Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -------------- genbank related subroutines -----------------
3 #include "genbank.h"
4 #include "wrap.h"
6 #define NOPERIOD 0
7 #define PERIOD 1
9 void genbank_key_word(const char *line, int index, char *key) {
10  ca_assert((GBINDENT-index) >= 0);
11  int len = parse_key_word(line+index, key, " \t\n");
12  if ((index+len) >= GBINDENT) {
13  key[GBINDENT-index] = 0;
14  }
15 }
17 static int genbank_check_blanks(const char *line, int numb) {
18  // Check if there is (numb) of blanks at beginning of line.
19  int blank = 1, indi, indk;
21  for (indi = 0; blank && indi < numb; indi++) {
22  if (line[indi] != ' ' && line[indi] != '\t')
23  blank = 0;
24  if (line[indi] == '\t') {
25  indk = indi / 8 + 1;
26  indi = 8 * indk + 1;
27  }
28  }
30  return blank;
31 }
33 static void genbank_continue_line(char*& Str, int numb, Reader& reader) {
34  // if following line(s) are continued line(s), append them to 'Str'.
35  // if 'Str' is NULp, lines only get skipped.
36  // 'numb' = number of blanks needed at BOL to defined continued lines
38  // check continue lines
39  for (++reader;
40  reader.line() && (genbank_check_blanks(reader.line(), numb) || reader.line()[0] == '\n');
41  ++reader)
42  {
43  if (reader.line()[0] != '\n') { // empty line is allowed
44  if (Str) {
45  // remove end-of-line, if there is any
46  int ind = Skip_white_space(reader.line(), 0);
47  char temp[LINESIZE];
48  strcpy(temp, (reader.line() + ind));
50  }
51  }
52  }
53 }
55 static void genbank_one_entry_in(char*& datastring, Reader& reader) {
56  freedup(datastring, reader.line()+Skip_white_space(reader.line(), GBINDENT));
57  return genbank_continue_line(datastring, GBINDENT, reader);
58 }
60 static void genbank_one_comment_entry(char*& datastring, int start_index, Reader& reader) {
61  // Read in one genbank sub-entry in comments lines.
62  freedup(datastring, reader.line() + Skip_white_space(reader.line(), start_index));
63  genbank_continue_line(datastring, 20, reader);
64 }
66 static void genbank_source(GenBank& gbk, Reader& reader) {
67  // Read in genbank SOURCE lines and also ORGANISM lines.
68  genbank_one_entry_in(gbk.source, reader);
69  char key[TOKENSIZE];
70  genbank_key_word(reader.line(), 2, key);
71  if (str_equal(key, "ORGANISM")) {
72  int indent = Skip_white_space(reader.line(), GBINDENT);
73  freedup(gbk.organism, reader.line() + indent);
75  char *skip_em = NULp;
76  genbank_continue_line(skip_em, GBINDENT, reader);
77  }
78 }
80 class startsWithBlanks : virtual Noncopyable {
81  int blanks;
83 public:
84  startsWithBlanks(int blanks_) : blanks(blanks_) {}
85  bool operator()(const char *line) const { return genbank_check_blanks(line, blanks); }
86 };
89 static void genbank_skip_unidentified(Reader& reader, int blank_num) {
90  // Skip the lines of unidentified keyword.
91  ++reader;
92  startsWithBlanks num_blanks(blank_num);
93  reader.skipOverLinesThat(num_blanks);
94 }
96 static void genbank_reference(GenBank& gbk, Reader& reader) {
97  // Read in genbank REFERENCE lines.
