Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // =============================================================== //
2 // //
3 // File : ps_find_probes.cxx //
4 // Purpose : //
5 // //
6 // Coded by Wolfram Foerster in October 2002 //
7 // Institute of Microbiology (Technical University Munich) //
8 // //
9 // //
10 // =============================================================== //
12 #include "ps_tools.hxx"
13 #include "ps_database.hxx"
14 #include "ps_candidate.hxx"
16 #include <cmath>
17 #include <iostream>
18 #include <sys/times.h>
20 using namespace std;
22 template<class T>
23 void PS_print_set_ranges(const char *_set_name, const set<T> &_set, const bool _cr_at_end = true) {
24  fflush(stdout);
25  printf("%s size (%3zu) : ", _set_name, _set.size());
26  if (_set.empty()) {
27  printf("(empty)");
28  }
29  else {
30  typename set<T>::const_iterator range_begin = _set.begin();
31  typename set<T>::const_iterator range_end = range_begin;
32  typename set<T>::const_iterator it = _set.begin();
33  for (++it;
34  it != _set.end();
35  ++it) {
36  if (*it == (*range_end)+1) {
37  range_end = it;
38  }
39  else {
40  if (range_end == range_begin) {
41  cout << *range_begin << " ";
42  }
43  else {
44  cout << *range_begin << "-" << *range_end << " ";
45  }
46  range_begin = it;
47  range_end = it;
48  }
49  }
50  cout << *range_begin;
51  if (range_end != range_begin) cout << "-" << *range_end;
52  }
53  if (_cr_at_end) cout << "\n";
54  fflush(stdout);
55 }
58 template<class T1, class T2>
59 void PS_print_map_ranges(const char *_map_name, const map<T1, T2> &_map, const bool _compare_keys = true, const bool _cr_at_end = true) {
60  fflush(stdout);
61  if (_map.empty()) {
62  printf("%s size ( 0) : (empty)", _map_name);
63  }
64  else {
65  if (_compare_keys) {
66  printf("%s size (%3i) : ", _map_name, _map.size());
67  typename map<T1, T2>::const_iterator range_begin = _map.begin();
68  typename map<T1, T2>::const_iterator range_end = range_begin;
69  typename map<T1, T2>::const_iterator it = _map.begin();
70  for (++it;
71  it != _map.end();
72  ++it) {
73  if (it->first == range_end->first+1) {
74  range_end = it;
75  }
76  else {
77  if (range_end == range_begin) {
78  cout << "(" << range_begin->first << "," << range_begin->second << ") ";
79  }
80  else {
81  cout << "(" << range_begin->first << "-" << range_end->first << "," << range_begin->second << ") ";
82  }
83  range_begin = it;
84  range_end = it;
85  }
86  }
87  if (range_end == range_begin) {
88  cout << "(" << range_begin->first << "," << range_begin->second << ") ";
89  }
90  else {
91  cout << "(" << range_begin->first << "-" << range_end->first << "," << range_begin->second << ") ";
92  }
93  }
94  else {
95  map<T2, set<pair<T1, T1> > > value2indices;
96  map<T2, unsigned long int> value2count;
97  pair<T1, T1> range;
98  range.first = _map.begin()->first;
99  range.second = range.first;
100  T2 cur_value = _map.begin()->second;
101  typename map<T1, T2>::const_iterator it = _map.begin();
102  for (++it;
103  it != _map.end();
104  ++it) {
105  if (it->second == cur_value) {
106  if (it->first == range.second+1) {
107  range.second = it->first;
108  }
109  else {
110  value2indices[cur_value].insert(range);
111  value2count[cur_value] += range.second - range.first + 1;
112  range.first = it->first;
113  range.second = it->first;
114  }
115  }
116  else {
117  value2indices[cur_value].insert(range);
118  value2count[cur_value] += range.second - range.first + 1;
119  range.first = it->first;
120  range.second = it->first;
121  cur_value = it->second;
122  }
123  }
124  value2indices[cur_value].insert(range);
125  value2count[cur_value] += range.second - range.first + 1;
126  for (typename map<T2, set<pair<T1, T1> > >::const_iterator value = value2indices.begin();
127  value != value2indices.end();
128  ++value) {
129  if (value != value2indices.begin()) cout << "\n";
130  printf("%s size (%3i) : value (", _map_name, _map.size());
131  cout << value->first << ") count (" << value2count[value->first] << ") [";
132  for (typename set<pair<T1, T1> >::const_iterator indices = value->second.begin();
133  indices != value->second.end();
134  ++indices) {
135  if (indices != value->second.begin()) cout << " ";
136  cout << indices->first;
137  if (indices->first != indices->second) cout << "-" << indices->second;
138  }
139  cout << "]," << value->first << ")";
140  }
141  }
142  }
143  if (_cr_at_end) cout << "\n";
144  fflush(stdout);
145 }
147 //
148 // common globals
149 //
151 static bool __VERBOSE = false;
155 static unsigned long __BITS_IN_MAP;
156 static PS_BitMap_Counted *__MAP;
157 static PS_BitMap_Counted *__PRESET_MAP;
161 //
162 // globals for PS_calc_next_speciesid_sets,
163 // PS_calc_next_speciesid_sets_for_candidate
164 //
166 // count of trues for a source_id may be max 5%
167 // (of the difference between __SPECIES_COUNT and the lowest
168 // count of trues per species) higher than the lowest count
169 // of trues for the species in __SOURCE_ID_SET
171 // target_id must be at least in 95% of total target_id_sets
172 // to be in __TARGET_ID_SET
178 //
179 // globals for PS_find_probes
180 //
182 // initially a probe must match 40-60% of species
183 // in the ID-sets to be a candidate
184 // if PS_find_probes fails to find candidates within this range
185 // it is repeated with a broadened range (by 5% each border)
195 static unsigned long __PROBES_COUNTER;
196 static unsigned long __PROBES_REMOVED;
198 static unsigned long __CANDIDATES_COUNTER;
199 static unsigned long __CANDIDATES_TODO;
200 static unsigned long __CANDIDATES_FINISHED;
