Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* File: readseq.c
2  * main() program for ureadseq.c, ureadseq.h
3  *
4  * Reads and writes nucleic/protein sequence in various
5  * formats. Data files may have multiple sequences.
6  *
7  * Copyright 1990 by d.g.gilbert
8  * biology dept., indiana university, bloomington, in 47405
9  * e-mail:
10  *
11  * This program may be freely copied and used by anyone.
12  * Developers are encourged to incorporate parts in their
13  * programs, rather than devise their own private sequence
14  * format.
15  *
16  * This should compile and run with any ANSI C compiler.
17  * Please advise me of any bugs, additions or corrections.
18  *
19  */
21 const char *title
22  = "readSeq (1Feb93), multi-format molbio sequence reader.\n";
24  /* History
25  27 Feb 90. 1st release to public.
26  4 Mar 90. + Gary Olsen format
27  + case change
28  * minor corrections to NBRF,EMBL,others
29  * output 1 file per sequence for gcg, unknown
30  * define -DNOSTR for c-libraries w/o strstr
31  - readseq.p, pascal version, becomes out-of-date
32  24 May 90. + Phylip 3.2 output format (no input)
33  20 Jul 90. + Phylip 3.3 output (no input yet)
34  + interactive output re-direction
35  + verbose progress info
36  * interactive help output
37  * dropped line no.s on NBRF output
38  * patched in HyperGCG XCMD corrections,
39  - except for seq. documentation handling
40  * dropped the IG special nuc codes, as IG has
41  adopted the standard IUB codes (now if only
42  everyone would adopt a standard format !)
43  11 Oct 90. * corrected bug in reading/writing of EMBL format
45  17 Oct 91. * corrected bug in reading Olsen format
46  (serious-deletion)
47  10 Nov 91. * corrected bug in reading some GCG format files
48  (serious-last line duplicated)
49  + add format name parsing (-fgb, -ffasta, ...)
50  + Phylip v3.4 output format (== v3.2, sequential)
51  + add checksum output to all forms that have document
52  + skip mail headers in seq file
53  + add pipe for standard input == seq file (with -p)
54  * fold in parts of MacApp Seq object
55  * strengthen format detection
56  * clarify program structure
57  * remove fixed sequence size limit (now dynamic, sizeof memory)
58  * check and fold in accumulated bug reports:
59  * Now ANSI-C fopen(..,"w") & check open failure
60  * Define -DFIXTOUPPER for nonANSI C libraries that mess
61  up toupper/tolower
62  = No command-line changes; callers of readseq main() should be okay
63  - ureadseq.h functions have changed; client programs need to note.
64  + added Unix and VMS Make scripts, including validation tests
66  4 May 92. + added 32 bit CRC checksum as alternative to GCG 6.5bit checksum
68  Aug 92 = fixed Olsen format input to handle files w/ more sequences,
69  not to mess up when more than one seq has same identifier,
70  and to convert number masks to symbols.
71  = IG format fix to understand ^L
73  25-30 Dec 92
74  * revised command-line & interactive interface. Suggested form is now
75  readseq infile -format=genbank -output=outfile -item=1,3,4 ...
76  but remains compatible with prior commandlines:
77  readseq infile -f2 -ooutfile -i3 ...
78  + added GCG MSF multi sequence file format
79  + added PIR/CODATA format
80  + added NCBI ASN.1 sequence file format
81  + added Pretty, multi sequence pretty output (only)
82  + added PAUP multi seq format
83  + added degap option
84  + added Gary Williams (GWW, G.Williams@CRC.AC.UK) reverse-complement option.
85  + added support for reading Phylip formats (interleave & sequential)
86  * string fixes, dropped need for compiler flags NOSTR, FIXTOUPPER, NEEDSTRCASECMP
87  * changed 32bit checksum to default, -DSMALLCHECKSUM for GCG version
89  1Feb93
90  = revert GenBank output to a fixed left number width which
91  other software depends on.
92  = fix for MSF input to handle symbols in names
93  = fix bug for possible memory overrun when truncating seqs for
94  Phylip or Paup formats (thanks Anthony Persechini)
96  */
100 /*
101  Readseq has been tested with:
102  Macintosh MPW C
103  GNU gcc
104  SGI cc
105  VAX-VMS cc
106  Any ANSI C compiler should be able to handle this.
107  Old-style C compilers barf all over the source.
110 How do I build the readseq program if I have an Ansi C compiler?
111 #--------------------
112 # Unix ANSI C
113 # Use the supplied Makefile this way:
114 % make CC=name-of-c-compiler
115 # OR do this...