98  int refnum;
99  ASSERT_RESULT(int, 1, sscanf(reader.line() + GBINDENT, "%d", &refnum));
100  if (refnum <= gbk.get_refcount()) {
101  warningf(17, "Might redefine reference %d", refnum);
103  }
104  else {
105  gbk.resize_refs(refnum);
106  genbank_one_entry_in(gbk.get_latest_ref().ref, reader);
107  }
109  GenbankRef& ref = gbk.get_latest_ref();
111  for (; reader.line() && reader.line()[0] == ' ' && reader.line()[1] == ' ';) {
112  char key[TOKENSIZE];
113  genbank_key_word(reader.line(), 2, key);
114  if (str_equal(key, "AUTHORS")) {
115  if (has_content( warningf(10, "AUTHORS of REFERENCE %d is redefined", refnum);
116  genbank_one_entry_in(, reader);
117  terminate_with(, '.'); // add '.' if missing at the end
118  }
119  else if (str_equal(key, "TITLE")) {
120  if (has_content(ref.title)) warningf(11, "TITLE of REFERENCE %d is redefined", refnum);
121  genbank_one_entry_in(ref.title, reader);
122  }
123  else if (str_equal(key, "JOURNAL")) {
124  if (has_content(ref.journal)) warningf(12, "JOURNAL of REFERENCE %d is redefined", refnum);
125  genbank_one_entry_in(ref.journal, reader);
126  }
127  else if (str_equal(key, "STANDARD")) {
128  if (has_content(ref.standard)) warningf(13, "STANDARD of REFERENCE %d is redefined", refnum);
129  genbank_one_entry_in(ref.standard, reader);
130  }
131  else {
132  warningf(18, "Unidentified REFERENCE subkeyword: %s#", key);
134  }
135  }
136 }
138 static void genbank_comments(GenBank& gbk, Reader& reader) {
139  // Read in genbank COMMENTS lines.
140  char key[TOKENSIZE];
142  if (str0len(reader.line()) <= GBINDENT) {
143  ++reader;
144  if (!reader.line()) return;
145  }
147  // replace keyword with spaces
148  // => identical format for 1st and following lines.
149  {
150  char *line = ARB_strdup(reader.line());
151  for (int indi = 0; indi < GBINDENT; line[indi++] = ' ') {}
152  reader.set_line(line);
153  free(line);
154  }
157  for (; reader.line() && (genbank_check_blanks(reader.line(), GBINDENT) || reader.line()[0] == '\n');) {
158  if (reader.line()[0] == '\n') { // skip empty line
159  ++reader;
160  continue;
161  }
163  int index = Skip_white_space(reader.line(), GBINDENT);
164  ca_assert(index<TOKENSIZE); // buffer overflow ?
166  index += comment_subkey(reader.line()+index, key);
167  ca_assert(index<TOKENSIZE); // buffer overflow ?
169  RDP_comment_parser one_comment_entry = genbank_one_comment_entry;
170  RDP_comments& comments = gbk.comments;
172  if (!parse_RDP_comment(comments, one_comment_entry, key, index, reader)) {
173  // other comments
174  Append(comments.others, reader.line() + GBINDENT);
175  ++reader;
176  }
177  }
178 }
180 inline bool valid_acc_char(char ch) { return isalnum(ch) || ch == '_'; }
182 static void genbank_verify_accession(GenBank& gbk) {
183  // Verify accession information.
184  if (str_equal(gbk.accession, "No information\n")) return; // @@@ really allow this ?
186  char *new_acc = NULp;
187  const char *sep = " \t\n;";
188  SmartCharPtr req_fail;
189  SmartCharPtr copy = ARB_strdup(gbk.accession);
190  int count = 0;
192  for (char *acc = strtok(&*copy, sep); acc && req_fail.isNull(); acc = strtok(NULp, sep)) {
193  count++;
194  if (!isalpha(acc[0])) req_fail = ARB_strdup("has to start with a letter");
195  else {
196  for (int i = 0; acc[i]; ++i) {
197  if (!valid_acc_char(acc[i])) {
198  req_fail = strf("invalid char '%c'", acc[i]);
199  break;
200  }
201  }
202  }
204  if (new_acc) Append(new_acc, ' ');
205  Append(new_acc, acc);
206  }
208  if (req_fail.isNull() && count>9) {
209  req_fail = strf("No more than 9 accession number allowed (found %i)", count);
210  }
212  if (!req_fail.isNull()) {
213  skip_eolnl_and_append(gbk.accession, "");
214  throw_errorf(15, "Invalid accession number '%s' (%s)", gbk.accession, &*req_fail);
215  }
217  Append(new_acc, '\n');
218  freeset(gbk.accession, new_acc);
219 }
220 static void genbank_verify_keywords(GenBank& gbk) {
221  // Verify keywords.
222  int indi, count, len;
224  // correct missing '.' at the end
225  terminate_with(gbk.keywords, '.');
227  for (indi = count = 0, len = str0len(gbk.keywords); indi < len; indi++) // LOOP_VECTORIZED[!<5] // tested down to gcc 5.5.0 (fails on 4.9.2)
228  if (gbk.keywords[indi] == '.')