201 static unsigned long __MAX_DEPTH;
203 //
204 // globals for PS_find_probe_for_sets
205 // PS_test_candidate_on_bitmap
206 //
208 static IDSet __PATH;
210 //
211 // globals for PS_descend
212 //
213 static char *__PATH_IN_CANDIDATES;
216 static unsigned long int PS_test_candidate_on_bitmap(float *_filling_level = NULp, PS_BitMap_Counted *_map = NULp) {
217  // returns number of locations in __MAP that would be switched
218  // from false to true by __PATH
220  // iterate over all IDs except path
221  IDSetCIter path_iter = __PATH.begin();
222  SpeciesID next_path_ID = *path_iter;
223  unsigned long int gain = 0;
224  if (_map) {
225  for (SpeciesID not_in_path_ID = __MIN_ID;
226  not_in_path_ID <= __MAX_ID;
227  ++not_in_path_ID) {
228  if (not_in_path_ID == next_path_ID) { // if i run into a ID in path
229  ++path_iter; // advance to next path ID
230  next_path_ID = (path_iter == __PATH.end()) ? -1 : *path_iter;
231  continue; // skip this ID
232  }
233  // iterate over path IDs
234  for (IDSetCIter path_ID = __PATH.begin();
235  path_ID != __PATH.end();
236  ++path_ID) {
237  if (not_in_path_ID == *path_ID)
238  continue; // obviously a probe cant differ a species from itself
239  if (not_in_path_ID > *path_ID) {
240  gain += !_map->get(not_in_path_ID, *path_ID);
241  }
242  else {
243  gain += !_map->get(*path_ID, not_in_path_ID);
244  }
245  }
246  }
247  }
248  else {
249  for (SpeciesID not_in_path_ID = __MIN_ID;
250  not_in_path_ID <= __MAX_ID;
251  ++not_in_path_ID) {
252  if (not_in_path_ID == next_path_ID) { // if i run into a ID in path
253  ++path_iter; // advance to next path ID
254  next_path_ID = (path_iter == __PATH.end()) ? -1 : *path_iter;
255  continue; // skip this ID
256  }
257  // iterate over path IDs
258  for (IDSetCIter path_ID = __PATH.begin();
259  path_ID != __PATH.end();
260  ++path_ID) {
261  if (not_in_path_ID == *path_ID)
262  continue; // obviously a probe cant differ a species from itself
263  if (not_in_path_ID > *path_ID) {
264  gain += !__MAP->get(not_in_path_ID, *path_ID);
265  }
266  else {
267  gain += !__MAP->get(*path_ID, not_in_path_ID);
268  }
269  }
270  }
271  }
272  if (_filling_level) {
273  unsigned long int trues = (_map) ? _map->getCountOfTrues() + gain : __MAP->getCountOfTrues() + gain;
274  *_filling_level = ((float)trues / __BITS_IN_MAP)*100.0;
275  }
276  return gain;
277 }
280 static bool PS_test_sets_on_path(float &_distance) {
281  long count_matched_source = 0;
282  long count_matched_target = 0;
283  SpeciesID path_id;
284  IDSetCIter path_end = __PATH.end();
285  IDSetCIter path = __PATH.begin();
286  IDSetCIter source_end = __SOURCE_ID_SET.end();
287  IDSetCIter source = __SOURCE_ID_SET.begin();
288  PS_BitSet::IndexSet::const_iterator target_end = __TARGET_ID_SET.end();
289  PS_BitSet::IndexSet::const_iterator target = __TARGET_ID_SET.begin();
291  while (path != path_end) {
292  path_id = *path;
293  while ((*target < path_id) && (target != target_end)) {
294  ++target;
295  }
296  if ((target != target_end) && (*target == path_id))
297  ++count_matched_target;
298  while ((*source < path_id) && (source != source_end)) {
299  ++source;
300  }
301  if ((source != source_end) && (*source == path_id))
302  ++count_matched_source;
303  ++path;
304  }
306  if ((count_matched_source > __SOURCE_MIN_MATCH_COUNT) &&
307  (count_matched_source < __SOURCE_MAX_MATCH_COUNT) &&
308  (count_matched_target > __TARGET_MIN_MATCH_COUNT) &&
309  (count_matched_target < __TARGET_MAX_MATCH_COUNT)) {
310  _distance = fabs(__SOURCE_PERFECT_MATCH_COUNT - count_matched_source) + fabs(__TARGET_PERFECT_MATCH_COUNT - count_matched_target);
311  return true;
312  }
313  return false;
314 }
316 static void PS_find_probe_for_sets(const PS_NodePtr& _ps_node, PS_CandidatePtr _candidate_parent) {
317  // scan subtree starting with _ps_node for candidates
319  SpeciesID id = _ps_node->getNum();
320  bool has_probes = _ps_node->hasProbes();
322  //
323  // append ID to path
324  //
325  __PATH.insert(id);
327  //
328  // don't look at path until ID is greater than lowest ID in the sets of IDs
329  // also don't use a node if its already used as candidate
330  //
331  if ((id >= __MIN_SETS_ID) && has_probes && !_candidate_parent->alreadyUsedNode(_ps_node)) {
333  if (__VERBOSE && (__PROBES_COUNTER % 100 == 0)) {
334  printf("%8lup %8luc\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b", __PROBES_COUNTER, __CANDIDATES_COUNTER);
335  fflush(stdout);
336  }
337  // make intersections of __PATH with __SOURCE_ID_SET and __TARGET_ID_SET
338  float distance_to_perfect_match;
339  if (PS_test_sets_on_path(distance_to_perfect_match)) {
340  unsigned long gain = PS_test_candidate_on_bitmap(); // no -> calc gain and make new candidate node
341  int status = (gain < (unsigned)__SPECIES_COUNT / 100)
342  ? 0
343  : _candidate_parent->addChild(static_cast<unsigned long>(distance_to_perfect_match), gain, _ps_node, __PATH);
344  if (status > 0) {
345  if (status == 2) {
347  if (__VERBOSE) {
348  printf("%8lup %8luc\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b", __PROBES_COUNTER, __CANDIDATES_COUNTER);
349  fflush(stdout);
350  }
351  }
352  fflush(stdout);
353  }
354  }
355  }
357  //
358  // step down the children if either ID is lower than highest
359  // ID in the set of ID-pairs or the node has no probes
360  //
361  if ((id < __MAX_SETS_ID) || (! has_probes)) {
362  for (PS_NodeMapConstIterator i = _ps_node->getChildrenBegin();
363  i != _ps_node->getChildrenEnd();
364  ++i) {
365  PS_find_probe_for_sets(i->second, _candidate_parent);
366  }
367  }
369  //
370  // remove ID from path
371  //
372  __PATH.erase(id);
