Directory GDE/MAFFT/mafft-7.055-with-extensions/core/

Directory Created:
2013-07-31 11:14
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

GDE/MAFFT/mafft-7.055-with-extensions/core/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 97 (100.0%) 75824 (100.0%) 781.6
aboeckma 90 (92.8%) 75600 (99.7%) 840.0
westram 7 (7.2%) 224 (0.3%) 32.0

Most Recent Commits

westram 2023-08-11 12:40 Rev.: 19480

* reintegrates 'gde' into 'trunk'
* adds: log:branches/gde@19460:19479

159 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • GDE/MAFFT/mafft-7.055-with-extensions/core: Makefile (+40 -40), io.c (+74 -68), rna.c (+45 -33)
westram 2022-06-22 09:44 Rev.: 19074

* partial merge from 'sina' into 'trunk'
* adds: log:branches/sina@19070:19071

7 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/MAFFT/mafft-7.055-with-extensions/core: Makefile (+7 -3)
westram 2021-09-15 12:48 Rev.: 18729

* eliminate trailing whitespace from Makefiles.

23 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/MAFFT/mafft-7.055-with-extensions/core: Makefile (+23 -23)
westram 2019-03-04 14:22 Rev.: 17634

* reintegrates 'mix' into 'trunk'
* prepare arb for hybrid svn/git use (central svn + local git)
* adds: log:branches/mix@17631:17633

33 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/MAFFT/mafft-7.055-with-extensions/core: .gitignore (new 33)
westram 2013-09-04 09:58 Rev.: 10530


2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/MAFFT/mafft-7.055-with-extensions/core: Makefile (+2 -2)
aboeckma 2013-08-08 13:40 Rev.: 10421

Fixed bug in mafft makefile

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • GDE/MAFFT/mafft-7.055-with-extensions/core: Makefile (+2 -3)
aboeckma 2013-07-31 11:14 Rev.: 10371

updated mafft version. Added extensions (no svn ignore, yet)

75598 lines of code changed in 89 files:

  • GDE/MAFFT/mafft-7.055-with-extensions/core: DNA.h (new 210), Falign.c (new 2426), Falign_localhom.c (new 871), Galign11.c (new 765), Halignmm.c (new 1419), JTT.c (new 244), Lalign11.c (new 959), Lalignmm.c (new 2560), MSalign11.c (new 665), MSalignmm.c (new 1765), Makefile (new 541), Qalignmm.c (new 2181), Ralignmm.c (new 1213), SAalignmm.c (new 378), Salignmm.c (new 1882), addfunctions.c (new 522), addsingle.c (new 3302), blosum.c (new 266), blosum.h (new 11), constants.c (new 1135), contrafoldwrap.c (new 312), countlen.c (new 61), defs.c (new 108), disttbfast.c (new 2113), dndblast.c (new 398), dndfast4.c (new 241), dndfast7.c (new 342), dndpre.c (new 376), dndpre2.c (new 177), dndpre_score.c (new 54), dp.h (new 10), dvtditr.c (new 920), f2cl.c (new 293), fft.c (new 125), fft.h (new 15), fftFunctions.c (new 760), functions.h (new 342), genGalign11.c (new 486), genalign11.c (new 661), getlag.c (new 461), io.c (new 5216), iteration.c (new 412), mafft-distance.c (new 425), mafft-homologs.1 (new 131), mafft-homologs.tmpl (new 374), mafft-profile.c (new 504), mafft.1 (new 479), mafft.bat (new 17), mafft.tmpl (new 2032), makedirectionlist.c (new 853), makedirectionlist.c.last (new 933), makemergetable.rb (new 32), mccaskillwrap.c (new 451), mingw64mingw32 (new 15), miyata.h (new 47), miyata5.h (new 166), mltaln.h (new 311), mltaln9.c (new 8647), mtxutl.c (new 562), mtxutl.h (new 50), multi2hat3s.c (new 390), newick2mafft.rb (new 132), nj.c (new 195), pair2hat3s.c (new 468), pairash.c (new 1442), pairlara.c (new 942), pairlocalalign.c (new 2934), partQalignmm.c (new 1262), partSalignmm.c (new 1266), regionalrealignment.rb (new 384), regtable2seq.c (new 212), replaceu.c (new 145), restoreu.c (new 246), rna.c (new 560), rnatest.c (new 460), score.c (new 98), seq2regtable.c (new 88), setcore.c (new 503), setdirection.c (new 143), sextet5.c (new 319), share.h (new 16), splittbfast.c (new 3285), suboptalign11.c (new 678), tbfast.c (new 2147), tddis.c (new 891), tditeration.c (new 2464), treeOperation.c (new 658), univscript.tmpl (new 36), version.c (new 7)
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