229  count++;
231  if (count != 1) {
232  // @@@ raise error here ?
233  if (Warnings::shown())
234  fprintf(stderr, "\nKEYWORDS: %s", gbk.keywords);
235  warning(141, "No more than one period is allowed in KEYWORDS line.");
236  }
237 }
239  char key[TOKENSIZE];
240  genbank_key_word(reader.line(), 0, key);
242  parse_keyed_section(key);
243 }
245 static void genbank_origin(Seq& seq, Reader& reader) {
246  // Read in genbank sequence data.
247  ca_assert(seq.is_empty());
249  // read in whole sequence data
250  for (++reader; reader.line() && !is_sequence_terminator(reader.line()); ++reader) {
251  if (has_content(reader.line())) {
252  for (int index = 9; reader.line()[index] != '\n' && reader.line()[index] != '\0'; index++) {
253  if (reader.line()[index] != ' ')
254  seq.add(reader.line()[index]);
255  }
256  }
257  }
258 }
260 void GenbankParser::parse_keyed_section(const char *key) {
261  if (str_equal(key, "LOCUS")) {
262  genbank_one_entry_in(, reader);
263  if (!gbk.locus_contains_date()) {
264  static bool alreadyWarned = false;
265  if (!alreadyWarned) {
266  warning(14, "LOCUS data might be incomplete (no date seen)");
267  alreadyWarned = true;
268  }
269  }
270  }
271  else if (str_equal(key, "DEFINITION")) {
272  genbank_one_entry_in(gbk.definition, reader);
273  terminate_with(gbk.definition, '.'); // correct missing '.' at the end
274  }
275  else if (str_equal(key, "ACCESSION")) {
276  genbank_one_entry_in(gbk.accession, reader);
278  }
279  else if (str_equal(key, "KEYWORDS")) {
280  genbank_one_entry_in(gbk.keywords, reader);
282  }
283  else if (str_equal(key, "SOURCE")) {
284  genbank_source(gbk, reader);
285  terminate_with(gbk.source, '.'); // correct missing '.' at the end
286  terminate_with(gbk.organism, '.');
287  }
288  else if (str_equal(key, "REFERENCE")) {
290  }
291  else if (str_equal(key, "COMMENTS")) {
292  genbank_comments(gbk, reader);
293  }
294  else if (str_equal(key, "COMMENT")) {
295  genbank_comments(gbk, reader);
296  }
297  else if (str_equal(key, "ORIGIN")) {
300  }
301  else {
303  }
304 }
306 static void genbank_print_lines(Writer& write, const char *key, const char *content, const WrapMode& wrapMode) {
307  // Print one genbank line, wrap around if over column GBMAXLINE
309  ca_assert(strlen(key) == GBINDENT);
310  ca_assert(content[strlen(content)-1] == '\n');
312  wrapMode.print(write, key, " ", content, GBMAXLINE);
313 }
315 static void genbank_out_one_entry(Writer& write, const char *key, const char *content, const WrapMode& wrapMode, int period) {
316  /* Print out key and content if content length > 1
317  * otherwise print key and "No information" w/wo
318  * period at the end depending on flag period.
319  */
321  if (!has_content(content)) {
322  content = period ? "No information.\n" : "No information\n";
323  }
324  genbank_print_lines(write, key, content, wrapMode);
325 }
327 static void genbank_out_one_reference(Writer& write, const GenbankRef& gbk_ref, int gbk_ref_num) {
328  WrapMode wrapWords(true);
330  {
331  const char *r = gbk_ref.ref;
332  char refnum[TOKENSIZE];
334  if (!has_content(r)) {
335  sprintf(refnum, "%d\n", gbk_ref_num);
336  r = refnum;
337  }
338  genbank_out_one_entry(write, "REFERENCE ", r, wrapWords, NOPERIOD);
339  }
341  genbank_out_one_entry(write, " AUTHORS ",, WrapMode(" "), NOPERIOD);
342  genbank_out_one_entry(write, " JOURNAL ", gbk_ref.journal, wrapWords, NOPERIOD);
343  genbank_out_one_entry(write, " TITLE ", gbk_ref.title, wrapWords, NOPERIOD);
344  genbank_out_one_entry(write, " STANDARD ", gbk_ref.standard, wrapWords, NOPERIOD);
345 }
347 static void genbank_print_comment_if_content(Writer& write, const char *key, const char *content) {
348  // Print one genbank line, wrap around if over column GBMAXLINE
350  if (!has_content(content)) return;
352  char first[LINESIZE]; sprintf(first, "%*s%s", GBINDENT+RDP_SUBKEY_INDENT, "", key);
353  char other[LINESIZE]; sprintf(other, "%*s", GBINDENT+RDP_SUBKEY_INDENT+RDP_CONTINUED_INDENT, "");
354  WrapMode(true).print(write, first, other, content, GBMAXLINE);
355 }
357 static void genbank_out_origin(const Seq& seq, Writer& write) { // @@@ inline method
358  // Output sequence data in genbank format.