373 }
375 static void PS_find_probes(const PS_NodePtr& _root_node, const int _round, PS_CandidatePtr _candidate_parent, const float _filling_level) {
376  // scan PS_Node-tree for candidates to raise filling level of __MAP
378  __PROBES_COUNTER = 0;
380  __SOURCE_MIN_MATCH_COUNT = (__SOURCE_ID_SET.size() * (__MIN_PERCENTAGE_SET_MATCH - (_round * 5))) / 100.0;
381  __SOURCE_MAX_MATCH_COUNT = (__SOURCE_ID_SET.size() * (__MAX_PERCENTAGE_SET_MATCH + (_round * 5))) / 100.0;
382  __TARGET_MIN_MATCH_COUNT = (__TARGET_ID_SET.size() * (__MIN_PERCENTAGE_SET_MATCH - (_round * 5))) / 100.0;
383  __TARGET_MAX_MATCH_COUNT = (__TARGET_ID_SET.size() * (__MAX_PERCENTAGE_SET_MATCH + (_round * 5))) / 100.0;
386  __MIN_SETS_ID = (*__SOURCE_ID_SET.begin() < *__TARGET_ID_SET.begin()) ? *__SOURCE_ID_SET.begin() : *__TARGET_ID_SET.begin();
387  __MAX_SETS_ID = (*__SOURCE_ID_SET.rbegin() < *__TARGET_ID_SET.rbegin()) ? *__SOURCE_ID_SET.rbegin() : *__TARGET_ID_SET.rbegin();
388  printf("PS_find_probes(%i) : source match %10.3f .. %10.3f target match %10.3f .. %10.3f\n", _round, __SOURCE_MIN_MATCH_COUNT, __SOURCE_MAX_MATCH_COUNT, __TARGET_MIN_MATCH_COUNT, __TARGET_MAX_MATCH_COUNT); fflush(stdout);
389  struct tms before;
390  times(&before);
391  for (PS_NodeMapConstIterator i = _root_node->getChildrenBegin();
392  (i != _root_node->getChildrenEnd()) && (i->first < __MAX_SETS_ID);
393  ++i)
394  {
395  __PATH.clear();
396  PS_find_probe_for_sets(i->second, _candidate_parent);
397  }
398  printf("PS_find_probes(%i) : %li candidates of %li probes visited ", _round, __CANDIDATES_COUNTER, __PROBES_COUNTER);
399  PS_print_time_diff(&before);
400  // reduce candidates to best,worst and middle gain
401  _candidate_parent->reduceChildren(_filling_level);
402  for (PS_CandidateByGainMapCIter c = _candidate_parent->children.begin();
403  c != _candidate_parent->children.end();
404  ++c) {
405  printf("PS_find_probes(%i) : ", _round);
406  c->second->print();
408  }
409  fflush(stdout);
410 }
413  // scan __MAP to find sets of IDs that need differentiation most
415  //
416  // 1. __SOURCE_ID_SET
417  // scan bitmap for species that need more matches
418  //
419  SpeciesID highest_count;
420  SpeciesID lowest_count;
421  float threshold;
422  SpeciesID count;
424  // first pass -- get lowest count of trues and calc threshold
425  lowest_count = __SPECIES_COUNT;
426  highest_count = 0;
427  for (SpeciesID id = __MIN_ID;
428  id <= __MAX_ID;
429  ++id) {
430  count = __MAP->getCountFor(id);
431  if (count == __SPECIES_COUNT-__MIN_ID-1) continue; // i cannot improve species that can be differed from all others
432  if (count > highest_count) highest_count = count;
433  if (count < lowest_count) lowest_count = count;
434  }
435  threshold = (((__SPECIES_COUNT-lowest_count) * __THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE_NEXT_SOURCE_ID_SET) / 100.0) + lowest_count;
436  printf("PS_calc_next_speciesid_sets() : SOURCE count 1's [%i..%i] threshold (%.3f)", lowest_count, highest_count, threshold);
438  // second pass -- get IDs where count is below or equal threshold
439  __SOURCE_ID_SET.clear();
440  for (SpeciesID id = __MIN_ID;
441  id <= __MAX_ID;
442  ++id) {
443  if (__MAP->getCountFor(id) <= threshold) __SOURCE_ID_SET.insert(id);
444  }
445  PS_print_set_ranges(" __SOURCE_ID_SET", __SOURCE_ID_SET);
447  //
448  // 2. __TARGET_ID_SET
449  // scan bitmap for species IDs that need to be distinguished from MOST species in __SOURCE_ID_SET
450  //
451  ID2IDMap count_falses_per_id;
453  // first -- get the IDs that need differentiation from __SOURCE_ID_SET
454  unsigned long count_iterations = 0;
455  for (IDSetCIter source_id = __SOURCE_ID_SET.begin();
456  source_id != __SOURCE_ID_SET.end();
457  ++source_id, ++count_iterations) {
458  // get 'next_target_set'
459  __MAP->getFalseIndicesFor(*source_id, __TARGET_ID_SET);
460  // count falses per SpeciesID
461  for (PS_BitSet::IndexSet::iterator target_id = __TARGET_ID_SET.begin();
462  target_id != __TARGET_ID_SET.end();
463  ++target_id) {
464  if ((*target_id < __MIN_ID) || (*target_id > __MAX_ID)) continue; // skip ID's that are outside DB-IDs-range (like zero if __MIN_ID is one)
465  if (*target_id != *source_id) ++count_falses_per_id[*target_id];
466  }
467  }
469  // second -- get highest count of falses and calc threshold
470  lowest_count = __SPECIES_COUNT;
471  highest_count = 0;
472  for (ID2IDMapCIter count_per_id = count_falses_per_id.begin();
473  count_per_id != count_falses_per_id.end();
474  ++count_per_id) {
475  if (count_per_id->second > highest_count) highest_count = count_per_id->second;
476  if (count_per_id->second < lowest_count) lowest_count = count_per_id->second;
477  }
478  printf("PS_calc_next_speciesid_sets() : TARGET count 0's [%i..%i]", lowest_count, highest_count);
480  // third -- put all IDs in __TARGET_ID_SET that are needed most by species from __SOURCE_ID_SET
481  __TARGET_ID_SET.clear();
482  for (ID2IDMapCIter count_per_id = count_falses_per_id.begin();
483  count_per_id != count_falses_per_id.end();
484  ++count_per_id) {
485  if (count_per_id->second == highest_count) __TARGET_ID_SET.insert(count_per_id->first);
486  }
487  PS_print_set_ranges(" __TARGET_ID_SET", __TARGET_ID_SET);
488 }
490 void PS_apply_path_to_bitmap(IDSet &_path, const bool _silent = false, PS_BitMap_Counted *_map = NULp) {
491  // set true in __MAP for all combinations of IDs (in _path , not in _path)
493  // iterate over all IDs except path
494  IDSetCIter path_iter = _path.begin();
495  SpeciesID next_path_ID = *path_iter;
496  unsigned long int gain = 0;
497  if (_map) { // called for a 'private' map ?
