Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // ========================================================= //
2 // //
3 // File : xferset.h //
4 // Purpose : field transfer sets //
5 // //
6 // Coded by Ralf Westram ( in Mar 19 //
7 // //
8 // //
9 // ========================================================= //
11 #ifndef XFERSET_H
12 #define XFERSET_H
14 #ifndef ERRORORTYPE_H
15 #include <ErrorOrType.h>
16 #endif
17 #ifndef ARBDB_H
18 #include <arbdb.h>
19 #endif
21 #ifndef _GLIBCXX_VECTOR
22 #include <vector>
23 #endif
24 #ifndef _GLIBCXX_STRING
25 #include <string>
26 #endif
28 #include <cstdlib>
29 #endif
31 #define xf_assert(cond) arb_assert(cond)
33 #define NOSEP ""
35 struct ConfigMapping;
37 namespace FieldTransfer {
38  using std::string;
41  GB_TYPES sourceType; // found type (GB_NONE -> field does not exist)
43  // members to store data of different types:
44  string data_s;
45  int data_i;
46  float data_f;
48  string err; // if non-empty -> something went wrong
50  static bool state_valid() { return !GB_have_error(); }
52  explicit TransportedData(GB_TYPES t, GB_ERROR error) : sourceType(t), err(error) { xf_assert(t == GB_NONE); xf_assert(error); xf_assert(state_valid()); } // otherwise use GB_TYPES-ctor!
53  explicit TransportedData(GB_TYPES); // dangerous & forbidden
54  explicit TransportedData() : sourceType(GB_NONE) { xf_assert(state_valid()); } // no data and no error (e.g. missing source field). called by none()
56  public:
57  explicit TransportedData(const string& s) : sourceType(GB_STRING), data_s(s) { xf_assert(state_valid()); }
58  explicit TransportedData(int i) : sourceType(GB_INT), data_i(i) { xf_assert(state_valid()); }
59  explicit TransportedData(float f) : sourceType(GB_FLOAT), data_f(f) { xf_assert(state_valid()); }
61  static TransportedData none() { return TransportedData(); }
62  static TransportedData makeError(GB_ERROR error) { return TransportedData(GB_NONE, error); }
64  bool failed() const { return sourceType == GB_NONE && !err.empty(); }
65  bool exists() const {
66  xf_assert(!failed()); // failed transports can never have existing data!
67  return sourceType != GB_NONE;
68  }
69  GB_TYPES getType() const { xf_assert(exists()); return sourceType; }
71  const string& getString() const { xf_assert(getType() == GB_STRING); return data_s; }
72  int getInt() const { xf_assert(getType() == GB_INT); return data_i; }
73  float getFloat() const { xf_assert(getType() == GB_FLOAT); return data_f; }
75  GB_ERROR getError() const {
76  xf_assert(failed());
77  static string kept;
78  kept = err; // avoid 'err' gets destroyed together with 'this'
79  return kept.c_str();
80  }
81  };
83  class ReadRule {
84  string fields; // single field or list of fields (separated by ';'). field may be hierarchical (i.e. contain '/').
85  string separator;
86  string aci; // empty = > do not use ACI
87  bool single_field; // true if 'fields' contains only 1 field
89  TransportedData readTypedFromField(GB_TYPES readAsType, GBDATA *gb_field) const;
90  TransportedData aciAppliedTo(const string& toStr, GBDATA *gb_main, GBDATA *gb_dest_item) const;
92  void detectSingleField() { single_field = fields.find_first_of(';') == string::npos; }
94  protected:
95  void saveReadConfig(ConfigMapping& cfgmap) const;
96  string describe() const;
98  public:
99  ReadRule(const string& fields_, const string& separator_) : // simple rule
100  fields(fields_),
101  separator(separator_)
102  {
103  detectSingleField();
104  }
105  ReadRule(const char *fields_, const char *separator_, const char *aci_) : // ACI rule
106  fields(fields_),
107  separator(separator_),
108  aci(aci_)
109  {
110  detectSingleField();
111  }
113  TransportedData readFrom(GBDATA *gb_item, GBDATA *gb_dest_item) const;
114  const string& getACI() const { return aci; }
115  const string& getSourceFields() const { return fields; }
116  const string& getSeparator() const { return separator; }
118  bool multiple_source_fields() const { return !single_field; }
119  };
121  class WriteRule {
122  string name;
123  GB_TYPES targetType; // @@@ need to distinguish between forced type by-config and by-existing-target-field
125  mutable bool isValidKey;
127  protected:
128  void saveWriteConfig(ConfigMapping& cfgmap) const;
129  string describe() const;
131  public:
132  explicit WriteRule(const string& name_) :
133  name(name_),
134  targetType(GB_NONE),
135  isValidKey(false)
136  {}
137  WriteRule(const char *name_, GB_TYPES forceType) :
138  name(name_),
139  targetType(forceType),
140  isValidKey(false)
141  {}
145  GB_ERROR error = NULp;
146  if (!isValidKey) {
147  error = GB_check_hkey(name.c_str());
148  if (error) error = GBS_global_string("in target field: %s", error);
149  else isValidKey = true;
150  }
151  return error;
152  }
153  const string& targetField() const { return name; }
155  bool forcesType() const { return targetType != GB_NONE; }
156  GB_TYPES getTargetType() const { xf_assert(forcesType()); return targetType; }
157  void setTargetType(GB_TYPES forceType) {
158  xf_assert(!forcesType()); // already has been forced
159  targetType = forceType;
160  }
162  __ATTR__USERESULT GB_ERROR writeTo(const TransportedData& data, GBDATA *gb_item, bool acceptLossyConversion) const;
164  };
166  class Rule;
167  typedef SmartPtr<Rule> RulePtr;
170  class Rule : public ReadRule, public WriteRule {
171  bool precision_loss_permitted; // @@@ move to WriteRule?
