Directory AISC_COM/

Directory Created:
2000-11-23 11:41
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

        directory in repo AISC (8 files, 2077 lines)
        directory in repo C (15 files, 2740 lines)

Lines of Code

AISC_COM/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 13 (100.0%) 440 (100.0%) 33.8
oldcode 3 (23.1%) 257 (58.4%) 85.6
westram 10 (76.9%) 183 (41.6%) 18.3

Most Recent Commits

westram 2021-09-15 13:48 Rev.: 18729

* eliminate trailing whitespace from Makefiles.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • AISC_COM: Makefile (+1 -1)
westram 2011-04-14 10:40 Rev.: 7414

merged from dev [7373] [7375] [7376] [7377] [7378] [7379] [7380] [7381] [7382] [7383] [7384] [7385] [7386] [7387] [7388] [7389] [7390] [7391] [7392] [7393] [7394]
* AISC interpreter
- no longer print TABs (use spaces instead)
- new command INDENT +-<num> (old tab positions act relative to current indentation)
- each stream does formatting independently
- switching between output streams does no longer interfere indentation
- added smart tabulator '$|'
- new command '--' prints empty line
- new command 'PM' prints only if further output occurs (has to be used inside PMSTART/PMEND). Used to avoid empty loops etc.
- removed command 'P\t'
- added new conditional operator '<'
- error messages dump current data-cursor position
- added new command 'CONST' (write-protects variables)
* AISC scripts (.pa)
- removed definition of TABs (use default 4)
- indented
- use smart tabs and INDENT
- better error messages when MAX_OBJECT/MAX_KEY is too small
- use operator '<' for argc-check
* code generated by AISC scripts
- removed unneeded C compatibility
- load/save code only generated when needed (i.e. in nameserver)
- fixed indentation
- fixed constness
- removed many useless return values
- made most callbacks static; replaced the one (get_XXX_CNT) used by server-code by method get_count()
- server dll-objects derived from base-class-template; commented the undefined(but working) hack there
* AISC interface (.aisc)
- fixed plenking
- translated german comments
- reorganized interface IDs to reduce max. amount of attributes. MAX_KEY 100->42
- moved relative search into own ptserver object (PT_family). MAX_KEY 42->33
- changed MAGIC numbers to make communication between client/server before and after this patch impossible
- dont save dll-header to nameserver db (does nothing but generate unused code)
* client/server code
- no longer use old fashioned typenames (struct struct_blablabla)
- fixed constness
- moved invariable code from generator to server.c
* updated description of .aisc format (eliminated duplicated files)
* possibility to pass information from Makefile into AISC scripts

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • AISC_COM: keys.README (del)
westram 2009-04-30 10:55 Rev.: 5880

* revived Makefile deleted in [5875] - make proto in ../Makefile depends on it
* added some info about AISC_COM directory

16 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • AISC_COM: Makefile (new 16)
westram 2009-04-29 18:44 Rev.: 5875

* tweaked errors/warnings printed by AISC code generator
* AISC expression 'IF $(KEY)'. When variable KEY is empty or undefined, AISC regards the expression always as TRUE.
- On OSX this resulted in a bus error, cause the test for operator '!' accessed the byte b4 the empty expression. Fixed.
* made many functions static / commented out unused code
* deleted unused files
* added dependencies (AISC/*pa) to com makefiles -> recompile if any .pa changes

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • AISC_COM: Makefile (del), pb_com.aisc (del)
westram 2008-06-06 14:23 Rev.: 5390

- TAB-Ex

154 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • AISC_COM: keys.README (+45 -45), pb_com.aisc (+109 -109)
westram 2007-05-30 15:45 Rev.: 4637

- proper call of AISC/clean

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • AISC_COM: Makefile (+1 -1)
westram 2007-05-23 17:51 Rev.: 4602

- new target 'proto' (makes proto in subdir C)

3 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • AISC_COM: Makefile (+3)
westram 2003-10-09 12:17 Rev.: 2056

- depends on public server/client sources
- creates local dummy .depends [hmm .. does not work]

8 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • AISC_COM: Makefile (+8 -1)
oldcode 2000-11-23 11:41 Rev.: 2

Initial revision

257 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • AISC_COM: Makefile (new 32), keys.README (new 74), pb_com.aisc (new 151)
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