116 % gcc readseq.c ureadseq.c -o readseq
118 #--------------------
119 $!VAX-VMS cc
120 $! Use the supplied Make.Com this way:
121 $ @make
122 $! OR, do this:
123 $ cc readseq, ureadseq
124 $ link readseq, ureadseq, sys$library:vaxcrtl/lib
125 $ readseq :== $ MyDisk:[myacct]readseq
127 #--------------------
128 # Macintosh Simple Input/Output Window application
129 # requires MPW-C and SIOW library (from APDA)
130 # also uses files macinit.c, macinit.r, readseqSIOW.make
131 #
132 Buildprogram readseqSIOW
134 #--------------------
135 #MPW-C v3 tool
136 C ureadseq.c
137 C readseq.c
138 link -w -o readseq -t MPST -c 'MPS ' ¶
139  readseq.c.o Ureadseq.c.o ¶
140  "{Libraries}"Interface.o ¶
141  "{Libraries}"ToolLibs.o ¶
142  "{Libraries}"Runtime.o ¶
143  "{CLibraries}"StdClib.o
144 readseq -i1 ig.seq
146 # MPW-C with NCBI tools
148 set NCBI "{Boot}@molbio:ncbi:"; EXPORT NCBI
149 set NCBILIB1 "{NCBI}"lib:libncbi.o; export NCBILIB1
150 set NCBILIB2 "{NCBI}"lib:libncbiobj.o; export NCBILIB2
151 set NCBILIB3 "{NCBI}"lib:libncbicdr.o; export NCBILIB3
152 set NCBILIB4 "{NCBI}"lib:libvibrant.o; export NCBILIB4
154 C ureadseq.c
155 C -d NCBI -i "{NCBI}"include: ureadasn.c
156 C -d NCBI -i "{NCBI}"include: readseq.c
157 link -w -o readseq -t MPST -c 'MPS ' ¶
158  ureadseq.c.o ureadasn.c.o readseq.c.o ¶
160  "{Libraries}"Interface.o ¶
161  "{Libraries}"ToolLibs.o ¶
162  "{Libraries}"Runtime.o ¶
163  "{CLibraries}"CSANELib.o ¶
164  "{CLibraries}"Math.o ¶
165  "{CLibraries}"StdClib.o
167 ===========================================================*/
171 #include <stdio.h>
172 #include <stdlib.h>
173 #include <string.h>
174 #define __NO_CTYPE
175 #include <ctype.h>
177 #include "ureadseq.h"
178 #include <gets_noOverflow.h>
183 const char *formats[kMaxFormat+1] = {
184  " 1. IG/Stanford",
185  " 2. GenBank/GB",
186  " 3. NBRF",
187  " 4. EMBL",
188  " 5. GCG",
189  " 6. DNAStrider",
190  " 7. Fitch",
191  " 8. Pearson/Fasta",
192  " 9. Zuker (in-only)",
193  "10. Olsen (in-only)",
194  "11. Phylip3.2",
195  "12. Phylip",
196  "13. Plain/Raw",
197  "14. PIR/CODATA",
198  "15. MSF",
199  "16. ASN.1",
200  "17. PAUP/NEXUS",
201  "18. Pretty (out-only)",
202  "" };
204 #define kFormCount 30
205 #define kMaxFormName 15
207 const struct formatTable {
208  const char *name;
209  short num;
210 } formname[] = {
211  {"ig", kIG},
212  {"stanford", kIG},
213  {"genbank", kGenBank},
214  {"gb", kGenBank},
215  {"nbrf", kNBRF},
216  {"embl", kEMBL},
217  {"gcg", kGCG},
218  {"uwgcg", kGCG},
219  {"dnastrider", kStrider},
220  {"strider", kStrider},
221  {"fitch", kFitch},
222  {"pearson", kPearson},
223  {"fasta", kPearson},
224  {"zuker", kZuker},
225  {"olsen", kOlsen},
226  {"phylip", kPhylip},
227  {"phylip3.2", kPhylip2},
228  {"phylip3.3", kPhylip3},
229  {"phylip3.4", kPhylip4},
230  {"phylip-interleaved", kPhylip4},
231  {"phylip-sequential", kPhylip2},
232  {"plain", kPlain},
233  {"raw", kPlain},
234  {"pir", kPIR},
235  {"codata", kPIR},
236  {"asn.1", kASN1},
237  {"msf", kMSF},
238  {"paup", kPAUP},
239  {"nexus", kPAUP},
240  {"pretty", kPretty},
241  };
243 const char *kASN1headline = "Bioseq-set ::= {\nseq-set {\n";
245 /* GWW table for getting the complement of a nucleotide (IUB codes) */
246 /* ! "#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[ \]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ */
247 const char compl[] = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@TVGHNNCDNNMNKNNYRYSAABWNRN[\\]^_`tvghnncdnnmnknnyrysaabwnrn{|}~";
251 const char *formatstr( short format)
252 {
253  if (format < 1 || format > kMaxFormat) {
254  switch (format) {
255  case kASNseqentry :
256  case kASNseqset : return formats[kASN1-1];
257  case kPhylipInterleave:
258  case kPhylipSequential: return formats[kPhylip-1];
259  default: return "(unknown)";
260  }
261  }
262  else return formats[format-1];
263 }
265 int rs_isdigit(int c){
266  return isdigit(c);
267 }
269 int parseformat( char *name2)
270 {
271 #define kDupmatch -2
272  int maxlen, i, match, matchat;
273  size_t namelen;
274  char lname[kMaxFormName+1];
276  skipwhitespace(name2);
277  namelen = strlen(name2);
278  if (namelen == 0)
279  return kNoformat;
280  else if (rs_isdigit(*name2)) {
281  i = atol( name2);
282  if (i < kMinFormat || i > kMaxFormat) return kNoformat;
283  else return i;
284  }
286  /* else match character name */
287  maxlen = min( kMaxFormName, namelen);
288  for (i=0; i<maxlen; i++) lname[i] = to_lower(name2[i]);
289  lname[maxlen]=0;
290  matchat = kNoformat;
292  for (i=0; i<kFormCount; i++) {
293  match = strncmp( lname, formname[i].name, maxlen);
294  if (match == 0) {
295  if (strlen(formname[i].name) == namelen) return (formname[i].num);
296  else if (matchat == kNoformat) matchat = i;
297  else matchat = kDupmatch; /* 2 or more partial matches */
298  }
299  }
300  if (matchat == kNoformat || matchat == kDupmatch)
301  return kNoformat;
302  else
303  return formname[matchat].num;
304 }
308 static void dumpSeqList(char *list, short format)
309 {
310  long i, l, listlen;
311  char s[256];
313  listlen = strlen(list);
314  printf("Sequences in %s (format is %s)\n", inputfile, formatstr(format));
315  for (i=0, l=0; i < listlen; i++) {
316  if (list[i] == (char)NEWLINE) {
317  s[l] = '\0'; l = 0;
318  puts(s);
319  }
320  else if (l < 255)
321  s[l++] = list[i];
322  }
323  putchar('\n');