173  public:
174  Rule(const ReadRule& howRead, const WriteRule& howWrite) :
175  ReadRule(howRead),
176  WriteRule(howWrite),
177  precision_loss_permitted(false)
178  {}
180  __ATTR__USERESULT GB_ERROR transferBy(GBDATA *gb_source, GBDATA *gb_dest) const;
182  static RulePtr makeSimple(const string& src, const string& sep, const string& dest) { return new Rule(ReadRule(src, sep), WriteRule(dest)); }
183  static RulePtr makeAciConverter(const char *src, const char *sep, const char *aci, const char *dest) { return new Rule(ReadRule(src, sep, aci), WriteRule(dest)); }
184  static ErrorOrRulePtr makeFromConfig(const char *config);
186  static RulePtr forceTargetType(GB_TYPES forceType, RulePtr rule) {
187  rule->setTargetType(forceType);
188  return rule;
189  }
191  bool precisionLossPermitted() const {
192  return precision_loss_permitted;
193  }
195  xf_assert(!precisionLossPermitted()); // why do you multi-permit?
196  precision_loss_permitted = true;
197  }
198  static RulePtr permitPrecisionLoss(RulePtr rule) {
199  rule->permitPrecisionLoss();
200  return rule;
201  }
203  string getConfig() const;
204  string getShortDescription() const;
205  };
207  typedef std::vector<RulePtr> RuleContainer;
208  typedef RuleContainer::const_iterator RuleIterator;
210  class RuleSet;
214  class RuleSet {
215  // defines a transfer from item A to item B.
216  // items may e.g. be species, genes, ...
218  RuleContainer rules; // rules to transfer single fields
219  string comment; // description of RuleSet
220  bool transferUndefFields;
222  public:
223  RuleSet() : transferUndefFields(false) {}
225  bool empty() const { return rules.empty(); }
226  size_t size() const { return rules.size(); }
227  bool validIdx(int idx) const { return idx>=0 && size_t(idx)<size(); }
229  void add(RulePtr rule) { rules.push_back(rule); }
231  RulePtr getPtr(int idx) {
232  xf_assert(validIdx(idx));
233  return rules[idx];
234  }
235  const Rule& get(int idx) const {
236  xf_assert(validIdx(idx));
237  return *rules[idx];
238  }
239  void replace(int idx, RulePtr rule) {
240  xf_assert(validIdx(idx));
241  xf_assert(rule.isSet());
242  rules[idx] = rule;
243  }
244  void erase(int idx) {
245  xf_assert(validIdx(idx));
246  rules.erase(rules.begin()+idx);
247  }
248  int insertBefore(int idx, RulePtr rule) {
249  if (validIdx(idx)) {
250  rules.insert(rules.begin()+idx, rule);
251  return idx;
252  }
253  // invalid index -> silently append:
254  add(rule);
255  return int(size()-1);
256  }
258  void setComment(const string& newComment) { comment = newComment; }
259  const string& getComment() const { return comment; }
261  bool shallTransferUndefFields() const { return transferUndefFields; }
262  void set_transferUndefFields(bool transferThem) { transferUndefFields = transferThem; }
264  __ATTR__USERESULT GB_ERROR transferBy(GBDATA *gb_source, GBDATA *gb_dest) const;
266  __ATTR__USERESULT GB_ERROR saveTo(const char *filename) const;
267  static ErrorOrRuleSetPtr loadFrom(const char *filename);
269  void extractUsedFields(StrArray& input, StrArray& output) const;
270  };
272  enum ItemCloneType { // (all types but CLONE_INTO_EXISTING create a cloned species)
273  REPLACE_ITEM_BY_CLONE, // delete source item, create + keep cloned item (used by IMPORT).
274  RENAME_ITEM_WHILE_TEMP_CLONE_EXISTS, // temp. rename source. create clone. on destruction: delete clone + restore source item (used by EXPORT).