498  for (SpeciesID not_in_path_ID = __MIN_ID;
499  not_in_path_ID <= __MAX_ID;
500  ++not_in_path_ID) {
501  if (not_in_path_ID == next_path_ID) { // if i run into a ID in path
502  ++path_iter; // advance to next path ID
503  next_path_ID = (path_iter == _path.end()) ? -1 : *path_iter;
504  continue; // skip this ID
505  }
506  // iterate over path IDs
507  for (IDSetCIter path_ID = _path.begin();
508  path_ID != _path.end();
509  ++path_ID) {
510  if (not_in_path_ID == *path_ID) continue; // obviously a probe cant differ a species from itself
511  if (not_in_path_ID > *path_ID) {
512  gain += !_map->set(not_in_path_ID, *path_ID, true);
513  }
514  else {
515  gain += !_map->set(*path_ID, not_in_path_ID, true);
516  }
517  }
518  }
519  }
520  else { // called for __MAP
521  for (SpeciesID not_in_path_ID = __MIN_ID;
522  not_in_path_ID <= __MAX_ID;
523  ++not_in_path_ID) {
524  if (not_in_path_ID == next_path_ID) { // if i run into a ID in path
525  ++path_iter; // advance to next path ID
526  next_path_ID = (path_iter == _path.end()) ? -1 : *path_iter;
527  continue; // skip this ID
528  }
529  // iterate over path IDs
530  for (IDSetCIter path_ID = _path.begin();
531  path_ID != _path.end();
532  ++path_ID) {
533  if (not_in_path_ID == *path_ID) continue; // obviously a probe cant differ a species from itself
534  if (not_in_path_ID > *path_ID) {
535  gain += !__MAP->set(not_in_path_ID, *path_ID, true);
536  }
537  else {
538  gain += !__MAP->set(*path_ID, not_in_path_ID, true);
539  }
540  }
541  }
542  }
543  unsigned long int sets = (__SPECIES_COUNT-_path.size())*_path.size();
544  if (!_silent) printf("PS_apply_path_to_bitmap() : gain %lu of %lu -- %.2f%% -> wasted %lu\n", gain, sets, ((float)gain/sets)*100.0, sets-gain);
545 }
547 static float PS_filling_level(PS_CandidatePtr _candidate = NULp) {
548  // returns filling level of __MAP
550  unsigned long trues = __MAP->getCountOfTrues();
551  float percentage = ((float)trues / __BITS_IN_MAP)*100.0;
552  if (_candidate) {
553  _candidate->filling_level = percentage;
554  _candidate->false_IDs = __BITS_IN_MAP - trues;
555  }
556  else {
557  printf("PS_filling_level() : bitmap (%lu) now has %lu trues and %lu falses -- %.5f%% filled\n", __BITS_IN_MAP, trues, __BITS_IN_MAP-trues, percentage);
558  }
559  return percentage;
560 }
562 void PS_GNUPlot(const char *_out_prefix, const long _iteration, const IDSet &_path, const ID2IDSet &_noMatches) {
563  // generate data- and commandfiles for GNUPlot to display __MAP and its count_trues_per_id
565  char *buffer = (char *)malloc(4096);
566  // open data file
567  sprintf(buffer, "%s.%06li", _out_prefix, _iteration);
568  char *data_name = strdup(buffer);
569  PS_FileBuffer *file = new PS_FileBuffer(data_name, PS_FileBuffer::WRITEONLY);
570  // output data
571  long size = sprintf(buffer, "# CANDIDATE #%li path (%zu)\n", _iteration, _path.size());
572  file->put(buffer, size);
573  for (IDSetCIter i = _path.begin();
574  i != _path.end();
575  ++i) {
576  size = sprintf(buffer, "# %i\n", *i);
577  file->put(buffer, size);
578  }
579  size = sprintf(buffer, "#noMatches (%zu)\n", _noMatches.size());
580  file->put(buffer, size);
581  for (ID2IDSetCIter p = _noMatches.begin();
582  p != _noMatches.end();
583  ++p) {
584  size = sprintf(buffer, "%i %i\n", p->first, p->second);
585  file->put(buffer, size);
586  }
587  size = sprintf(buffer, "\n\n");
588  file->put(buffer, size);
589  sprintf(buffer, "Bitmap after %li. candidate", _iteration);
590  char *title = strdup(buffer);
591  __MAP->printGNUplot(title, buffer, file);
592  // open gnuplot command file
593  sprintf(buffer, "%s.%06li.gnuplot", _out_prefix, _iteration);
594  file->reinit(buffer, PS_FileBuffer::WRITEONLY);
595  // output gnuplot commands
596  size = sprintf(buffer, "set terminal png color\nset output '%06li.bitmap.png\n", _iteration);
597  file->put(buffer, size);
598  size = sprintf(buffer, "set yrange [%i:%i] reverse\nset xrange [%i:%i]\n", __MIN_ID, __MAX_ID, __MIN_ID, __MAX_ID);
599  file->put(buffer, size);
600  size = sprintf(buffer, "set size square\nset title '%li. iteration'\nset pointsize 0.5\n", _iteration);
601  file->put(buffer, size);
602  size = sprintf(buffer, "plot '%s' index 1 title 'match ()' with dots 2,'%s' index 0 title 'no match (30)' with points 1\n", data_name, data_name);
603  file->put(buffer, size);
604  size = sprintf(buffer, "set terminal png color\nset output '%06li.counters.png\n", _iteration);
605  file->put(buffer, size);
606  size = sprintf(buffer, "set yrange [] noreverse\nset size nosquare\n");
607  file->put(buffer, size);
608  size = sprintf(buffer, "plot '%s' index 2 title 'count/species' with impulses 2,'%s' index 3 title 'species/count' with points 1", data_name, data_name);
609  file->put(buffer, size);
611  delete file;
612  free(title);
613  free(data_name);
614  free(buffer);
615 }
617 static PS_CandidatePtr PS_ascend(PS_CandidatePtr _last_candidate) {
618  // 'remove' _last_candidate from __MAP by applying its parent's
619  // paths to a fresh __MAP
621  //
622  // make fresh __MAP
623  //
624  __MAP->copy(__PRESET_MAP);
625  //
626  // apply paths of parent-candidates to __MAP
627  //