359  seq.out(write, GENBANK);
360 }
362 inline void genbank_print_completeness(Writer& write, char compX, char X) {
363  if (compX == ' ') return;
364  ca_assert(compX == 'y' || compX == 'n');
365  write.outf(" %c' end complete: %s\n", X, compX == 'y' ? "Yes" : "No");
366 }
368 void genbank_out_header(const GenBank& gbk, const Seq& seq, Writer& write) {
369  int indi;
370  WrapMode wrapWords(true);
372  genbank_out_one_entry(write, "LOCUS ",, wrapWords, NOPERIOD);
373  genbank_out_one_entry(write, "DEFINITION ", gbk.definition, wrapWords, PERIOD);
374  genbank_out_one_entry(write, "ACCESSION ", gbk.accession, wrapWords, NOPERIOD);
375  genbank_out_one_entry(write, "KEYWORDS ", gbk.keywords, WrapMode(";"), PERIOD);
376  genbank_out_one_entry(write, "SOURCE ", gbk.source, wrapWords, PERIOD);
377  genbank_out_one_entry(write, " ORGANISM ", gbk.organism, wrapWords, PERIOD);
379  if (gbk.has_refs()) {
380  for (indi = 0; indi < gbk.get_refcount(); indi++) {
381  genbank_out_one_reference(write, gbk.get_ref(indi), indi+1);
382  }
383  }
384  else {
386  }
388  const RDP_comments& comments = gbk.comments;
389  const OrgInfo& orginf = comments.orginf;
390  const SeqInfo& seqinf = comments.seqinf;
392  if (comments.exists()) {
393  write.out("COMMENTS ");
395  if (orginf.exists()) {
396  write.out("Organism information\n");
398  genbank_print_comment_if_content(write, "Source of strain: ", orginf.source);
399  genbank_print_comment_if_content(write, "Culture collection: ", orginf.cultcoll); // this field is used in ../lib/import/.rdp_old.ift
400  genbank_print_comment_if_content(write, "Former name: ", orginf.formname); // other fields occur in no .ift
401  genbank_print_comment_if_content(write, "Alternate name: ", orginf.nickname);
402  genbank_print_comment_if_content(write, "Common name: ", orginf.commname);
403  genbank_print_comment_if_content(write, "Host organism: ", orginf.hostorg);
405  if (seqinf.exists() || str0len(comments.others) > 0)
406  write.out(" ");
407  }
409  if (seqinf.exists()) {
410  write.outf("Sequence information (bases 1 to %d)\n", seq.get_len());
412  genbank_print_comment_if_content(write, "RDP ID: ", seqinf.RDPid);
413  genbank_print_comment_if_content(write, "Corresponding GenBank entry: ", seqinf.gbkentry); // this field is used in ../lib/import/.rdp_old.ift
414  genbank_print_comment_if_content(write, "Sequencing methods: ", seqinf.methods);
416  genbank_print_completeness(write, seqinf.comp5, '5');
417  genbank_print_completeness(write, seqinf.comp3, '3');
418  }
420  // @@@ use wrapper for code below ?