324 }
328 void usage()
329 {
330  short i, midi;
332  fputs(title, stderr);
333  fprintf(stderr,
334  "usage: readseq [-options] in.seq > out.seq\n");
335  fprintf(stderr," options\n");
336 /* ? add -d[igits] to allow digits in sequence data, &/or option to specify seq charset !? */
337  fprintf(stderr, " -a[ll] select All sequences\n");
338  fprintf(stderr, " -c[aselower] change to lower case\n");
339  fprintf(stderr, " -C[ASEUPPER] change to UPPER CASE\n");
340  fprintf(stderr, " -degap[=-] remove gap symbols\n");
341  fprintf(stderr, " -i[tem=2,3,4] select Item number(s) from several\n");
342  fprintf(stderr, " -l[ist] List sequences only\n");
343  fprintf(stderr, " -o[utput=]out.seq redirect Output\n");
344  fprintf(stderr, " -p[ipe] Pipe (command line, <stdin, >stdout)\n");
345  fprintf(stderr, " -r[everse] change to Reverse-complement\n");
346  fprintf(stderr, " -v[erbose] Verbose progress\n");
347  fprintf(stderr, " -f[ormat=]# Format number for output, or\n");
348  fprintf(stderr, " -f[ormat=]Name Format name for output:\n");
349  midi = (kMaxFormat+1) / 2;
350  for (i = kMinFormat-1; i < midi; i++)
351  fprintf( stderr, " %-20s %-20s\n",
352  formats[i], formats[midi+i]);
354  /* new output format options, esp. for pretty format: */
355  fprintf(stderr, " \n");
356  fprintf(stderr, " Pretty format options: \n");
357  fprintf(stderr, " -wid[th]=# sequence line width\n");
358  fprintf(stderr, " -tab=# left indent\n");
359  fprintf(stderr, " -col[space]=# column space within sequence line on output\n");
360  fprintf(stderr, " -gap[count] count gap chars in sequence numbers\n");
361  fprintf(stderr, " -nameleft, -nameright[=#] name on left/right side [=max width]\n");
362  fprintf(stderr, " -nametop name at top/bottom\n");
363  fprintf(stderr, " -numleft, -numright seq index on left/right side\n");
364  fprintf(stderr, " -numtop, -numbot index on top/bottom\n");
365  fprintf(stderr, " -match[=.] use match base for 2..n species\n");
366  fprintf(stderr, " -inter[line=#] blank line(s) between sequence blocks\n");
368  /****** not ready yet
369  fprintf(stderr, " -code=none,rtf,postscript,ps code syntax\n");
370  fprintf(stderr, " -namefont=, -numfont=, -seqfont=font font choice\n");
371  fprintf(stderr, " font suggestions include times,courier,helvetica\n");
372  fprintf(stderr, " -namefontsize=, -numfontsize=, -seqfontsize=#\n");
373  fprintf(stderr, " fontsize suggestions include 9,10,12,14\n");
374  fprintf(stderr, " -namefontstyle=, -numfontstyle=, -seqfontstyle= style fontstyle for names\n");
375  fprintf(stderr, " fontstyle options are plain,italic,bold,bold-italic\n");
376  ******/
377 }
379 void erralert(short err)
380 {
381  switch (err) {
382  case 0 :
383  break;
384  case eFileNotFound: fprintf(stderr, "arb_readseq: File not found: %s\n", inputfile);
385  break;
386  case eFileCreate: fprintf(stderr, "arb_readseq: Can't open output file.\n");
387  break;
388  case eASNerr: fprintf(stderr, "arb_readseq: Error in ASN.1 sequence routines.\n");
389  break;
390  case eNoData: fprintf(stderr, "arb_readseq: No data in file.\n");
391  break;
392  case eItemNotFound: fprintf(stderr, "arb_readseq: Specified item not in file.\n");
393  break;
394  case eUnequalSize: fprintf(stderr, "arb_readseq: This format requires equal length sequences.\nSequence truncated or padded to fit.\n");
395  break;
396  case eUnknownFormat: fprintf(stderr, "arb_readseq: Error: this format is unknown to me.\n");
397  break;
398  case eOneFormat: fprintf(stderr, "arb_readseq: Warning: This format permits only 1 sequence per file.\n");
399  break;
400  case eMemFull: fprintf(stderr, "arb_readseq: Out of storage memory. Sequence truncated.\n");
401  break;
402  case ePipeStdin: fprintf(stderr, "arb_readseq: piping from stdin is prohibited.\n");
403  break;
404  default: fprintf(stderr, "arb_readseq: errorcode = %d\n", err);
405  break;
406  }
407 } /* erralert */
412 int chooseFormat( boolean quietly)
413 {
414  char sform[USERINPUT_BUFFERSIZE];
415  int midi, i, outform;
417  if (quietly)
418  return kPearson; /* default */
419  else {
420  midi = (kMaxFormat+1) / 2;
421  for (i = kMinFormat-1; i < midi; i++)
422  fprintf( stderr, " %-20s %-20s\n",
423  formats[i], formats[midi+i]);
424  fprintf(stderr,"\nChoose an output format (name or #): \n");
426  outform = parseformat(sform);
427  if (outform == kNoformat) outform = kPearson;
428  return outform;
429  }
430 }
434 /* read parameter(s) */
436 boolean checkopt( boolean casesense, char *sopt, const char *smatch, short minword)
437 {
438  long lenopt, lenmatch;
439  boolean result;
440  short minmaxw;
442  lenopt = strlen(sopt);
443  lenmatch= strlen(smatch);
444  minmaxw= max(minword, min(lenopt, lenmatch));
446  if (casesense)
447  result= (!strncmp( sopt, smatch, minmaxw));
448  else
449  result= (!Strncasecmp( sopt, smatch, minmaxw ));
450  /* if (result) { */
451  /* fprintf(stderr,"true checkopt(opt=%s,match=%s,param=%s)\n", sopt, smatch, *sparam); */
452  /* } */
453  return result;
454 }
457 #define kMaxwhichlist 50
459 /* global for readopt(), main() */
460 boolean chooseall = false, quietly = false, gotinputfile = false,
461  listonly = false, closeout = false, verbose = false,
462  manyout = false, dolower = false, doupper = false, doreverse= false,
463  askout = true, dopipe= false, interleaved = false;
