Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // =============================================================== //
2 // //
3 // File : ps_node.cxx //
4 // Purpose : //
5 // //
6 // Coded by Wolfram Foerster in October 2002 //
7 // Institute of Microbiology (Technical University Munich) //
8 // //
9 // //
10 // =============================================================== //
12 #include "ps_node.hxx"
14 using namespace std;
16 //
17 // *** disk output ASCII ***
18 //
19 bool PS_Node::saveASCII(PS_FileBuffer* _fb, char *buffer) { // buffer MUST be at least 100 chars long
20  unsigned int size;
21  int count;
22  //
23  // write num
24  //
25  count = sprintf(buffer, "N[%i", num);
26  _fb->put(buffer, count);
27  //
28  // write probes
29  //
30  size = countProbes();
31  if (size) {
32  count = sprintf(buffer, " P{%u", size);
33  _fb->put(buffer, count);
34  for (PS_ProbeSetCIter i=probes->begin(); i!=probes->end(); ++i) {
35  count = sprintf(buffer, " (%i_%i_%i)", (*i)->quality, (*i)->length, (*i)->GC_content);
36  _fb->put(buffer, count);
37  }
38  _fb->put_char('}');
39  }
40  //
41  // write children
42  //
43  size = children.size();
44  if (size) {
45  count = sprintf(buffer, " C<%u", size);
46  _fb->put(buffer, count);
47  for (PS_NodeMapIterator i=children.begin(); i!=children.end(); ++i) {
48  _fb->put_char('\n');
49  if (num == -1) _fb->put_char('+');
50  i->second->saveASCII(_fb, buffer);
51  }
52  _fb->put_char('>');
53  }
55  _fb->put_char(']');
56  return true; // success
57 }
60 //
61 // *** disk output ***
62 //
64  unsigned int size;
65  //
66  // write num
67  //
68  _fb->put_int(num);
69  //
70  // write probes
71  //
72  size = countProbes();
73  _fb->put_uint(size);
74  if (size) {
75  PS_Probe p;
76  for (PS_ProbeSetCIter i=probes->begin(); i!=probes->end(); ++i) {
77  p = **i;
78  _fb->put(&p, sizeof(PS_Probe));
79  }
80  }
81  //
82  // write children
83  //
84  size = children.size();
85  _fb->put_uint(size);
86  for (PS_NodeMapIterator i=children.begin(); i!=children.end(); ++i) {
87  i->second->save(_fb);
88  }
89  return true; // success
90 }
93 //
94 // *** disk input ***
95 //
97  unsigned int size;
98  //
99  // read num
100  //
101  _fb->get_int(num);
102  //
103  // read probes
104  //
105  _fb->get_uint(size);
106  if (size) { // does node have probes ?
107  probes = new PS_ProbeSet; // make new probeset
108  for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
109  PS_Probe *p = new PS_Probe;
110  _fb->get(p, sizeof(PS_Probe)); // read new probe
111  PS_ProbePtr new_probe(p); // make new probe-smartpointer
112  probes->insert(new_probe); // append new probe to probeset
113  }
114  }
115  else {
116  probes = NULp; // unset probeset
117  }
118  //
119  // read children
120  //
121  _fb->get_uint(size);
122  if (num == -1) {
123  for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
124  PS_NodePtr new_child(new PS_Node(-1)); // make new child
125  new_child->load(_fb); // read new child
126  children[new_child->getNum()] = new_child; // insert new child to childmap
127  if (i % 200 == 0) printf("loaded 1st level #%i (%i)\n", i+1, new_child->getNum());
128  }
129  }
130  else {
131  for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
132  PS_NodePtr new_child(new PS_Node(-1)); // make new child
133  new_child->load(_fb); // read new child
134  children[new_child->getNum()] = new_child; // insert new child to childmap
135  }
136  }
137  return true; // success
138 }
141 //
142 // *** disk input appending ***
143 //
145  unsigned int size;
146  //
147  // read num if root
148  //
149  if (num == -1) {
150  _fb->get_int(num);
151  }
152  //
153  // read probes
154  //
155  _fb->get_uint(size);
156  if (size) { // does node have probes ?