628  PS_CandidatePtr parent = _last_candidate->parent;
629  while (parent && !parent->path.empty()) {
630  PS_apply_path_to_bitmap(parent->path, true);
631  parent = parent->parent;
632  }
633  printf("ASCEND ");
635  //
636  // return the parent of the given candidate
637  //
638  return _last_candidate->parent;
639 }
642 static void PS_descend(PS_CandidatePtr _candidate_parent, const PS_NodePtr& _root_node, unsigned long _depth, const float _filling_level) {
643  struct tms before;
644  times(&before);
646  printf("\nDESCEND ==================== depth (%lu / %lu) candidates (%lu / %lu -> %lu left) ====================\n",
647  _depth,
648  __MAX_DEPTH,
652  printf("DESCEND PATH : (%s)\n\n", __PATH_IN_CANDIDATES);
654  //
655  // calc source- and target-set of IDs
656  //
658  printf("\nDESCEND ---------- calculated next speciesid-sets ----------\n\n"); fflush(stdout);
660  //
661  // search for candidates to improve filling level of __MAP using the source- and target-set of IDs
662  // max. 3 rounds
663  //
664  int round = 0;
665  for (; round<3 && _candidate_parent->children.empty(); ++round) {
666  PS_find_probes(_root_node, round, _candidate_parent, _filling_level);
667  }
668  printf("\nDESCEND ---------- searched probe for speciesid-sets [rounds : %i] candidates (%lu / %lu -> %lu left) ----------\n\n",
669  round,
674  //
675  // descend down each (of the max 3) candidate(s)
676  //
677  char count = '0'+_candidate_parent->children.size();
678  for (PS_CandidateByGainMapRIter next_candidate_it = _candidate_parent->children.rbegin();
679  next_candidate_it != _candidate_parent->children.rend();
680  ++next_candidate_it, --count) {
681  PS_CandidatePtr next_candidate = &(*next_candidate_it->second);
683  //
684  // apply candidate to __MAP
685  //
686  printf("[%p] ", next_candidate);
687  PS_apply_path_to_bitmap(next_candidate->path);
688  printf("[%p] ", next_candidate);
689  PS_filling_level(next_candidate);
690  next_candidate->depth = _depth+1;
691  next_candidate->print(0, false, false);
692  //
693  // step down
694  //
695  if ((next_candidate->filling_level < 75.0) && (_depth+1 < __MAX_DEPTH)) {
696  __PATH_IN_CANDIDATES[_depth] = count;
697  __PATH_IN_CANDIDATES[_depth+1] = '\x00';
698  PS_descend(next_candidate, _root_node, _depth+1, next_candidate->filling_level);
699  }
700  //
701  // remove candidate from __MAP
702  //
703  PS_ascend(next_candidate);
704  }
706  printf("\nDESCEND ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ depth (%li) max depth (%li) candidates (%lu / %lu -> %lu left) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ",
707  _depth,
708  __MAX_DEPTH,
712  PS_print_time_diff(&before);
713  printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
714 }
717  // make __MAP for _candidate
719  if (_candidate->map) return; // if candidate already has its map return
720  _candidate->map = new PS_BitMap_Counted(false, __MAX_ID+1);
721  _candidate->map->copy(__PRESET_MAP);
722  PS_apply_path_to_bitmap(_candidate->path, true, _candidate->map); // apply _candidate's path
723  PS_CandidatePtr parent = _candidate->parent;
724  while (parent && !parent->path.empty()) { // apply parent's paths
725  PS_apply_path_to_bitmap(parent->path, true, _candidate->map);
726  parent = parent->parent;
727  }
728 }
732  PS_CandidateSet &_leaf_candidates,
733  const bool _ignore_passes_left = false) {
735  for (PS_CandidateByGainMapIter next_candidate = _candidate_parent->children.begin();
736  next_candidate != _candidate_parent->children.end();
737  ++next_candidate) {
739  if ((next_candidate->second->children.size() == 0) &&
740  ((next_candidate->second->passes_left > 0) || _ignore_passes_left)) {
741  _leaf_candidates.insert(next_candidate->second);
742  }
743  PS_get_leaf_candidates(&(*next_candidate->second), _leaf_candidates, _ignore_passes_left);
744  }
745 }
747 void PS_get_next_candidates_descend(PS_NodePtr _ps_node, PS_CandidateSet &_leaf_candidates) {
748  // scan PS_node-tree for next candidates for each of _leaf_candidates
750  SpeciesID id = _ps_node->getNum();
751  bool has_probes = _ps_node->hasProbes();
753  //
754  // append ID to path
755  //
756  __PATH.insert(id);
758  //
759  // don't look at path until ID is greater than lowest ID in the sets of IDs
760  // also don't use a node if its already used as candidate
761  //
762  if ((id >= __MIN_SETS_ID) && has_probes) {
763  unsigned long total_gain_of_node = 0;
764  unsigned long total_tests_per_node = 0;
766  // iterate over _leaf_candidates
767  for (PS_CandidateSetIter candidate_iter = _leaf_candidates.begin();
768  candidate_iter != _leaf_candidates.end();
769  ++candidate_iter) {
770  PS_CandidateSPtr candidate = *candidate_iter;
772  // next leaf-candidate if the probe was already used for current candidate
773  if (candidate->alreadyUsedNode(_ps_node)) continue;
775  ++__CANDIDATES_COUNTER; // possible candidates
776  if (__VERBOSE) printf("%8lup %8lur %8luc %8lug %8luu\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b",
781  __CANDIDATES_FINISHED); fflush(stdout);
783  // next leaf-candidate if __PATH doesn't fulfill matching criteria
784  unsigned long matches = candidate->matchPathOnOneFalseIDs(__PATH);