275  CLONE_INTO_EXISTING, // keep source, update existing target by overwriting target fields (used by MERGE).
276  REAL_CLONE, // keep source, create + keep clone (will be used by MERGE). problematic if source+clone reside in same parent container!
277  };
281  };
285  virtual bool shallCopyBefore() const = 0; // shall ItemClonedByRuleSet::copyAlignments() be called b4 calling transport()?
286  virtual GB_ERROR transport(GBDATA*gb_src_item, GBDATA *gb_dst_item) const = 0;
287  };
291  ClonableItemType itemtype;
293  GBDATA *gb_source;
294  GBDATA *gb_clone;
296  ItemCloneType type;
298  string errorCopy;
299  string orgName;
301 #if defined(ASSERTION_USED)
302  mutable bool checked4error;
303  mutable bool userCallbackUsed;
304 #endif
306  static string lastReportedError;
308  GB_ERROR overlayOrCloneSub(const char *subName, GBDATA *gb_sub);
309  GB_ERROR cloneMissingSub(const char *subName, GBDATA *gb_sub);
310  GB_ERROR copySubIfMissing(const char *subName);
311  GB_ERROR copyAlignments();
312  const char *get_id_field() const;
314  public:
315  ItemClonedByRuleSet(GBDATA*& gb_item, ClonableItemType itemtype_, RuleSetPtr ruleset, ItemCloneType type_, GBDATA *gb_refItem, const AlignmentTransporter *aliTransporter);
318  // access result:
319  bool has_error() const {
320 #if defined(ASSERTION_USED)
321  checked4error = true;
322 #endif
323  return !errorCopy.empty();
324  }
325  GB_ERROR get_error() const {
326  // result persists until next call of this function
327  xf_assert(checked4error); // use has_error()!
328  xf_assert(has_error()); // logic error
329  lastReportedError = errorCopy;
330  return lastReportedError.c_str();
331  }
333  xf_assert(checked4error); // use has_error()!
334  xf_assert(!has_error()); // logic error
335  xf_assert(gb_clone);
336  return gb_clone;
337  }
338  };
340 };
342 #else
343 #error xferset.h included twice
344 #endif // XFERSET_H
bool validIdx(int idx) const
Definition: xferset.h:227
string describe() const
Definition: xferset.cxx:541
const string & getACI() const
Definition: xferset.h:114
bool multiple_source_fields() const
Definition: xferset.h:118
return string(buffer, length)
GB_TYPES getTargetType() const
Definition: xferset.h:156
static RulePtr forceTargetType(GB_TYPES forceType, RulePtr rule)
Definition: xferset.h:186
static RulePtr permitPrecisionLoss(RulePtr rule)
Definition: xferset.h:198
string getShortDescription() const
Definition: xferset.cxx:544
const char * GBS_global_string(const char *templat,...)
Definition: arb_msg.cxx:203
bool GB_have_error()
Definition: arb_msg.cxx:338
const string & getSeparator() const
Definition: xferset.h:116
TransportedData(const string &s)
Definition: xferset.h:57
float getFloat() const
Definition: xferset.h:73
SmartPtr< RuleSet > RuleSetPtr
Definition: xferset.h:210
static TransportedData none()
Definition: xferset.h:61
int insertBefore(int idx, RulePtr rule)
Definition: xferset.h:248
void setTargetType(GB_TYPES forceType)
Definition: xferset.h:157
void permitPrecisionLoss()
Definition: xferset.h:194
string describe() const
Definition: xferset.cxx:537
__ATTR__USERESULT GB_ERROR saveTo(const char *filename) const
Definition: xferset.cxx:323
WriteRule(const string &name_)
Definition: xferset.h:132
GB_ERROR GB_check_hkey(const char *key) __ATTR__USERESULT
Definition: adstring.cxx:92
Definition: arbdb.h:67
__ATTR__USERESULT GB_ERROR transferBy(GBDATA *gb_source, GBDATA *gb_dest) const
Definition: xferset.cxx:306
bool isSet() const
test if SmartPtr is not NULp
Definition: smartptr.h:245
static RulePtr makeSimple(const string &src, const string &sep, const string &dest)
Definition: xferset.h:182
void saveReadConfig(ConfigMapping &cfgmap) const
Definition: xferset.cxx:460
Generic smart pointer.