157  if (!probes) probes = new PS_ProbeSet; // make new probeset
158  for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
159  PS_Probe *p = new PS_Probe;
160  _fb->get(p, sizeof(PS_Probe)); // read new probe
161  PS_ProbePtr new_probe(p); // make new probe-smartpointer
162  probes->insert(new_probe); // append new probe to probeset
163  }
164  }
165  //
166  // read children
167  //
168  _fb->get_uint(size);
169  for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
170  //
171  // read num of child
172  //
173  SpeciesID childNum;
174  _fb->get_int(childNum);
175  if ((num == -1) && (i % 200 == 0)) printf("appended 1st level #%i (%i)\n", i+1, childNum);
176  //
177  // test if child already exists
178  //
179  PS_NodeMapIterator it = children.find(childNum);
180  if (it != children.end()) {
181  it->second->append(_fb); // 'update' child
182  }
183  else {
184  PS_NodePtr newChild(new PS_Node(childNum)); // make new child
185  newChild->append(_fb); // read new child
186  children[childNum] = newChild; // insert new child to childmap
187  }
188  }
189  return true; // success
190 }
193 //
194 // disk read with callback
195 // children are stored as child[0] one after the other
196 //
197 bool PS_Node::read(PS_FileBuffer* _fb, PS_Callback *_call_destination) {
198  unsigned int size;
199  //
200  // read num if root
201  //
202  if (num == -1) {
203  _fb->get_int(num);
204  }
205  //
206  // read probes
207  //
208  _fb->get_uint(size);
209  if (size) { // does node have probes ?
210  if (!probes) probes = new PS_ProbeSet; // make new probeset
211  for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
212  PS_Probe *p = new PS_Probe;
213  _fb->get(p, sizeof(PS_Probe)); // read new probe
214  PS_ProbePtr new_probe(p); // make new probe-smartpointer
215  probes->insert(new_probe); // append new probe to probeset
216  }
217  }
218  //
219  // callback
220  //
221  _call_destination->callback(this);
222  //
223  // read children
224  //
225  _fb->get_uint(size);
226  for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
227  //
228  // read num of child
229  //
230  SpeciesID childNum;
231  _fb->get_int(childNum);
232  if ((num == -1) && (i % 200 == 0)) printf("read 1st level #%i (%i)\n", i+1, childNum);
233  //
234  // read children
235  //
236  PS_NodePtr child(new PS_Node(childNum)); // make child
237  children[0] = child; // store child as Number Zero
238  child->read(_fb, _call_destination); // read child
239  children.erase(0); // remove previous child
240  }
241  return true; // success
242 }
void get(void *_data, int _length)
void put_char(unsigned char _c)
SpeciesID getNum() const
Definition: ps_node.hxx:72
bool save(PS_FileBuffer *_fb)
Definition: ps_node.cxx:63
void put_int(int _i)
PS_ProbeSet::const_iterator PS_ProbeSetCIter
Definition: ps_node.hxx:52
STL namespace.
virtual void callback(void *_caller)=0
Definition: seq_search.cxx:34
void put_uint(unsigned int _ui)
void get_uint(unsigned int &_ui)
bool append(PS_FileBuffer *_fb)
Definition: ps_node.cxx:144
Generic smart pointer.
Definition: smartptr.h:149
bool saveASCII(PS_FileBuffer *_fb, char *buffer)
Definition: ps_node.cxx:19
void put(const void *_data, int _length)
bool read(PS_FileBuffer *_fb, PS_Callback *_call_destination)
Definition: ps_node.cxx:197
bool load(PS_FileBuffer *_fb)
Definition: ps_node.cxx:96
void get_int(int &_i)
#define NULp
Definition: cxxforward.h:116
set< PS_ProbePtr, lt_probe > PS_ProbeSet
Definition: ps_node.hxx:49
PS_NodeMap::iterator PS_NodeMapIterator
Definition: ps_node.hxx:56