string}}}
4 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* rename {{{GB_set_user_flag}}} -> {{{GB_raise_user_flag}}}
* add {{{GB_write_user_flag}}}
1 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* correct stored colorsets when committing rename-session (fixes #660)
* summarize failures when restoring a colorset
7 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* refactored colorset handling
- moved basics to ARBDB
- remove attributes stub from AWT (was done for #443; redo if needed)
- replace {{{AW_find_color_group}}} with {{{AW_find_active_color_group}}} (w/o bool-param) and {{{GBT_get_color_group}}}
- colorset functions (create,restore,save+load) all operate on string arrays (containing "name=color" entries)
80 lines of code changed in 2 files:
* trigger item refresh after
- colorize queried
- color 'Reset'
- colorset 'Load'/'Overlay'
* fix error handling in {{{restore_colorset_representation}}}
23 lines of code changed in 1 file:
* restrict use of {{{color_save_data}}} (singleton; only exists if GUI used)
- instead pass {{{BoundItemSel}}} where possible
43 lines of code changed in 1 file:
(93 more)