464 short nfile = 0, iwhichlist=0, nwhichlist = 0;
468 FILE *foo = NULL;
471 /* need this when used from SIOW, as these globals are not reinited automatically
472 between calls to local main() */
473 {
474  chooseall = false; quietly = false; gotinputfile = false;
475  listonly = false; closeout = false; verbose = false;
476  manyout = false; dolower = false; doupper = false; doreverse= false;
477  askout = true; dopipe= false; interleaved = false;
478  nfile = 0; iwhichlist=0; nwhichlist = 0;
479  whichSeq = 0; outform = kNoformat;
480  oname = onamestore;
481  foo = NULL;
484 }
487 #define kOptOkay 1
488 #define kOptNone 0
490 int readopt( char *sopt)
491 {
492  char sparamstore[256], *sparam= sparamstore;
493  short n;
495  /* fprintf(stderr,"readopt( %s) == ", sopt); */
497  if (*sopt == '?') {
498  usage();
499  return kOptNone; /*? eOptionBad or kOptNone */
500  }
502  else if (*sopt == '-') {
504  {
505  char *cp= strchr(sopt,'=');
506  *sparam= '\0';
507  if (cp) {
508  strcpy(sparam, cp+1);
509  *cp= 0;
510  }
511  }
513  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-help", 2)) {
514  usage();
515  return kOptNone;
516  }
518  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-all", 2)) {
519  whichSeq= 1; chooseall= true;
520  return kOptOkay;
521  }
523  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-colspace", 4)) { /* test before -c[ase] */
524  n= atoi( sparam);
525  gPretty.spacer = n;
526  return kOptOkay;
527  }
529  if (checkopt( true, sopt, "-caselower", 2)) {
530  dolower= true;
531  return kOptOkay;
532  }
533  if (checkopt( true, sopt, "-CASEUPPER", 2)) {
534  doupper= true;
535  return kOptOkay;
536  }
538  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-pipe", 2)) {
539  dopipe= true; askout= false;
540  return kOptOkay;
541  }
543  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-list", 2)) {
544  listonly = true; askout = false;
545  return kOptOkay;
546  }
548  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-reverse", 2)) {
549  doreverse = true;
550  return kOptOkay;
551  }
553  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-verbose", 2)) {
554  verbose = true;
555  return kOptOkay;
556  }
558  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-match", 5)) {
559  gPretty.domatch= true;
560  if (*sparam >= ' ') gPretty.matchchar= *sparam;
561  return kOptOkay;
562  }
563  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-degap", 4)) {
564  gPretty.degap= true;
565  if (*sparam >= ' ') gPretty.gapchar= *sparam;
566  return kOptOkay;
567  }
569  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-interline", 4)) {
570  gPretty.interline= atoi( sparam);
571  return kOptOkay;
572  }
574  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-item", 2)) {
575  char *cp = sparam;
576  nwhichlist= 0;
577  whichlist[0]= 0;
578  if (*cp == 0) cp= sopt+2; /* compatible w/ old way */
579  do {
580  while (*cp!=0 && !rs_isdigit(*cp)) cp++;
581  if (*cp!=0) {
582  n = atoi( cp);
583  whichlist[nwhichlist++]= n;
584  while (*cp!=0 && rs_isdigit(*cp)) cp++;
585  }
586  } while (*cp!=0 && n>0 && nwhichlist<kMaxwhichlist);
587  whichlist[nwhichlist++]= 0; /* 0 == stopsign for loop */
588  whichSeq= max(1,whichlist[0]); iwhichlist= 1;
589  return kOptOkay;
590  }
592  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-format", 5)) {/* -format=phylip, -f2, -form=phylip */
593  if (*sparam==0) { for (sparam= sopt+2; isalpha(*sparam); sparam++) ; }
594  outform = parseformat( sparam);
595  return kOptOkay;
596  }
597  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-f", 2)) { /* compatible w/ -fphylip prior version */
598  if (*sparam==0) sparam= sopt+2;
599  outform = parseformat( sparam);
600  return kOptOkay;
601  }
603  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-output", 3)) {/* -output=myseq */
604  if (*sparam==0) { for (sparam= sopt+3; isalpha(*sparam); sparam++) ; }
605  strcpy( oname, sparam);
606  foo = fopen( oname, "w");
607  if (!foo) { erralert(eFileCreate); return eFileCreate; }
608  closeout = true;
609  askout = false;
610  return kOptOkay;
611  }
612  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-o", 2)) { /* compatible w/ -omyseq prior version */
613  if (*sparam==0) sparam= sopt+2;
614  strcpy( oname, sparam);
615  foo = fopen( oname, "w");
616  if (!foo) { erralert(eFileCreate); return eFileCreate; }
617  closeout = true;
618  askout = false;
619  return kOptOkay;
620  }
622  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-width", 2)) {
623  if (*sparam==0) { for (sparam= sopt+2; !rs_isdigit(*sparam) && *sparam!=0; sparam++) ; }
624  n= atoi( sparam);
625  if (n>0) gPretty.seqwidth = n;
626  return kOptOkay;
627  }
629  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-tab", 4)) {
630  if (*sparam==0) { for (sparam= sopt+2; !rs_isdigit(*sparam) && *sparam!=0; sparam++) ; }
631  n= atoi( sparam);
632 = n;
633  return kOptOkay;
634  }
636  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-gapcount", 4)) {
637  gPretty.baseonlynum = false;
638  /* if (*sparam >= ' ') gPretty.gapchar= *sparam; */
639  return kOptOkay;
640  }
641  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-nointerleave", 8)) {
642  gPretty.noleaves = true;
643  return kOptOkay;
644  }
646  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-nameleft", 7)) {