Definition: smartptr.h:149
void add(RulePtr rule)
Definition: xferset.h:229
#define false
Definition: ureadseq.h:13
const string & targetField() const
Definition: xferset.h:153
#define xf_assert(cond)
Definition: xferset.h:31
bool shallTransferUndefFields() const
Definition: xferset.h:261
bool empty() const
Definition: xferset.h:225
static void error(const char *msg)
Definition: mkptypes.cxx:96
const string & getString() const
Definition: xferset.h:71
const string & getComment() const
Definition: xferset.h:259
Rule(const ReadRule &howRead, const WriteRule &howWrite)
Definition: xferset.h:174
void setComment(const string &newComment)
Definition: xferset.h:258
RuleContainer::const_iterator RuleIterator
Definition: xferset.h:208
GB_ERROR check_hkey() const
Definition: xferset.h:143
static ErrorOrRulePtr makeFromConfig(const char *config)
Definition: xferset.cxx:485
const string & getSourceFields() const
Definition: xferset.h:115
virtual bool shallCopyBefore() const =0
GB_ERROR get_error() const
Definition: xferset.h:325
static RulePtr makeAciConverter(const char *src, const char *sep, const char *aci, const char *dest)
Definition: xferset.h:183
GB_ERROR getError() const
Definition: xferset.h:75
ErrorOr< RulePtr > ErrorOrRulePtr
Definition: xferset.h:168
size_t size() const
Definition: xferset.h:226
string getConfig() const
Definition: xferset.cxx:472
TransportedData readFrom(GBDATA *gb_item, GBDATA *gb_dest_item) const
Definition: xferset.cxx:107
__ATTR__USERESULT GB_ERROR writeTo(const TransportedData &data, GBDATA *gb_item, bool acceptLossyConversion) const
Definition: xferset.cxx:258
Definition: arbdb.h:63
WriteRule(const char *name_, GB_TYPES forceType)
Definition: xferset.h:137
ItemClonedByRuleSet(GBDATA *&gb_item, ClonableItemType itemtype_, RuleSetPtr ruleset, ItemCloneType type_, GBDATA *gb_refItem, const AlignmentTransporter *aliTransporter)
Definition: xferset.cxx:623
__ATTR__USERESULT GB_ERROR transferBy(GBDATA *gb_source, GBDATA *gb_dest) const
Definition: xferset.cxx:285
void erase(int idx)
Definition: xferset.h:244
bool forcesType() const
Definition: xferset.h:155
void replace(int idx, RulePtr rule)
Definition: xferset.h:239
void saveWriteConfig(ConfigMapping &cfgmap) const
Definition: xferset.cxx:466
Definition: attributes.h:58
bool precisionLossPermitted() const
Definition: xferset.h:191
ReadRule(const string &fields_, const string &separator_)
Definition: xferset.h:99
#define NULp
Definition: cxxforward.h:116
static ErrorOrRuleSetPtr loadFrom(const char *filename)
Definition: xferset.cxx:368
SmartPtr< Rule > RulePtr
Definition: xferset.h:166
void set_transferUndefFields(bool transferThem)
Definition: xferset.h:262
Definition: arbdb.h:62
void extractUsedFields(StrArray &input, StrArray &output) const
Definition: xferset.cxx:39
GBDATA * gb_main
Definition: adname.cxx:32
ReadRule(const char *fields_, const char *separator_, const char *aci_)
Definition: xferset.h:105
SmartPtr< AlignmentTransporter > AlignmentTransporterPtr
Definition: xferset.h:288
virtual GB_ERROR transport(GBDATA *gb_src_item, GBDATA *gb_dst_item) const =0
RulePtr getPtr(int idx)
Definition: xferset.h:231
Definition: output.h:28
ErrorOr< RuleSetPtr > ErrorOrRuleSetPtr
Definition: xferset.h:212
Definition: arbdb.h:66
static TransportedData makeError(GB_ERROR error)
Definition: xferset.h:62
GB_TYPES getType() const
Definition: xferset.h:69
std::vector< RulePtr > RuleContainer
Definition: xferset.h:207
GB_write_int const char s
Definition: AW_awar.cxx:154