785  if (matches < candidate->one_false_IDs_matches) continue;
787  ++__CANDIDATES_TODO; // good candidates
788  if (__VERBOSE) printf("%8lup %8lur %8luc %8lug %8luu\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b",
793  __CANDIDATES_FINISHED); fflush(stdout);
795  // test node on candidate's bitmap
796  float filling_level;
797  ++total_tests_per_node;
798  unsigned long gain = PS_test_candidate_on_bitmap(&filling_level, candidate->map);
799  total_gain_of_node += gain;
800  if (candidate->updateBestChild(gain, matches, filling_level, _ps_node, __PATH)) {
801  ++__CANDIDATES_FINISHED; // used candiates
802  if (__VERBOSE) printf("%8lup %8lur %8luc %8lug %8luu\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b",
807  __CANDIDATES_FINISHED); fflush(stdout);
808  }
809  }
810  if ((total_tests_per_node == _leaf_candidates.size()) &&
811  (total_gain_of_node == 0)) {
813  if (__VERBOSE) printf("%8lup %8lur %8luc %8lug %8luu\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b",
818  __CANDIDATES_FINISHED); fflush(stdout);
819  _ps_node->removeProbes();
820  }
821  }
823  //
824  // step down the children if either ID is lower than highest
825  // ID in the set of ID-pairs or the node has no probes
826  //
827  if ((id < __MAX_SETS_ID) || (! has_probes)) {
828  for (PS_NodeMapConstIterator i = _ps_node->getChildrenBegin();
829  i != _ps_node->getChildrenEnd();
830  ++i) {
831  PS_get_next_candidates_descend(i->second, _leaf_candidates);
832  }
833  }
835  //
836  // remove ID from path
837  //
838  __PATH.erase(id);
839 }
842 void PS_get_next_candidates(const PS_NodePtr& _root_node, PS_CandidateSet& _leaf_candidates) {
843  struct tms before;
844  times(&before);
845  // first calc source/target/false_IDs sets
846  printf("PS_get_next_candidates() : initializing %zu candidates..\n", _leaf_candidates.size()); fflush(stdout);
847  __PROBES_COUNTER = 0;
848  __PROBES_REMOVED = 0;
852  __MIN_SETS_ID = __MAX_ID;
853  __MAX_SETS_ID = __MIN_ID;
854  for (PS_CandidateSetIter iter = _leaf_candidates.begin();
855  iter != _leaf_candidates.end();
856  ++iter) {
857  PS_CandidateSPtr candidate = *iter;
858  if (!candidate->map) { // if candidate has no map yet
859  candidate->getParentMap(); // try to get its parent's map
860  if (candidate->map) { // if parent had a map (if not a new map is created in PS_calc_next_speciesid_sets_for_candidate
861  PS_apply_path_to_bitmap(candidate->path, true, candidate->map); // apply candidate's path
862  }
863  }
864  PS_make_map_for_candidate(&(*candidate));
865  candidate->initFalseIDs(__MIN_ID, __MAX_ID, __MIN_SETS_ID, __MAX_SETS_ID);
866  }
867  // scan tree
868  printf("PS_get_next_candidates() : "); fflush(stdout);
869  for (PS_NodeMapConstIterator node_iter = _root_node->getChildrenBegin();
870  (node_iter != _root_node->getChildrenEnd()) && (node_iter->first < __MAX_SETS_ID);
871  ++node_iter) {
872  __PATH.clear();
873  PS_get_next_candidates_descend(node_iter->second, _leaf_candidates);
874  }
875  printf("looked at probes (%lu) -> removed probes (%lu) possible candidates (%lu) -> good candidates (%lu) -> used candidates (%lu)\nPS_get_next_candidates() : ",
880  __CANDIDATES_FINISHED); fflush(stdout);
881  PS_print_time_diff(&before);
883  // 'descend' candidates
884  for (PS_CandidateSetIter iter = _leaf_candidates.begin();
885  iter != _leaf_candidates.end();
886  ++iter) {
887  PS_CandidateSPtr candidate = *iter;
888  candidate->print();
889  candidate->decreasePasses();
890  }
892  _leaf_candidates.clear();
893  PS_get_leaf_candidates(__CANDIDATES_ROOT, _leaf_candidates);
894 }
896 // ====================================================
897 // ====================================================
898 int main(int argc,
899  char *argv[]) {
900  //
901  // check arguments
902  //
903  if (argc < 5) {
904  printf("Missing argument\n Usage %s <database name> <result filename> <[-]candidates filename> <final candidates filename> [--verbose] [result filename prefix for output files]\n", argv[0]);
905  exit(1);
906  }
908  const char *input_DB_name = argv[1];
909  const char *result_in_filename = argv[2];
910  const char *candidates_filename = argv[3];
911  const char *final_candidates_filename = argv[4];
912  const char *result_out_prefix = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : NULp;
913  if (argc > 5) {
914  if (strcmp(result_out_prefix, "--verbose") == 0) {
915  __VERBOSE = true;
916  result_out_prefix = (argc > 6) ? argv[6] : NULp;
917  }
918  }
919  //
920  // open probe-set-database
921  //
922  printf("Opening probe-set-database '%s'..\n", input_DB_name);
923  PS_Database *db = new PS_Database(input_DB_name, PS_Database::READONLY);
924  db->load();
925  __MAX_ID = db->getMaxID();
926  __MIN_ID = db->getMinID();
927  __SPECIES_COUNT = db->getSpeciesCount();
928  printf("min ID (%i) max ID (%i) count of species (%i)\n", __MIN_ID, __MAX_ID, __SPECIES_COUNT);
929  printf("..loaded database (enter to continue)\n"); fflush(stdout);
931  //
932  // open result file for preset bitmap
933  //
934  printf("Opening result file %s..\n", result_in_filename);
935  PS_FileBuffer *result_file = new PS_FileBuffer(result_in_filename, PS_FileBuffer::READONLY);
936  long size;
937  ID2IDSet noMatches;