647  if (*sparam==0) { for (sparam= sopt+2; !rs_isdigit(*sparam) && *sparam!=0; sparam++) ; }
648  n= atoi( sparam);
649  if (n>0 && n<50) gPretty.namewidth = n;
650  gPretty.nameleft= true;
651  return kOptOkay;
652  }
653  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-nameright", 7)) {
654  if (*sparam==0) { for (sparam= sopt+2; !rs_isdigit(*sparam) && *sparam!=0; sparam++) ; }
655  n= atoi( sparam);
656  if (n>0 && n<50) gPretty.namewidth = n;
657  gPretty.nameright= true;
658  return kOptOkay;
659  }
660  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-nametop", 6)) {
661  gPretty.nametop= true;
662  return kOptOkay;
663  }
665  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-numleft", 6)) {
666  if (*sparam==0) { for (sparam= sopt+2; !rs_isdigit(*sparam) && *sparam!=0; sparam++) ; }
667  n= atoi( sparam);
668  if (n>0 && n<50) gPretty.numwidth = n;
669  gPretty.numleft= true;
670  return kOptOkay;
671  }
672  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-numright", 6)) {
673  if (*sparam==0) { for (sparam= sopt+2; !rs_isdigit(*sparam) && *sparam!=0; sparam++) ; }
674  n= atoi( sparam);
675  if (n>0 && n<50) gPretty.numwidth = n;
676  gPretty.numright= true;
677  return kOptOkay;
678  }
680  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-numtop", 6)) {
681  gPretty.numtop= true;
682  return kOptOkay;
683  }
684  if (checkopt( false, sopt, "-numbottom", 6)) {
685  gPretty.numbot= true;
686  return kOptOkay;
687  }
689  else {
690  usage();
691  return eOptionBad;
692  }
693  }
695  else {
696  strcpy( inputfile, sopt);
697  gotinputfile = (*inputfile != 0);
698  nfile++;
699  return kOptOkay;
700  }
702  /* return kOptNone; -- never here */
703 }
708 /* this program suffers some as it tries to be a quiet translator pipe
709  _and_ a noisy user interactor
710 */
712 /* return is best for SIOW, okay for others */
713 #ifdef SIOW
714 #define Exit(a) return(a)
715 siow_main( int argc, char *argv[])
717 #else
718 #define Exit(a) exit(a)
720 int main( int argc, char *argv[])
721 #endif
722 {
723 boolean closein = false;
724 short ifile, nseq, atseq, format, err = 0, seqtype = kDNA,
725  nlines, seqout = 0, phylvers = 2;
726 long i, skiplines, seqlen, seqlen0;
727 unsigned long checksum= 0, checkall= 0;
728 char *seq, *firstseq = NULL, *seqlist, tempname[256];
729 const char *cp;
730 char seqid[256], *seqidptr = seqid;
731 char stempstore[USERINPUT_BUFFERSIZE_SEQ], *stemp = stempstore;
732 FILE *ftmp, *fin = NULL, *fout = NULL;
733 long outindexmax= 0, noutindex= 0, *outindex = NULL;
735 #define exit_main(err) { \
736  if (closeout) fclose(fout); \
737  if (closein) fclose(fin); \
738  if (*tempname!=0) remove(tempname);\
739  Exit(err); }
741 #define indexout() if (interleaved) {\
742  if (noutindex>=outindexmax) {\
743  outindexmax= noutindex + 20;\
744  outindex= (long*) realloc(outindex, sizeof(long)*outindexmax);\
745  if (outindex==NULL) { err= eMemFull; erralert(err); exit_main(err); }\
746  }\
747  outindex[noutindex++]= ftell(fout);\
748  }
751  resetGlobals();
752  foo = stdout;
753  *oname = 0;
754  *tempname = 0;
755  /* initialize gPretty ?? -- done in header */
757  for (i=1; i < argc; i++) {
758  err= readopt( argv[i]);
759  if (err <= 0) exit_main(err);
760  }
762  /* pipe input from stdin !? */
763  if (dopipe && !gotinputfile) {
766 #if 0
767  // Disable to get rid of tmpnam warning.
768  // Case is not used by ARB.
769  int c;
770  tmpnam(tempname);
771  inputfile = tempname;
772  ftmp = fopen( inputfile, "w");
773  if (!ftmp) { erralert(eFileCreate); exit_main(eFileCreate); }
774  while ((c = getc(stdin)) != EOF) fputc(c, ftmp);
775  fclose(ftmp);
776  gotinputfile= true;
777 #endif
778  }
780  quietly = (dopipe || (gotinputfile && (listonly || whichSeq != 0)));
782  if (verbose || (!quietly && !gotinputfile)) fputs(title, stderr);
783  ifile = 1;
785  /* UI: Choose output */
786  if (askout && !closeout && !quietly) {
787  askout = false;
788  fprintf(stderr,"\nName of output file (?=help, defaults to display): \n");
789  gets_noOverflow(oname= onamestore, USERINPUT_BUFFERSIZE);
790  skipwhitespace(oname);
791  if (*oname == '?') { usage(); exit_main(0); }
792  else if (*oname != 0) {
793  closeout = true;
794  foo = fopen( oname, "w");
796  }
797  }
799  fout = foo;
802  /* set up formats ... */
803  switch (outform) {
804  case kPhylip2:
805  interleaved= false;
806  phylvers = 2;
807  outform = kPhylip;
808  break;
810  case kPhylip4:
811  interleaved= true;
812  phylvers = 4;
813  outform = kPhylip;
814  break;
816  case kMSF:
817  case kPAUP:
818  interleaved= true;
819  break;
821  case kPretty:
822  gPretty.isactive= true;
823  interleaved= true;
824  break;
826  }
829  if (interleaved) {
830  fout = ftmp = tmpfile();
831  outindexmax= 30; noutindex= 0;
832  outindex = (long*) malloc(outindexmax*sizeof(long));
833  if (outindex==NULL) { err= eMemFull; erralert(err); exit_main(err); }
834  }
836  /* big loop over all input files */
837  do {
838  /* select next input file */
839  gotinputfile = (*tempname != 0);
840  while ((ifile < argc) && (!gotinputfile)) {
841  if (*argv[ifile] != '-') {
842  strcpy( inputfile, argv[ifile]);
843  gotinputfile = (*inputfile != 0);
844  --nfile;
845  }
846  ifile++;
847  }
849  while (!gotinputfile) {
850  fprintf(stderr,"\nName an input sequence or -option: \n");
851  inputfile= inputfilestore;