421  // print GBINDENT spaces of the first line
422  if (str0len(comments.others) > 0) {
423  write.repeated(' ', GBINDENT);
424  }
426  if (str0len(comments.others) > 0) {
427  int length = str0len(comments.others);
428  for (indi = 0; indi < length; indi++) {
429  write.out(comments.others[indi]);
431  // if another line, print GBINDENT spaces first
432  if (comments.others[indi] == '\n' && comments.others[indi + 1] != '\0') {
433  write.repeated(' ', GBINDENT);
434  }
435  }
436  }
437  }
438 }
440 void genbank_out_base_count(const Seq& seq, Writer& write) {
441  BaseCounts bases;
442  seq.count(bases);
443  write.outf("BASE COUNT %6d a %6d c %6d g %6d t", bases.a, bases.c, bases.g, bases.t);
444  if (bases.other) { // don't write 0 others
445  write.outf(" %6d others", bases.other);
446  }
447  write.out('\n');
448 }
450 void genbank_out(const GenBank& gbk, const Seq& seq, Writer& write) {
451  // Output in a genbank format
453  genbank_out_header(gbk, seq, write);
454  genbank_out_base_count(seq, write);
455  write.out("ORIGIN\n");
456  genbank_out_origin(seq, write);
457 }
460  data.reinit();
461  if (!GenbankParser(data, seq, *this).parse_entry()) abort();
462  return ok();
463 }
CONSTEXPR_INLINE int str0len(const char *str)
Definition: global.h:98
static void genbank_one_comment_entry(char *&datastring, int start_index, Reader &reader)
Definition: genbank.cxx:60
Definition: reader.h:21
char * nickname
Definition: rdp_info.h:18
int c
Definition: seq.h:22
static void genbank_one_entry_in(char *&datastring, Reader &reader)
Definition: genbank.cxx:55
void genbank_out(const GenBank &gbk, const Seq &seq, Writer &write)
Definition: genbank.cxx:450
char * formname
Definition: rdp_info.h:17
void throw_errorf(int error_num, const char *error_messagef,...) __ATTR__FORMAT(2) __ATTR__NORETURN
Definition: util.cxx:41
static void genbank_print_comment_if_content(Writer &write, const char *key, const char *content)
Definition: genbank.cxx:347
char * title
Definition: genbank.h:17
char * others
Definition: rdp_info.h:99
bool valid_acc_char(char ch)
Definition: genbank.cxx:180
char * gbkentry
Definition: rdp_info.h:64
int t
Definition: seq.h:24
static int genbank_check_blanks(const char *line, int numb)
Definition: genbank.cxx:17
char * commname
Definition: rdp_info.h:19
void warningf(int warning_num, const char *warning_messagef,...) __ATTR__FORMAT(2)
Definition: util.cxx:66
void add(char c)
Definition: seq.h:98
void abort()
Definition: reader.h:54
void(* RDP_comment_parser)(char *&datastring, int start_index, Reader &reader)
Definition: fun.h:49
#define ca_assert(cond)
Definition: global.h:33
void skip_eolnl_and_append(char *&string1, const char *string2)
Definition: util.cxx:127
void repeated(char ch, int repeat)
Definition: reader.h:113
#define ASSERT_RESULT(Type, Expected, Expr)
Definition: arb_assert.h:336
char * ARB_strdup(const char *str)
Definition: arb_string.h:27
char * source
Definition: rdp_info.h:15
char * ref
Definition: genbank.h:15
EntryState state
Definition: parser.h:18
void warning(int warning_num, const char *warning_message)
Definition: util.cxx:61
char * strf(const char *format,...) __ATTR__FORMAT(1)
Definition: util.cxx:27
Definition: wrap.h:4
void count(BaseCounts &counter) const
Definition: seq.h:115
static void genbank_origin(Seq &seq, Reader &reader)
Definition: genbank.cxx:245
Definition: reader.h:95
static void genbank_out_one_reference(Writer &write, const GenbankRef &gbk_ref, int gbk_ref_num)
Definition: genbank.cxx:327
static void genbank_skip_unidentified(Reader &reader, int blank_num)
Definition: genbank.cxx:89
FILE * seq
Definition: rns.c:46
CONSTEXPR_INLINE bool has_content(const char *field)
Definition: global.h:127
static void genbank_verify_accession(GenBank &gbk)
Definition: genbank.cxx:182
int comment_subkey(const char *line, char *key)
Definition: embl.cxx:83
char * journal
Definition: genbank.h:18
static void genbank_source(GenBank &gbk, Reader &reader)
Definition: genbank.cxx:66