938  SpeciesID id1, id2;
939  printf("reading no matches : ");
940  result_file->get_long(size);
941  printf("(%li)\n", size); fflush(stdout);
942  for (long i=0;
943  i < size;
944  ++i) {
945  result_file->get_int(id1);
946  result_file->get_int(id2);
947  printf(" %i,%i", id1, id2);
948  if (id1 < id2) {
949  noMatches.insert(ID2IDPair(id1, id2));
950  }
951  else {
952  noMatches.insert(ID2IDPair(id2, id1));
953  }
954  }
955  printf("\nreading one matches : ");
956  result_file->get_long(size);
957  printf("(%li)\n", size); fflush(stdout);
958  long path_length;
959  SpeciesID path_id;
960  IDSet path;
961  // IDID2IDSetMap oneMatchesMap;
962  for (long i=0;
963  i < size;
964  ++i) {
965  path.clear();
966  result_file->get_int(id1);
967  result_file->get_int(id2);
968  result_file->get_long(path_length);
969  printf("%i,%i path(%li)", id1, id2, path_length);
970  while (path_length-- > 0) {
971  result_file->get_int(path_id);
972  printf(" %i", path_id);
973  path.insert(path_id);
974  }
975  printf("\n");
976  // oneMatchesMap[ID2IDPair(id1, id2)] = path;
977  }
978  printf("loading preset bitmap..\n"); fflush(stdout);
979  __BITS_IN_MAP = ((__MAX_ID+1)*__MAX_ID)/2 + __MAX_ID+1;
980  __MAP = new PS_BitMap_Counted(result_file);
981  __PRESET_MAP = new PS_BitMap_Counted(false, __MAX_ID+1);
982  for (id1 = 0; id1 < __MIN_ID; ++id1) {
983  for (id2 = 0; id2 <= __MAX_ID; ++id2) {
984  if (id1 > id2) {
985  __MAP->setTrue(id1, id2);
986  }
987  else {
988  __MAP->setTrue(id2, id1);
989  }
990  }
991  }
992  for (SpeciesID id = 0; id <= __MAX_ID; ++id) {
993  __MAP->setTrue(id, id);
994  }
995  __MAP->recalcCounters();
996  __PRESET_MAP->copy(__MAP);
997  printf("..loaded result file (enter to continue)\n");
998  printf("cleaning up... result file\n"); fflush(stdout);
999  delete result_file;
1001  //
1002  // create or read candidates
1003  //
1004  __CANDIDATES_ROOT = new PS_Candidate(0.0);
1005  PS_FileBuffer *candidates_file;
1006  struct tms before;
1007  if (candidates_filename[0] != '-') {
1008  printf("searching candidates..\n");
1009  //
1010  // recursively build a tree of candidates
1011  //
1012  __MAX_DEPTH = 0;
1013  for (long species_count = __SPECIES_COUNT; species_count > 0; species_count >>= 1) {
1014  ++__MAX_DEPTH;
1015  }
1016  __MAX_DEPTH = (__MAX_DEPTH * 3) >> 1;
1017  __PATH_IN_CANDIDATES = (char *)calloc(__MAX_DEPTH+1, sizeof(char));
1018  __CANDIDATES_TODO = 0;
1020  times(&before);
1021  PS_descend(__CANDIDATES_ROOT, db->getConstRootNode(), 0, 0.0);
1022  printf("PS_descend : total ");
1023  PS_print_time_diff(&before);
1025  //
1026  // save candidates
1027  //
1028  printf("saving candidates to %s..\n", candidates_filename);
1029  candidates_file = new PS_FileBuffer(candidates_filename, PS_FileBuffer::WRITEONLY);
1030  __CANDIDATES_ROOT->false_IDs = __BITS_IN_MAP;
1031  __CANDIDATES_ROOT->save(candidates_file, __BITS_IN_MAP);
1032  }
1033  else {
1034  printf("loading candidates..\n");
1035  candidates_file = new PS_FileBuffer(candidates_filename+1, PS_FileBuffer::READONLY);
1036  __CANDIDATES_ROOT->load(candidates_file, __BITS_IN_MAP, db->getConstRootNode());
1037  printf("..loaded candidates file (enter to continue)\n");
1038  }
1039  printf("cleaning up... candidates file\n"); fflush(stdout);
1040  delete candidates_file;
1042  //
1043  // scan candidates-tree for leaf candidates
1044  //
1045  printf("CANDIDATES :\n");
1046  __CANDIDATES_ROOT->print();
1047  printf("\nsearching leaf candidates.. ");
1048  PS_CandidateSet leaf_candidates;
1049  PS_get_leaf_candidates(__CANDIDATES_ROOT, leaf_candidates);
1050  printf("%zu\n", leaf_candidates.size());
1052  //
1053  // scan tree for next candidates (below the ones in leaf_candidates)
1054  //
1055  times(&before);
1056  long round = 0;
1057  while (!leaf_candidates.empty() && round<200) {
1058  printf("\nsearching next candidates [round #%li]..\n", ++round);
1059  PS_get_next_candidates(db->getConstRootNode(), leaf_candidates);
1061  printf("rounds %li total ", round);
1062  PS_print_time_diff(&before);
1063  }
1065  printf("\nFINAL CANDIDATES:\n");
1066  __CANDIDATES_ROOT->print(0, true);
1067  printf("\nfinal leaf candidates.. (%zu)\n", leaf_candidates.size());
1068  PS_get_leaf_candidates(__CANDIDATES_ROOT, leaf_candidates, true);
1069  for (PS_CandidateSetIter c = leaf_candidates.begin();
1070  c != leaf_candidates.end();
1071  ++c) {
1072  (*(*c)).print();
1073  }
1075  //
1076  // save final candidates
1077  //
1078  printf("saving final candidates to %s..\n", final_candidates_filename);
1079  candidates_file = new PS_FileBuffer(final_candidates_filename, PS_FileBuffer::WRITEONLY);
1080  __CANDIDATES_ROOT->save(candidates_file, __BITS_IN_MAP);
1081  printf("cleaning up... candidates file\n"); fflush(stdout);
1082  delete candidates_file;
1084  //
1085  // starting with the best candidate print the __MAP for each
1086  // depth walking up to root of candidates-tree
1087  //
1088  if (result_out_prefix) {
1089  // put __MAP in the state 'after applying best_candidate and its parents'
1090  PS_CandidateSPtr best_candidate_smart = *leaf_candidates.begin();
1091  PS_CandidatePtr best_candidate = &(*best_candidate_smart);