853  gets_noOverflow(stemp= stempstore, USERINPUT_BUFFERSIZE_SEQ);
854  if (*stemp==0) goto fini; /* !! need this to finish work during interactive use */
855  stemp= strtok(stempstore, " \n\r\t");
856  while (stemp) {
857  err= readopt( stemp); /* will read inputfile if it exists */
858  if (err<0) exit_main(err);
859  stemp= strtok( NULL, " \n\r\t");
860  }
861  }
862  /* thanks to AJB@UK.AC.DARESBURY.DLVH for this PHYLIP3 fix: */
863  /* head for end (interleave if needed) */
864  if (*inputfile == 0) break;
866  format = seqFileFormat( inputfile, &skiplines, &err);
868  if (err == 0) {
869 #ifdef NCBI
870  if (format == kASNseqentry || format == kASNseqset)
871  seqlist = listASNSeqs( inputfile, skiplines, format, &nseq, &err);
872  else
873 #endif
874  seqlist = listSeqs( inputfile, skiplines, format, &nseq, &err);
875  }
877  if (err != 0)
878  erralert(err);
880  else if (listonly) {
881  dumpSeqList(seqlist,format);
882  free( seqlist);
883  }
885  else {
886  /* choose whichSeq if needed */
887  if (nseq == 1 || chooseall || (quietly && whichSeq == 0)) {
888  chooseall= true;
889  whichSeq = 1;
890  quietly = true; /* no loop */
891  }
892  else if (whichSeq > nseq && quietly) {
894  err= eItemNotFound;
895  }
896  else if (whichSeq > nseq || !quietly) {
897  dumpSeqList(seqlist, format);
898  fprintf(stderr,"\nChoose a sequence (# or All): \n");
899  gets_noOverflow(stemp= stempstore, USERINPUT_BUFFERSIZE_SEQ);
900  skipwhitespace(stemp);
901  if (to_lower(*stemp) == 'a') {
902  chooseall= true;
903  whichSeq = 1;
904  quietly = true; /* !? this means we don't ask for another file
905  as well as no more whichSeqs... */
906  }
907  else if (rs_isdigit(*stemp)) whichSeq= atol(stemp);
908  else whichSeq= 1; /* default */
909  }
910  free( seqlist);
912  if (false /*chooseall*/) { /* this isn't debugged yet...*/
913  fin = fopen(inputfile, "r");
914  closein= true;
915  }
917  while (whichSeq > 0 && whichSeq <= nseq) {
918  /* need to open multiple output files ? */
919  manyout = ((chooseall || nwhichlist>1) && nseq > 1
920  && (outform == kPlain || outform == kGCG));
921  if (manyout) {
922  if ( whichSeq == 1 ) erralert(eOneFormat);
923  else if (closeout) {
924  sprintf( stemp,"%s_%ld", oname, whichSeq);
925  freopen( stemp, "w", fout);
926  fprintf( stderr,"Writing sequence %ld to file %s\n", whichSeq, stemp);
927  }
928  }
930  if (closein) {
931  /* !! this fails... skips most seqs... */
932  /* !! in sequential read, must count seqs already read from whichSeq ... */
933  /* need major revision of ureadseq before we can do this */
934  atseq= whichSeq-1;
935  seqidptr= seqid;
936  seq = readSeqFp( whichSeq, fin, skiplines, format,
937  &seqlen, &atseq, &err, seqidptr);
938  skiplines= 0;
939  }
940  else {
941  atseq= 0;
942  seqidptr= seqid;
943 #ifdef NCBI
944  if (format == kASNseqentry || format == kASNseqset) {
945  seqidptr= NULL;
946  seq = readASNSeq( whichSeq, inputfile, skiplines, format,
947  &seqlen, &atseq, &err, &seqidptr);
948  }
949  else
950 #endif
951  seq = readSeq( whichSeq, inputfile, skiplines, format,
952  &seqlen, &atseq, &err, seqidptr);
953  }
956  if (gPretty.degap) {
957  char *newseq;
958  long newlen;
959  newseq= compressSeq( gPretty.gapchar, seq, seqlen, &newlen);
960  if (newseq) {
961  free(seq); seq= newseq; seqlen= newlen;
962  }
963  }
965  if (outform == kMSF) checksum= GCGchecksum(seq, seqlen, &checkall);
966  else if (verbose) checksum= seqchecksum(seq, seqlen, &checkall);
967  if (verbose)
968  fprintf( stderr, "Sequence %ld, length= %ld, checksum= %lX, format= %s, id= %s\n",
969  whichSeq, seqlen, checksum, formatstr(format), seqidptr);
971  if (err != 0) erralert(err);
972  else {
973  /* format fixes that writeseq doesn't do */
974  switch (outform) {
975  case kPIR:
976  if (seqout == 0) fprintf( foo,"\\\\\\\n");
977  break;
978  case kASN1:
979  if (seqout == 0) fputs(kASN1headline, foo);
980  break;
982  case kPhylip:
983  if (seqout == 0) {
984  if (!interleaved) { /* bug, nseq is for 1st infile only */
985  if (chooseall) i= nseq; else i=1;
986  if (phylvers >= 4) fprintf(foo," %ld %ld\n", i, seqlen);
987  else fprintf(foo," %ld %ld YF\n", i, seqlen);
988  }
989  seqlen0 = seqlen;
990  }
991  else if (seqlen != seqlen0) {
993  if (seqlen < seqlen0) seq = (char *)realloc(seq, seqlen0);
994  for (i=seqlen; i<seqlen0; i++) seq[i]= gPretty.gapchar;
995  seqlen = seqlen0;
996  seq[seqlen] = 0;
997  }
998  break;
1000  case kPAUP:
1001  if (seqout == 0) {
1002  seqtype= getseqtype(seq, seqlen);
1003  seqlen0 = seqlen;
1004  }
1005  else if (seqlen != seqlen0) {
1007  if (seqlen < seqlen0) seq = (char *)realloc(seq, seqlen0);
1008  for (i=seqlen; i<seqlen0; i++) seq[i]= gPretty.gapchar;
1009  seqlen = seqlen0;
1010  seq[seqlen] = 0;
1011  }
1012  break;
1014  }
1016  if (doupper)
1017  for (i = 0; i<seqlen; i++) seq[i] = to_upper(seq[i]);
1018  else if (dolower)
1019  for (i = 0; i<seqlen; i++) seq[i] = to_lower(seq[i]);
1021  if (outform==kPhylip){
1022  for (i = 0; i<seqlen; i++) if (seq[i] == '.') seq[i] = '?';
1023  }
1025  if (doreverse) {
1026  long j, k;
1027  char ctemp;
1028  for (j=0, k=seqlen-1; j <= k; j++, k--) {
1029  ctemp = compl[seq[j] - ' '];
1030  seq[j] = compl[seq[k] - ' '];
1031  seq[k] = ctemp;
1032  }
1033  }
1035  if ((gPretty.isactive || outform==kPAUP) && gPretty.domatch && firstseq != NULL) {