static void genbank_reference(GenBank &gbk, Reader &reader)
Definition: genbank.cxx:96
void print(Writer &write, const char *first_prefix, const char *other_prefix, const char *content, int max_width) const
Definition: wrap.cxx:52
char comp5
Definition: rdp_info.h:61
Seq & seq
Definition: parser.h:19
bool ok() const
Definition: reader.h:52
static void genbank_comments(GenBank &gbk, Reader &reader)
Definition: genbank.cxx:138
SeqInfo seqinf
Definition: rdp_info.h:98
Definition: seq.h:43
virtual void out(char ch)=0
int other
Definition: seq.h:25
void skip_eolnl_and_append_spaced(char *&string1, const char *string2)
Definition: util.cxx:135
static void genbank_out_origin(const Seq &seq, Writer &write)
Definition: genbank.cxx:357
virtual int outf(const char *format,...) __ATTR__FORMAT_MEMBER(1)
Definition: reader.cxx:121
static void genbank_out_one_entry(Writer &write, const char *key, const char *content, const WrapMode &wrapMode, int period)
Definition: genbank.cxx:315
char comp3
Definition: rdp_info.h:60
bool exists() const
Definition: rdp_info.h:109
int a
Definition: seq.h:21
void genbank_out_base_count(const Seq &seq, Writer &write)
Definition: genbank.cxx:440
Definition: fun.h:13
Reader & reader
Definition: parser.h:20
void genbank_key_word(const char *line, int index, char *key)
Definition: genbank.cxx:9
Definition: defs.h:22
int Skip_white_space(const char *line, int index)
Definition: util.cxx:84
int get_len() const
Definition: seq.h:107
startsWithBlanks(int blanks_)
Definition: genbank.cxx:84
bool is_empty() const
Definition: seq.h:108
char * standard
Definition: genbank.h:19
static void copy(double **i, double **j)
Definition: trnsprob.cxx:32
Definition: seq.h:20
OrgInfo orginf
Definition: rdp_info.h:97
char * hostorg
Definition: rdp_info.h:20
char * RDPid
Definition: rdp_info.h:63
void genbank_print_completeness(Writer &write, char compX, char X)
Definition: genbank.cxx:362
void Append(char *&string1, const char *string2)
Definition: util.cxx:141
bool read_one_entry(Seq &seq) OVERRIDE __ATTR__USERESULT
Definition: genbank.cxx:459
static void genbank_print_lines(Writer &write, const char *key, const char *content, const WrapMode &wrapMode)
Definition: genbank.cxx:306
Definition: output.h:122
bool operator()(const char *line) const
Definition: genbank.cxx:85
void genbank_out_header(const GenBank &gbk, const Seq &seq, Writer &write)
Definition: genbank.cxx:368
CONSTEXPR_INLINE bool str_equal(const char *s1, const char *s2)
Definition: global.h:95
#define NOPERIOD
Definition: genbank.cxx:6
bool exists() const
Definition: rdp_info.h:48
bool parse_RDP_comment(RDP_comments &comments, RDP_comment_parser one_comment_entry, const char *key, int index, Reader &reader)
Definition: rdp_info.cxx:12
Definition: defs.h:31
static void genbank_continue_line(char *&Str, int numb, Reader &reader)
Definition: genbank.cxx:33
static void genbank_verify_keywords(GenBank &gbk)
Definition: genbank.cxx:220
Definition: defs.h:18
char * author
Definition: genbank.h:16
const char * line() const
Definition: reader.h:43
static bool shown()
Definition: global.h:80
static int line
Definition: arb_a2ps.c:296
#define NULp
Definition: cxxforward.h:116
Definition: defs.h:30
int parse_key_word(const char *line, char *key, const char *separator)
Definition: util.cxx:265
void parse_section() OVERRIDE
Definition: genbank.cxx:238
char * cultcoll
Definition: rdp_info.h:16
char * methods
Definition: rdp_info.h:65
int g
Definition: seq.h:23
void set_line(const char *new_line)
Definition: reader.h:45
CONSTEXPR_INLINE bool is_sequence_terminator(const char *str)
Definition: global.h:115
bool exists() const
Definition: rdp_info.h:86
size_t length
void out(Writer &write, Format outType) const
Definition: seq.cxx:12
#define GBINDENT
Definition: defs.h:27
#define LINESIZE
Definition: defs.h:16
void terminate_with(char *&str, char ch)
Definition: util.cxx:110
void skipOverLinesThat(const PRED &match_condition)
Definition: reader.h:58
#define PERIOD
Definition: genbank.cxx:7