1092  PS_ascend(best_candidate);
1093  PS_apply_path_to_bitmap(best_candidate->path);
1094  while (best_candidate) {
1095  PS_GNUPlot(result_out_prefix, __MAX_DEPTH--, best_candidate->path, noMatches);
1096  best_candidate = PS_ascend(best_candidate);
1097  }
1098  }
1100  //
1101  // clean up
1102  //
1103  printf("cleaning up... candidates\n"); fflush(stdout);
1104  delete __CANDIDATES_ROOT;
1105  free(__PATH_IN_CANDIDATES);
1106  printf("cleaning up... database\n"); fflush(stdout);
1107  delete db;
1108  printf("cleaning up... bitmaps\n"); fflush(stdout);
1109  delete __PRESET_MAP;
1110  delete __MAP;
1112  return 0;
1113 }
static unsigned long __CANDIDATES_TODO
PS_BitMap_Counted * map
static const bool READONLY
static unsigned long __CANDIDATES_FINISHED
static void PS_find_probes(const PS_NodePtr &_root_node, const int _round, PS_CandidatePtr _candidate_parent, const float _filling_level)
const char * id
Definition: AliAdmin.cxx:17
PS_NodeMapIterator getChildrenBegin()
Definition: ps_node.hxx:114
void PS_print_time_diff(const struct tms *_since, const char *_before, const char *_after)
Definition: ps_tools.cxx:21
PS_CandidateSet::iterator PS_CandidateSetIter
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
void PS_apply_path_to_bitmap(IDSet &_path, const bool _silent=false, PS_BitMap_Counted *_map=NULp)
static unsigned long __BITS_IN_MAP
std::set< SpeciesID > IDSet
Definition: ps_defs.hxx:39
SpeciesID getNum() const
Definition: ps_node.hxx:72
static bool PS_test_sets_on_path(float &_distance)
static PS_BitSet::IndexSet __TARGET_ID_SET
bool alreadyUsedNode(const PS_NodePtr &_ps_node) const
void get_long(long int &_l)
static void PS_make_map_for_candidate(PS_CandidatePtr _candidate)
void PS_get_next_candidates(const PS_NodePtr &_root_node, PS_CandidateSet &_leaf_candidates)
const char * title
Definition: readseq.c:22
unsigned long false_IDs
STL namespace.
PS_NodeMap::const_iterator PS_NodeMapConstIterator
Definition: ps_node.hxx:58
ID2IDMap::const_iterator ID2IDMapCIter
Definition: ps_defs.hxx:48
static unsigned long __MAX_DEPTH
Definition: seq_search.cxx:34
static float PS_filling_level(PS_CandidatePtr _candidate=NULp)
static IDSet __PATH
static PS_BitMap_Counted * __PRESET_MAP
std::map< SpeciesID, SpeciesID > ID2IDMap
Definition: ps_defs.hxx:46
static IDSet __SOURCE_ID_SET
static PS_CandidatePtr __CANDIDATES_ROOT
PS_NodeMapIterator getChildrenEnd()
Definition: ps_node.hxx:118
set< PS_CandidateSPtr, cmp_candidates > PS_CandidateSet
void PS_print_set_ranges(const char *_set_name, const set< T > &_set, const bool _cr_at_end=true)
PS_CandidateByGainMap::iterator PS_CandidateByGainMapIter
void PS_GNUPlot(const char *_out_prefix, const long _iteration, const IDSet &_path, const ID2IDSet &_noMatches)
PS_CandidateByGainMap children
static unsigned long __PROBES_COUNTER
static SpeciesID __MIN_SETS_ID
static SpeciesID __MAX_ID
void removeProbes()
Definition: ps_node.hxx:189
void put(const void *_data, int _length)
static void PS_calc_next_speciesid_sets()
static void PS_descend(PS_CandidatePtr _candidate_parent, const PS_NodePtr &_root_node, unsigned long _depth, const float _filling_level)
static PS_BitMap_Counted * __MAP
set< long > IndexSet
Definition: ps_bitset.hxx:27
std::set< ID2IDPair > ID2IDSet
Definition: ps_defs.hxx:54
static BasicStatus status
PS_CandidateByGainMap::reverse_iterator PS_CandidateByGainMapRIter
static SpeciesID __SPECIES_COUNT
ID2IDSet::const_iterator ID2IDSetCIter
Definition: ps_defs.hxx:56
static SpeciesID __MIN_ID
void PS_get_leaf_candidates(PS_CandidatePtr _candidate_parent, PS_CandidateSet &_leaf_candidates, const bool _ignore_passes_left=false)
static unsigned long __CANDIDATES_COUNTER
void reduceChildren(const float _filling_level)
static unsigned long __PROBES_REMOVED
int addChild(unsigned long _distance, unsigned long _gain, const PS_NodePtr &_node, IDSet &_path)
unsigned long depth
void get_int(int &_i)
float filling_level
static bool __VERBOSE
static unsigned long int PS_test_candidate_on_bitmap(float *_filling_level=NULp, PS_BitMap_Counted *_map=NULp)
PS_Candidate * parent
void PS_print_map_ranges(const char *_map_name, const map< T1, T2 > &_map, const bool _compare_keys=true, const bool _cr_at_end=true)
static void PS_find_probe_for_sets(const PS_NodePtr &_ps_node, PS_CandidatePtr _candidate_parent)
#define NULp
Definition: cxxforward.h:116
void load(PS_FileBuffer *_file, const unsigned long _bits_in_map, const PS_NodePtr &_root_node)
PS_CandidateByGainMap::const_iterator PS_CandidateByGainMapCIter
bool hasProbes() const
Definition: ps_node.hxx:159
void PS_get_next_candidates_descend(PS_NodePtr _ps_node, PS_CandidateSet &_leaf_candidates)
void print(const unsigned long _depth=0, const bool _print_one_false_IDs=false, const bool _descend=true) const
std::pair< SpeciesID, SpeciesID > ID2IDPair
Definition: ps_defs.hxx:53
static char * __PATH_IN_CANDIDATES
void reinit(const char *name, bool _readonly)
void save(PS_FileBuffer *_file, const unsigned long _bits_in_map)
static const bool WRITEONLY
static SpeciesID __MAX_SETS_ID
static PS_CandidatePtr PS_ascend(PS_CandidatePtr _last_candidate)
IDSet::const_iterator IDSetCIter
Definition: ps_defs.hxx:41
void print(const T &t)
Definition: test_unit.h:359