1036  for (i=0; i<seqlen; i++){
1037  if (seq[i] == gPretty.matchchar) seq[i] = 'o';
1038  if (seq[i]==firstseq[i]) seq[i]= gPretty.matchchar;
1039  }
1040  }
1043  if (gPretty.isactive && gPretty.numtop && seqout == 0) {
1044  gPretty.numline = 1;
1045  indexout();
1046  (void) writeSeq( fout, seq, seqlen, outform, seqidptr);
1047  gPretty.numline = 2;
1048  indexout();
1049  (void) writeSeq( fout, seq, seqlen, outform, seqidptr);
1050  gPretty.numline = 0;
1051  }
1053  indexout();
1054  nlines = writeSeq( fout, seq, seqlen, outform, seqidptr);
1055  seqout++;
1056  }
1058  if ((gPretty.isactive || outform==kPAUP) && gPretty.domatch && firstseq == NULL) {
1059  firstseq= seq;
1060  seq = NULL;
1061  }
1062  else if (seq!=NULL) { free(seq); seq = NULL; }
1064 #ifdef NCBI
1065  if ( (format == kASNseqentry || format == kASNseqset)
1066  && seqidptr && seqidptr!= seqid)
1067  free(seqidptr);
1068 #endif
1069  if (chooseall) whichSeq++;
1071  else whichSeq= 0;
1072  }
1073  if (closein) { fclose(fin); closein= false; }
1074  }
1075  whichSeq = 0;
1076  } while (nfile > 0 || !quietly);
1079 fini:
1080  if (firstseq) { free(firstseq); firstseq= NULL; }
1081  if (err || listonly) exit_main(err);
1083  if (gPretty.isactive && gPretty.numbot) {
1084  gPretty.numline = 2;
1085  indexout();
1086  (void) writeSeq( fout, seq, seqlen, outform, seqidptr);
1087  gPretty.numline = 1;
1088  indexout();
1089  (void) writeSeq( fout, seq, seqlen, outform, seqidptr);
1090  gPretty.numline = 0;
1091  }
1093  if (outform == kMSF) {
1094  if (*oname) cp= oname; else cp= inputfile;
1095  fprintf(foo,"\n %s MSF: %ld Type: N January 01, 1776 12:00 Check: %lu ..\n\n",
1096  cp, seqlen, checkall);
1097  }
1099  if (outform == kPAUP) {
1100  fprintf(foo,"#NEXUS\n");
1101  if (*oname) cp= oname; else cp= inputfile;
1102  fprintf(foo,"[%s -- data title]\n\n", cp);
1103  /* ! now have header lines for each sequence... put them before "begin data;... */
1104  }
1106  if (outform==kPhylip && interleaved) {
1107  if (phylvers >= 4) fprintf(foo," %d %ld\n", seqout, seqlen);
1108  else fprintf(foo," %d %ld YF\n", seqout, seqlen);
1109  }
1111  if (interleaved) {
1112  /* interleave species lines in true output */
1113  /* nlines is # lines / sequence */
1114  short iline, j, leaf, iseq;
1115  char *s = stempstore;
1117  indexout(); noutindex--; /* mark eof */
1119  for (leaf=0; leaf<nlines; leaf++) {
1120  if (outform == kMSF && leaf == 1) {
1121  fputs("//\n\n", foo);
1122  }
1123  if (outform == kPAUP && leaf==1) {
1124  switch (seqtype) {
1125  case kDNA : cp= "dna"; break;
1126  case kRNA : cp= "rna"; break;
1127  case kNucleic : cp= "dna"; break;
1128  case kAmino : cp= "protein"; break;
1129  case kOtherSeq: cp= "dna"; break;
1130  }
1131  fprintf(foo,"\nbegin data;\n");
1132  fprintf(foo," dimensions ntax=%d nchar=%ld;\n", seqout, seqlen);
1133  /* fix by Ralf Westram (ARB): '-' means 'gap' ('.' means 'missing') */
1134  fprintf(foo," format datatype=%s interleave=yes missing=. gap=%c", cp, gPretty.gapchar);
1135  if (gPretty.domatch) fprintf(foo," matchchar=%c", gPretty.matchchar);
1136  fprintf(foo,";\n matrix\n");
1137  }
1139  for (iseq=0; iseq<noutindex; iseq++) {
1140  fseek(ftmp, outindex[iseq], 0);
1141  for (iline=0; iline<=leaf; iline++)
1142  if (!fgets(s, 256, ftmp)) *s= 0;
1143  if (ftell(ftmp) <= outindex[iseq+1])
1144  fputs( s, foo);
1145  }
1147  for (j=0; j<gPretty.interline; j++)
1148  fputs( "\n", foo); /* some want spacer line */
1149  }
1150  fclose(ftmp); /* tmp disappears */
1151  fout= foo;
1152  }
1154  if (outform == kASN1) fprintf( foo, "} }\n");
1155  if (outform == kPAUP) fprintf( foo,";\n end;\n");
1157  if (outindex != NULL) free(outindex);
1158  exit_main(0);
1159 }
char * readSeqFp(const short whichEntry_, FILE *fp_, const long skiplines_, const short format_, long *seqlen_, short *nseq_, short *error_, char *seqid_)
Definition: ureadseq.c:1033
#define skipwhitespace(string)
Definition: ureadseq.h:17
boolean manyout
Definition: readseq.c:462
#define kZuker
Definition: ureadseq.h:58
short nfile
Definition: readseq.c:464
string result
char * oname
Definition: readseq.c:467
#define eFileCreate
Definition: ureadseq.h:33
#define ePipeStdin
Definition: ureadseq.h:37
short interline
Definition: ureadseq.h:92
#define kASN1
Definition: ureadseq.h:67
boolean baseonlynum
Definition: ureadseq.h:85
AliDataPtr format(AliDataPtr data, const size_t wanted_len, GB_ERROR &error)
Definition: insdel.cxx:615
#define kPhylip
Definition: ureadseq.h:63
#define to_lower(c)
Definition: ureadseq.h:22
long whichSeq
Definition: readseq.c:466
char matchchar
Definition: ureadseq.h:89
boolean numleft
Definition: ureadseq.h:86
#define kOlsen
Definition: ureadseq.h:59
#define eOneFormat
Definition: ureadseq.h:31
boolean nameleft
Definition: ureadseq.h:87
#define kAmino
Definition: ureadseq.h:47
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: readseq.c:720
char gapchar
Definition: ureadseq.h:89
boolean noleaves
Definition: ureadseq.h:88
boolean domatch
Definition: ureadseq.h:88
char * compressSeq(const char gapc, const char *seq, const long seqlen, long *newlen)
Definition: ureadseq.c:1545
#define eMemFull
Definition: ureadseq.h:29
#define kFormCount
Definition: readseq.c:204
const char * title
Definition: readseq.c:22
Definition: readseq.c:410
#define kPhylip2
Definition: ureadseq.h:60
#define kRNA
Definition: ureadseq.h:45
int Strncasecmp(const char *a, const char *b, long maxn)
Definition: ureadseq.c:48
#define eASNerr
Definition: ureadseq.h:36
prettyopts gPretty
Definition: ureadseq.c:31
#define kASNseqset
Definition: ureadseq.h:78
short iwhichlist
Definition: readseq.c:464
FILE * seq
Definition: rns.c:46
char * listSeqs(const char *filename_, const long skiplines_, const short format_, short *nseq_, short *error_)
Definition: ureadseq.c:1134
#define eNoData
Definition: ureadseq.h:28
boolean numtop
Definition: ureadseq.h:86
short whichlist[kMaxwhichlist+1]
Definition: readseq.c:465
boolean doreverse
Definition: readseq.c:462
#define kMSF
Definition: ureadseq.h:66
short namewidth
Definition: ureadseq.h:91
#define kNBRF
Definition: ureadseq.h:52
#define kMinFormat
Definition: ureadseq.h:72
void erralert(short err)
Definition: readseq.c:379
boolean verbose
Definition: readseq.c:461
#define kPlain
Definition: ureadseq.h:64
#define kStrider
Definition: ureadseq.h:55
const char * kASN1headline
Definition: readseq.c:243
Definition: readseq.c:409
#define kPhylip3
Definition: ureadseq.h:62
#define eFileNotFound
Definition: ureadseq.h:27
#define kMaxwhichlist
Definition: readseq.c:457
int readopt(char *sopt)
Definition: readseq.c:490
#define kPhylipInterleave
Definition: ureadseq.h:80
boolean askout
Definition: readseq.c:463
#define kNoformat
Definition: ureadseq.h:73
#define kPAUP
Definition: ureadseq.h:68
boolean nameright
Definition: ureadseq.h:87
short seqwidth
Definition: ureadseq.h:92
boolean dolower
Definition: readseq.c:462
void resetGlobals()
Definition: readseq.c:470
int rs_isdigit(int c)
Definition: readseq.c:265
fputc('\n', stderr)
#define kGenBank
Definition: ureadseq.h:51
#define kIG
Definition: ureadseq.h:50
boolean interleaved
Definition: readseq.c:463
Definition: readseq.c:467
boolean chooseall
Definition: readseq.c:460
const char * formatstr(short format)
Definition: readseq.c:251
boolean numbot
Definition: ureadseq.h:86
#define kPhylipSequential
Definition: ureadseq.h:81
const char * formats[kMaxFormat+1]
Definition: readseq.c:183
const char * name
Definition: readseq.c:208
#define kASNseqentry
Definition: ureadseq.h:77
boolean isactive
Definition: ureadseq.h:85
long outform
Definition: readseq.c:466
#define kNucleic
Definition: ureadseq.h:46
#define eOptionBad
Definition: ureadseq.h:35
#define kOptNone
Definition: readseq.c:488
#define kGCG
Definition: ureadseq.h:54
#define indexout()
boolean nametop
Definition: ureadseq.h:87
boolean quietly
Definition: readseq.c:460
#define eItemNotFound
Definition: ureadseq.h:30
boolean checkopt(boolean casesense, char *sopt, const char *smatch, short minword)
Definition: readseq.c:436
#define kFitch
Definition: ureadseq.h:56
#define kOtherSeq
Definition: ureadseq.h:43
boolean doupper
Definition: readseq.c:462
fputs(TRACE_PREFIX, stderr)
boolean gotinputfile
Definition: readseq.c:460
short writeSeq(FILE *outf, const char *seq, const long seqlen, const short outform, const char *seqid)
Definition: ureadseq.c:1583
#define kEMBL
Definition: ureadseq.h:53
#define to_upper(c)
Definition: ureadseq.h:23
#define eUnknownFormat
Definition: ureadseq.h:34
const struct formatTable formname[]
#define kPhylip4
Definition: ureadseq.h:61
int chooseFormat(boolean quietly)
Definition: readseq.c:412
#define kDNA
Definition: ureadseq.h:44
boolean listonly
Definition: readseq.c:461
boolean degap
Definition: ureadseq.h:88
#define kOptOkay
Definition: readseq.c:487
int parseformat(char *name2)
Definition: readseq.c:269
#define seqchecksum
Definition: ureadseq.h:140
short seqFileFormat(const char *filename, long *skiplines, short *error)
Definition: ureadseq.c:1151
#define exit_main(err)
#define kMaxFormName
Definition: readseq.c:205
short spacer
Definition: ureadseq.h:92
unsigned long GCGchecksum(const char *seq, const long seqlen, unsigned long *checktotal)
Definition: ureadseq.c:1420
static char * inputfile
Definition: readseq.c:181
static char inputfilestore[256]
Definition: readseq.c:181
#define kPearson
Definition: ureadseq.h:57
static char * gets_noOverflow(char *buffer, int buffersize)
#define kDupmatch
#define kMaxFormat
Definition: ureadseq.h:71
const char compl[]
Definition: readseq.c:247
static void dumpSeqList(char *list, short format)
Definition: readseq.c:308
boolean dopipe
Definition: readseq.c:463
boolean closeout
Definition: readseq.c:461
#define NEWLINE
Definition: ureadseq.h:12
void usage()
Definition: readseq.c:328
char * readSeq(const short whichEntry_, const char *filename_, const long skiplines_, const short format_, long *seqlen_, short *nseq_, short *error_, char *seqid_)
Definition: ureadseq.c:1082
#define min(a, b)
Definition: f2c.h:153
short getseqtype(const char *seq, const long seqlen)
Definition: ureadseq.c:1511
#define kPretty
Definition: ureadseq.h:69
#define gPrettyInit(p)
Definition: ureadseq.h:95
short nwhichlist
Definition: readseq.c:464
short num
Definition: readseq.c:209
#define kPIR
Definition: ureadseq.h:65
short numline
Definition: ureadseq.h:90
FILE * foo
Definition: readseq.c:468
short tab
Definition: ureadseq.h:92
#define eUnequalSize
Definition: ureadseq.h:32
short numwidth
Definition: ureadseq.h:91
boolean numright
Definition: ureadseq.h:86
#define max(a, b)
Definition: f2c.h:154
GB_write_int const char s
Definition: AW_awar.cxx:154